Cosma Empire

Chapter 7562

At the request of Mr. Bain, Alisa finally reluctantly agreed with Mr. Bain’s request. After changing his clothes, he pushed the baby carriage and Mr. Bain to walk in the park in the community. It is a high-end residential area in Shangcheng District. It is a middle class and a relatively successful government official. The environment is very beautiful and the security protection measures of the community are also in place. Many government officials live in this community.

Walking along the winding road in the park, strolling between the trees, the alternating spring and summer winds are hidden in the gentleness, which makes people feel relaxed and relaxed, and the whole heart is wide open.

“Don’t blame your mother, many times she is not malicious, but some mentality has become a habit, and don’t blame your younger brother, I didn’t teach him!”, Mr. Bain apologizes, Bain The lady and his son are always stimulating Alisa, thinking that Alisa is a shame of the Bain family and let them lose face. Mr. Bain also had a very headache. He had already warned the two people several times. Now they don’t say anything, but they are obviously cold.

This is very bad. The family should have been happy together, but it has become a luxury. He has also recently begun to reflect on his own experiences over the years. He feels that the problem is still on his own. His overly heavy work has neglected the discipline of family members. He has a great responsibility and must give Alisa to this. apologize.

“Sorry, I always wanted to say this, but you know…” Mr. Bain smiled bitterly. “Sometimes this sentence is very difficult to say…” Mr. Bain did not do enough for family discipline. Otherwise There won’t be so many things happening. Now he only hopes that the family can get along with each other and peace of mind. After he becomes the mayor, everything will change.

He knows that he has a wife and a child. When he becomes the mayor, they will rely on him and listen to what he said. This is the only way he can think of now. As for talking about, it is not very useful.

Alisa is also sighed. Since the day she saw Durin, her family has undergone tremendous changes in her life. It is hard to say regret or regret. After all, this is her life and her life.

“It doesn’t matter, father.”, Alisa laughed. “When I get better, I will move out after a while, so you won’t be bothered again.” Alisa’s face flashed a sorrow, but It was quickly replaced by strong. Her life has new hopes, she just wants to raise the child, which has become a deep magic in her heart.

Mr. Bain’s footsteps were stopped, and he stopped at the spot. He watched Alisa’s back as something wrong. The daughter had to move out because the mother and the younger brother were looking at her, and Mr. Bain felt that he should say something, but what Can’t say no. He took another step to catch up with Alisa, and both of them closed their mouths and kept talking. Deep down, Mr. Bain has been blaming himself for being too weak in resolving family relationships, which has led to the current situation.

锲炲埌瀹堕噷钖峣lisa 鎶 潃 child 涓娄 妤硷纴浠栫殑濡诲瓙涔熶粠澶栭 妤硷纴浠栫殑濡诲瓙涔熶粠澶栭 妤硷纴浠栫殑濡诲瓙涔熶粠澶栭 滐纴鍎垮瓙鍧愬湪瀹 一 (1) 巺岀湅 岀湅 鏂 鏂 鏂 鏂 in in in in in in in 儚娌 儚娌 lisa lisa lisa lisa lisa lisa lisa lisa lisa lisa lisa lisa lisa lisa lisa lisa lisa lisa 浜庤 浜庤 涓や 涓や 浜 岃 岃 岃 锛孉 锛孉 锛孉 锛孉 昏 昏 昏 昏 昏 昏 昏 昏 昏 彁璧禀 彁璧禀 彁璧禀 彁璧禀 濇椂锛屼粬浠殑鑴歌壊灏细细寰堥毦鐪嬶纴镒熻镊繁琚琚鍢茬瑧浜嗭纴鍢茬瑧浜嗭纴浠ラ毦鍏岖殑鎶婅浠ラ毦鍏岖殑鎶婅浠ラ毦鍏岖殑鎶婅湪蹇冮噷锛屽甫锲炲涓€

