Cosma Empire

Chapter 680

“Can I go out and breathe?” Mennon knocked open the door and watched an officer outside the door complain. “I have not left the building for more than ten days. I want to go outside. Breathing and breathing fresh air, even if there is no problem at the door.” In order to guard Mennon from letting him have too much contact with the outside world, the house he lives in now has no windows, and the commander allows him to walk around the building. But can’t leave, can’t get close to the window.

He could hardly contact anyone. Even when he was on the phone, people here thought he used a whisper in normal communication. He immediately hang up and warned him that he is still seriously suspected. The suspect, before the messy things in the west were completely settled, he could not have a connection with the outside world beyond the scope of work. These people even asked him to say only the simple words “yes” and “not” on the phone.

The officer expressedless closed the door, facing the door panel, and Mennon was heavily sighed, which was troublesome.

He can only rely on his own hopes to be able to guess his current mind and evaporate the executives of the West Mine, so that he can make him safe.

Just when Mennon considered how to contact the outside world, the other three executives of the West Mine decided. As their companions said yesterday, the situation has not deteriorated, and they have tried to leave the empire before they are controlled. They stayed in this position for more than a decade, and they have already taken enough benefits in these years to allow them to include their family and future generations to squander generations. There is no need to stay here for the power of collapse. Waiting to die.

In order to avoid the surveillance they might encounter, they held a dance to celebrate the annihilation of the Freedom Front and the mining trade in the West could continue normal.

In the dressing room, the four executives met again.

“I feel that someone is monitoring us. We must speed up the action. There are still three hours. Federer’s traitor is about to stand in the spotlight. After he finishes his shit, I am afraid we have no time.” The guy who had a “transaction” with Durin sat in a chair, and he picked up a fader that was specifically used to cut his hair and pushed a line in the middle of his head. A large, well-maintained hair fell to the ground, revealing some gray hair roots.

The other three knew for a moment what the guy was doing. Since someone was monitoring them, their departure must be done without alarming anyone. There is nothing better than disguising yourself during the dance. So they also began to use the tools found in the dressing room to change their appearance.

Soon the man turned himself into a bald head, and even his eyebrows were shaved by him. He used cosmetics to darken his skin tone, a bit like a provincial lover. When he took off his coat under the inexplicable gaze of others and took out a suit similar to a mascot from the box next to him, one of them couldn’t help but ask, “Are you ready?”

He drank a little. “Whether you leave the empire, I will leave the empire. I have arranged for my family to leave yesterday night. They are not yet under surveillance. At least I know that. You are better able to I want to tell them a little, then meet at Confederation.” As he spoke, he put on the seemingly childish clothes.

It was a large plush toy jacket with the image of a miner. The exaggerated image of the miner was full of cartoon visual effects, and he could not directly see him. He looked outside through a large hole in the miner’s mouth. Even if he saw his eyes from the outside, he couldn’t tell who this person was. Only by letting him take off the suit can he see his appearance. But at such a dance, who will go to a staff member wearing cartoon plush clothes?

The other three are not talking about their hearts but they are always secretive. This old thing is really worthy of the heart. This big family business says that you don’t want to, you have already sent your family away. At the same time, they are also considering how to tell their families to leave the empire as soon as possible.

The guilt and reluctance in the heart are definitely not words or expressions. They have lived in this empire for decades, from the aristocratic period to the new era today, they have feelings for everything here, and their Half of the family business is here, and can’t take it.

Those villas, manors, art and various real estates and valuable luxury art will become collectors’ collections, and their beloved things will become the darlings of the auction, which makes their hearts drop blood. Why are you not able to get down? Perhaps they felt their attachment to the empire when making a choice.

Four people quickly changed their clothes, one of them in the coat asked in a low, muffled voice, “Why are you only a miner? Why are we all stones?”


A miner walked out of the dressing room along with three rickety gold ore, and everyone who saw them smiled, and some children came up to touch them, just let the children feel that the experience was poor. The cute cartoon image did not give them a positive response, but instead let them roll away as their parents and elders did.

The miners looked back and saw the second gold ore behind him. “You can’t say them. If you bring their parents, we can’t run away.” After that, he continued to move forward. In the mind, the meeting Durin explained his things last night.

To be honest, he is a bit confused about why Durin wants to do this. If he really wants to let these people disappear, it’s not enough to find a chance to get rid of them. Why should they help them? At this time, leave the empire and go to Confederation, not to a farther country. Although he feels that Confederation is the best choice in his heart, at least the social environment there is good, the rich man dominates everything, but he does not understand what it is for.

Last night he also called his family with his family. He only knew that his family had already boarded the passenger ship to Confederation, and he would arrive in Confederation in about three days.

The more strange Durin behaves, the more he reflects, is this a trap? But Durin didn’t have to deceive him because Durin arranged for a naval train to send them to the West Coast to take a naval warship to Confederation.

There is a feeling in his heart that Durin is using himself. But at this time, what can I do besides being used?

Just after the four of them came out from the back door, a car slowly approached them, a military vehicle.

Military vehicles are wider than ordinary domestic cars. There are three rows of seats in the car. Two soldiers are sitting in the front main driver’s seat and the passenger seat. The soldier sitting in the passenger seat shook the window and snorted. “Take the clothes off the car, and there are clothes for you in the third row of seats.”

The four didn’t have any hesitation. They took off their cartoon jackets and got into the car. In the third row of seats, they found four military uniforms. After they put on these military uniforms and put on the military caps, they looked It is also like a soldier, at least a bare head. The only thing that may not be like is their age.

Fortunately, no one in Vanler City will block such military vehicles that are all military. First of all, military vehicles are not easy to get things. If there is a gendarmerie inspection, the soldiers in the cab can cope with the past.

Just as they were sitting in the military vehicle at the station, a car passed by them.

“I think I already know what to say.” Federer reversed the three notes on the armrest between the two seats, listing some of the cores he needed to say when he spoke, and possibly How to answer some of the martyrdom questions. In order to write down the content, he spent four days, almost every minute and every second in the memory of the content.

Ellis took the scripts in his hands. He randomly asked questions from Federer. The upcoming press conference was very important. It decided whether Durin’s plan would be successful and could not tolerate even a slight mistake.

As soon as this press conference ended, Perfection will soon calm down.

Time passed by, Federer, who slept for a while in the hotel room, was woken up by Durin, changed her clothes and followed Durin, and arrived at the third floor of the hotel by elevator, there is a hall. The moment they pushed the door open into the hall, they almost couldn’t open their eyes when they flashed the magnesium lamp. This time, not only reporters in the empire, but also journalists from other countries, after all, enslaving nationals acting as slaves is a matter of stimulating the sensitive nerves of the country. They must come over to find out what is going on, to facilitate those. The big man makes the right judgment in international affairs.

Durin sat on the left hand side of Federer, and the position on the right hand was empty. Federer didn’t bother to think about why someone was late. He squinted and stood up and waved at the reporter in the hall, and said, “Thank you very much for your ability to come to this press conference. I am here today, and I will publicize some horrible things that you don’t know. Maybe…”

His words have not been finished, and a reporter suddenly asked aloud, “Mr. Federer, why do you want to ‘other people’ stand up to expose these? Is it because you have been squeezed?”

All eyes were on the reporter and then concentrated on Federer’s face.

In the lecture provided to him by Durin, there was a similar problem. He replied without considering it: “Because of responsibility, this is my social responsibility as an empire citizen living in this country. My morality tells me that I can no longer Silence is gone!”

“Even if I didn’t stand up, I believe there will be others standing up, I just stood up earlier, that’s it!”

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