Bain 鍏堢敓闱(一)杩欐牱镄勫搴篃鍙︼兘镞犲镄勫徆鎭纴浠栧洖鍒杩欐牱镄勫搴篃鍙︼兘镞犲镄勫徆鎭纴浠栧洖鍒杩欐牱镄勫搴篃鍙︼兘镞犲镄勫徆鎭纴浠栧洖鍒鎴鎴Happy

褰 腑鍗堜竴瀹 腑鍗堜竴瀹 鍧愬湪涓 鍧愬湪涓 璧 璧 璧 嵈娌 嵈娌 湁涓 湁涓 瀹 瀹 瀹 瀹 瀹 姘涘洿镄勭敤椁愭椂锛岄棬 姘涘洿镄勭敤椁愭椂锛岄棬 姘涘洿镄勭敤椁愭椂锛岄棬 姘涘洿镄勭敤椁愭椂锛岄棬 姘涘洿镄勭敤椁愭椂锛岄棬栾椁愭杈 笂镄勬垚 笂镄勬垚 笂镄勬垚 橀兘 橀兘 滀笅浜嗘 涓殑锷ㄤ綔锛屾湜钖戜 涓殑锷ㄤ綔锛屾湜钖戜 澶 澶 澶 棬镄勬 棬镄勬 棬镄勬 钖戙

鍦ㄩ棬 threshold冨搷璧风殑绗笁娆★纴Bain 澶汉缁堜簬绔欎简璧锋潵锛岃蛋钖戜简澶ч棬澶勩€效綋濂 墦寮€澶ч棬镞讹纴 変簺镒忓镄勭湅镌 闂ㄥ涓や 闂ㄥ涓や 闂ㄥ涓や 闱炲 闱炲 呮皵镄剏 呮皵镄剏 ung ung ung ung oung people 銆傞 忚 忚 忚 杩欎袱涓﹄ 杩欎袱涓﹄ 杩欎袱涓﹄ 杩欎袱涓﹄ 杩欎袱涓﹄ 杩欎袱涓﹄ 佷 佷 佷 佷滈潬鍦ㄨ崏鍧镄勫洓杈呜豹杞】纴杩栾Bain 澶汉镄勮劯涓婂浜嗕竴浜涚瑧瀹广€

搴旇鏄潵阃佺ぜ镄勶纴濂 槸杩欎箞鎯 槸杩欎箞鎯 槸杩欎箞鎯 in ain 鍏堢敓杞鎴愪 灞 闀 闀 闀 闀 闀 佺ぜ镄 佺ぜ镄勪汉澶 澶 璁 璁 锛岃 锛岃 璁╁ス闱炲 璁╁ス闱炲 璁╁ス闱炲 璁╁ス闱炲 璁╁ス闱炲 镄勬 镄勬 € € € € € € € € € € € € €犲涔嬩笅鍕夊 鏀 鏀 捣瀵 阃佹潵镄勭ぜ鍝侊纴鍦ㄩ偅涓 阃佹潵镄勭ぜ鍝侊纴鍦ㄩ偅涓 阃佹潵镄勭ぜ鍝侊纴鍦ㄩ偅涓 阃佹潵镄勭ぜ鍝侊纴鍦ㄩ偅涓 阃佹潵镄勭ぜ鍝侊纴鍦ㄩ偅涓 鍒诲ス镒熻鍒 鍒诲ス镒熻鍒 鍒诲ス镒熻鍒 鍒诲ス镒熻鍒 嚜宸卞缑鍒 嚜宸卞缑鍒 嚜宸卞缑鍒 嚜宸卞缑鍒 嚜宸卞缑鍒Read 嶃

镓€浠ain 澶汉姝ゆ椂闱炲父鐭沧寔镄勬姮璧蜂简镓嬭厱锛屽井寰湁浜涚桠鎯戠殑闂寰湁浜涚桠鎯戠殑闂寰湁浜涚桠鎯戠殑闂滀綘浠湁浠€涔堜簨鎯呭悧锛熲€

绔椤湪 鍓嶉 鍓嶉 鍓嶉 绌 韬玝 韬玝 韬玝 韬玝 ack ack ack 镄剏 镄剏 镄剏 镄剏 ung ung ung ung ung ung ung ung ung ung ung ung ung ung濂冲+銆傗€

鈥淎lisa 锛熲 濓纴 濓纴 in Bain 澶 镄勮劯鑹 镄勮劯鑹 愭笎镄勫喎浜嗕笅鏉ワ纴濂 愭笎镄勫喎浜嗕笅鏉ワ纴濂 愭笎镄勫喎浜嗕笅鏉ワ纴濂 愭笎镄勫喎浜嗕笅鏉ワ纴濂 愭笎镄勫喎浜嗕笅鏉ワ纴濂 愭笎镄勫喎浜嗕笅鏉ワ纴濂 愭笎镄勫喎浜嗕笅鏉ワ纴濂 愭笎镄勫喎浜嗕笅鏉ワ纴濂 紑濮嫔杩欎袱涓 紑濮嫔杩欎袱涓 鐪 鐪 鐪 鐪 鐪 鐪Young people 鎸戝墧璧锋潵锛屸 滀綘浠槸璋侊纴 滀綘浠槸璋侊纴 続 続 浠 涔堜簨锛熲 涔堜簨锛熲 涔堜簨锛熲 in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in妸 妸 lisa lisa lisa lisa lisa lisa lisa lisa lisa lisa lisa lisa lisa lisa yo yo yo yo yo yo yo挶锛岃涓嶅嗳灏 槸浠栭獥浜咥 槸浠栭獥浜咥 槸浠栭獥浜咥 淎 淎 淎 鐜 鐜 湪涓嶈垝 湪涓嶈垝 湪涓嶈垝 涓嬫鍐嶆潵钖 涓嬫鍐嶆潵钖 涓嬫鍐嶆潵钖 涓嬫鍐嶆潵钖 涓嬫鍐嶆潵钖

涓岖瓑Durin 锲炵瓟浠€涔堬纴Bain 澶汉灏辫鍏 笂鎴 笂鎴 棬锛屽 棬锛屽 欙纴绐佺劧闂 欙纴绐佺劧闂埧闂ㄨ澶у姏镄勬帹寮€浜嗐€傞棬澶栫獊濡效叾鏉ョ殑锷涢噺璁〣ain 澶汉琚挒镄勮笁璺勪简涓€涓嬶纴宸偣鎽斿 掞纴濂 掞纴濂 湁浜涚緸鎭 湁浜涚緸鎭 湁浜涚緸鎭 寮 寮 寮 涓ゆ锛屼竴杈 嬭厱锛屼竴杈 嬭厱锛屼竴杈 嬭厱锛屼竴杈 嬭厱锛屼竴杈 嬭厱锛屼竴杈 嬭厱锛屼竴杈 嬭厱锛屼竴杈 嬭厱锛屼竴杈 嬭厱锛屼竴杈 嬭厱锛屼竴杈屽叆镄凞urin 锛屾湁浜涘嚩镫狅纴涔熸湁浜涜傧镐€

Bain 鍏堢敓绔嫔埢绔欎简璧锋潵moved towards 闂ㄥ彛璧板幓锛屽 ammonia Lian Family 涓敮涓€镄勭镄勭镄勭瀛╀篃绔欎璧璧 chain 堿lisa 锛屽偦鍌荤殑鍧愬湪椁愭杈 笂锛屾姳镌 child child child child child child hat hat silhouette 銆

鈥滃厛鐢燂纴浣犺 镙 镙 仛瀹炲湪鏄潪 仛瀹炲湪鏄潪 仛瀹炲湪鏄潪 ぜ锛屽鏋滀綘涓嶈兘澶熺粰鎴戜竴涓︼ ぜ锛屽鏋滀綘涓嶈兘澶熺粰鎴戜竴涓︼ ぜ锛屽鏋滀綘涓嶈兘澶熺粰鎴戜竴涓︼ ぜ锛屽鏋滀綘涓嶈兘澶熺粰鎴戜竴涓︼ ぜ锛屽鏋滀綘涓嶈兘澶熺粰鎴戜竴涓︼ ぜ锛屽鏋滀綘涓嶈兘澶熺粰鎴戜竴涓︼ ぜ锛屽鏋滀綘涓嶈兘澶熺粰鎴戜竴涓︼ 婏纴鎴戜 ぜ锛屽鏋滀綘涓嶈兘澶熺粰鎴戜竴涓︼ 镄勩€傗€濓纴Bain 鍏堢敓璧板埌浜咮ain 澶汉鍜娈urin 涔嬮棿锛屾克浣忎简浠栫殑濡诲瓙鍜宑hild 銆侭ain 鍏堢敓铏界劧鍦ㄥ寰呭搴叧绯讳笂 chain 夌偣杞 锛屼絾鏄湪 锛屼絾鏄湪 濇姢瀹 濇姢瀹 杩欐 杩欐 杩欐 杩欐 杩欐 杩欐 一 一 一 一 一 一 一 一 一

鈥沧偍涓 瀹 瀹 瀹 鏄 a a a in 濓纴 濓纴 濓纴 濓纴 濓纴 濓纴 濓纴 濓纴 濓纴 濓纴 濓纴 濓纴 濓纴 四 四 四 四 四 四 四 四 四 四 四鍙嶅簲杩囨潵镄凚ain 鍏堢敓鎻 鎻 鎻 纴鈥沧垜鏄疍 纴鈥沧垜鏄疍 纴鈥沧垜鏄疍 纴鈥沧垜鏄疍 in in in 纴鈥沧垜鏄疍 鏉ョ湅鐪婣 鏉ョ湅鐪婣 鏉ョ湅鐪婣 鏉ョ湅鐪婣 鏉ョ湅鐪婣 鏉ョ湅鐪婣 鏉ョ湅鐪婣 鍜屾垜镄刣 鍜屾垜镄刣 鍜屾垜镄刣 鍜屾垜镄刣 鍜屾垜镄刣 er er er 鍜屾垜镄刣 鍜屾垜镄刣Disease chain 夋墦 埌浣犱 埌浣犱 埌浣犱 銆傗 銆傗

闱(一)Durin 濡傛绠€娲佺殑璇存硶Bain 鍏堢敓镄勮剳瀛愰兘chain夌偣杞笉杩囨潵寮纴鐩嶅簲镄勫緢蹇纴闅忎 涓 鎸ゅ 鎸ゅ 鎸ゅ 鎸ゅ in in ain 鍏堢敓镄勬梺杈癸纴鈥滃 鏉ュ 鏉ュ 鏉ュ 鏉ュ 鏉ュ 鏉ュ 鏉ュ 娣 泲瀹 泲瀹 泲瀹 泲瀹慸aughter chain 鍏埚瓡鐢熷瓙锛屾粴锛屾粴鍑哄幓锛屾垜涓嶆兂鐪嬭浣狅紒鈥濓纴璇 潃濂 潃濂 瑕佸姩 瑕佸姩 瑕佸姩 瑕佸姩 瑕佸姩褰揿ス鎺ヨЕ鍒瘅urin 镄勭溂绁炵殑鐬棿锛屽姩浣滃 ammonia pot 滈】浜嗕竴涓嬨€

Durin faintly smiled and said 锛屸€滃コ澹纴璇风濂濂戒綘镄勫槾锛屽鏋滀綘镊綘镄勫槾锛屽鏋滀綘镊绠笉濂笉濂纴鎴戜笉浠嬫剰纴鎴戜笉浠嬫剰纴鎴戜笉浠嬫剰綘绠竴涓嬶紒鈥濓纴璇村畲浠栬缮镣 简 涓 涓嫔ご锛岀劧钖巐 涓嫔ご锛岀劧钖巐ooked towards 浜咮ain 鍏堢敓銆effect湪鍜孉lisa 镄勪氦娴佷腑锛屼粬寰楃煡Bain 鍏堢敓鏄竴涓ソ浜 纴 纴 夌偣鐑 夌偣鐑 ソ浜 镄勫潥鎸侊纴镐讳箣鏄竴涓ソ 镄勫潥鎸侊纴镐讳箣鏄竴涓ソ 镄勫潥鎸侊纴镐讳箣鏄竴涓ソ 镄勫潥鎸侊纴镐讳箣鏄竴涓ソ 镄勫潥鎸侊纴镐讳箣鏄竴涓ソ 镄勫潥鎸侊纴镐讳箣鏄竴涓ソ 镄勫潥鎸侊纴镐讳箣鏄竴涓ソ 镄勫潥鎸侊纴镐讳箣鏄竴涓ソ 镄勫潥鎸侊纴镐讳箣鏄竴涓ソ 镄勫潥鎸侊纴镐讳箣鏄竴涓ソ 镄勫潥鎸侊纴镐讳箣鏄竴涓ソ浜嗭纴 浠ヤ粬 浠ヤ粬 浠ヤ粬 浠ヤ粬 存 存 in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in

鈥滃摝锛熷晩锛佸彲浠ワ纴褰撶劧鍙互锛佲€濓纴Bain 鍏堢敓璁╁紑浜呜韩浣嶏纴闾€璇稤urin 杩涘幓銆

璧 繘瀹 繘瀹 一 一 巺锛娈 巺锛娈 巺锛娈 巺锛娈 巺锛娈 巺锛娈 lisa lisa lisa lisa lisa lisa lisa lisa lisa lisa lisa lisa lisa lisa lisa lisa lisa lisa lisa lisa lisa lisa lisa lisa lisa嚭浜嗙湡璇氱殑绗戝锛屼粬澶 璧 璧 铡 铡 lisa lisa lisa lisa Alisa 镄勮 Han 杈癸纴浣庡ご鐪嬬潃 Alisa 镐 涓殑 涓殑 涓殑 锛岀獊鐒剁 锛岀獊鐒剁毐璧 鐪夊ご銆侫 鐪夊ご銆侫 lisa lisa chain 潵涓嶆兂璇 瘽锛屼絾鏄ス鐪嬭 Durin 镄勮 umbrella 骞呮 镙 镙 纴鍙埚繊涓崭綇灏忓 纴鍙埚繊涓崭綇灏忓 瑙 瑙 瑙浜呜捣鏉ワ纴鈥渃hild 灏忕殑镞跺€欓兘鏄 Umbrella 镙 纴绛夐昵澶 纴绛夐昵澶 竴浜涘 竴浜涘 竴浜涘 竴浜涘 竴浜涘 竴浜涘 竴浜涘 ケ婊 ケ婊 ケ婊 锛屽 锛屽 锛屽 锛屽 锛屽 锛屽 锛屽鐪嬨€傗€

濂 € € € 岀殑濂 岀殑濂 岀殑濂 変簺镄 変簺镄 変簺镄 毐宸 毐宸 毐宸 毐宸 毐宸 毐宸 毐宸 毐宸 镄刢 镄刢 镄刢 镄刢 镄刢 镄刢 镄刢 镄刢 镄刢 镄刢 镄刢忎竴镣癸纴镄偆涓婄殑镄 涔熷涓 涔熷涓 浜 浜 浜 浜 浜 浜

Durin 鎱(二)参镄勬姮璧峰ご锛岀湅镌€Alisa 锛屸€滀负浠€涔堜笉鍦ㄥ尰闄(一)浣忎竴娈垫椂闂达纻鎴戠浉淇′ 五(五)噷Rudder

Alisa 娌°C湁璇 瘽锛屽叾瀹炰笉缁 浣忛櫌镄勫 浣忛櫌镄勫 浣忛櫌镄勫 浣忛櫌镄勫 锲犲緢澶 锲犲緢澶 锲犲緢澶 鏂 鏂 鏂 鏂 鏂 鏂 鏂 鏂 鏂 鏂缁忛潪 缁忛潪 ǔ瀹 ǔ瀹 ǔ瀹 ǔ瀹 ǔ瀹 瑕佺 瑕佺 瑕佺 瑕佺 瑕佺 瑕佺 瑕佺 瑕佺 瑕佺 瑕佺 瑕佺 瑕佺 in in in in in in in in in in in寰椾笉暗瑕佷綇闄 瑕佷綇闄 锛岄珮绾 锛岄珮绾 梾鎴 梾鎴 梾鎴 殑璐 殑璐 殑璐 殑璐 笉鏄竴绗斿皬鏁 笉鏄竴绗斿皬鏁 笉鏄竴绗斿皬鏁 笉鏄竴绗斿皬鏁 洰锛屾 洰锛屾 洰锛屾杩欎簺阍卞杩欎 瀹跺 瀹跺 瀹跺 鏉ヨ杩樿兘澶熻礋鎷呯殑璧 纴浣嗘槸娴︼ 纴浣嗘槸娴︼ 纴浣嗘槸娴︼ 涓猟 涓猟 涓猟 涓猟 涓猟 涓猟 涓猟 涓猟瀛愯 瀛愯 涓娿 傛瘮璧 傛瘮璧 aught aught aught aught aught in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in

Alisa 娌°C湁锲炵瓟锛孉lisa 镄剏ounger brother 掓槸绔欎 鍑 鍑 滀綘璋佸晩锛屼竴镣 滀綘璋佸晩锛屼竴镣 滀綘璋佸晩锛屼竴镣 滀綘璋佸晩锛屼竴镣 滀綘璋佸晩锛屼竴镣 滀綘璋佸晩锛屼竴镣 ぜ璨岄兘娌 ° °卞 瀵 瀵 垜浠殑瀹 簨鎸囨 簨鎸囨 鍒掕剼锛屽緢鐑 綘鐭ラ 綘鐭ラ 綘鐭ラ 綘鐭ラ 綘鐭ラ 綘鐭ラ 滵 滵 滵 滵 滵 滵 滵 滵 滵 滵 滵 滵 滵 滵涓 杈 杈 杈 锛屸 滀綘灏 滀綘灏 滀綘灏 滀綘灏 偅涓狲 偅涓狲 瀛旷殑鐢 瀛旷殑鐢 瀛旷殑鐢 瀛旷殑鐢 瀛旷殑鐢 瀛旷殑鐢 瀛旷殑鐢 〔 〔 〔 〔 〔 〔 〔 〔 〔 〔 〔 〔 〔 〔 〔 Brother 闱炲 镄勪笉鐖 A A Alisa 涓ゆ chain 鍏埚瓡杩樻妸 child 鐢熶 涓嬫潵锛屼 涓嬫潵锛屼 浠兘璇 浠兘璇 浠兘璇 浠兘璇 浠兘璇 変竴涓︻鐢熸Destroy the lder sister 锛岀敋镊 湁浜 湁浜 湁浜 嬁浠栧紑鐜╃瑧锛岄棶鑳 浠栫殑 浠栫殑 浠栫殑 浠栫殑 浠栫殑 浠栫殑 浠栫殑 浠栫殑 浠栫殑 浠栫殑 浠栫殑 浠栫殑 浠栫殑 浠栫殑 浠栫殑 浠栫殑 浠栫殑 child child child镊虫湁浜洪湁浜Arg皯阍卞彲浠ュ拰浠杄lder sister 鏉ヤ竴娆°€

闱(1) 杩欎簺涔 竷鍏碂镄勮皟渚冨拰鍢茬瑧锛岃浠栧 竷鍏碂镄勮皟渚冨拰鍢茬瑧锛岃浠栧 屾湁涓 屾湁涓 绉嶅缁堟棤娉曞彂娉勭殑镒ゆ 绉嶅缁堟棤娉曞彂娉勭殑镒ゆ 掞纴杩 掞纴杩垏镄勬兂瑕佸彂娉勫嚭铡 € 鏋滀笉鏄 鏋滀笉鏄 a a a a a 鐩 鐩 鐩 鐩 鐩 鐩 鐩 鐩 lisa lisa lisa lisa lisa lisa lisa Simple


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