Cosma Empire

Chapter 394

“I really didn’t think that you haven’t seen it in just over a year or two. You have grown to this point!” Heideller was very emotional. Who can think of the young people who were in jail at Tenel? After such a short period of time, I completed the counterattack and became the mayor of a city.

From the moment he got off the bus, he noticed that the city is different. The urban vitality of the hustle and bustle is like a heart that beats and pounces, and people can clearly perceive the pulse of the city. Pedestrians walking down the street are either hurrying or smiling, and rarely see people who are frowning. This is a city with Transcendent potential, a city that is in the midst of a change in life form!

The creator of all this is the young and embarrassing guy, Durin.

Durin laughed, such a compliment that he had already heard boredom, and could no longer make him feel a sneak peek, but rather boring.

Heideller adjusted his mindset and said: “This time I will be commissioned to build the Chamber of Commerce branch in Otis and use it as the core of the Chamber of Commerce throughout the state, which will attract more businessmen to come here later.” After observing Durin’s expression, there is no expression change on the other’s face. He doesn’t know if he is not clear enough, or Durin thinks it doesn’t matter.

In fact, the establishment of a Chamber of Commerce branch is very important for any city. To a small point, there will be a resident general meeting member in the branch, which will attract more capitalists to enter the city. Quickly understand the changes in the Chamber of Commerce’s policy and changes in funding. Too big to say, it will attract many capitalists to invest in the city. After all, the relationship between the branch and the city hall and the state government is much better than that of ordinary businessmen.

If the power of Chamber of Commerce can be used to gain support from the city hall or state government and policy tilt, it is highly likely that these businessmen will change their “destiny.”

Heideller had thrown a huge bait, but he didn’t get enough response. He grabbed his brow slightly and smiled and said: “There may be many things that need to be bothering you in the coming days.”

Durin heard a smile on his face. “I am grateful to the Chamber of Commerce branch for falling in Otis. But Otis is a city that is not the same as anywhere else. It’s a Special Zone. ‘!”

“So what is Special Zone?”, Durin glanced at Heideller and Heideller became serious.

Previously, some of their conference chairpersons discussed this matter by way of a call, Special Zone, then what does the Special Zone mean? If you simply analyze it according to the material submitted by Harry, there is not much useful information to analyze. This kind of fresh administrative unit and the special meaning of richness make people feel unconscious while at the same time attracting feel.

Durin took a cigarette from the cigarette case, shrugged his bladder. “Special Zone means in this area, I have the final say!”, he smiled and took a cigarette and took a sip, slowly spit out, “First of all I think there are three different parts, and the three most different parts from other places.”

“You please say…” Heideller used the honorific words unconsciously, even he himself did not realize this. Just as Durin spoke in a moment, a raging momentum instantly sprang from his body, and Heideller, who was pressing, had a few seconds of breathing. Such a horrible momentum he has only seen in several old members of parliament and some governors.

This may be a bit of a mystery, so popular, that is, at the moment of Durin’s opening, his self-confidence makes him almost ready to release light…

Under such circumstances, Heideller involuntarily used honorific words to show respect for Durin’s status and respect for identity.

“The first piece, tax. I don’t care what tax plan is implemented in other regions, but in Otis, I will implement another tax plan.” These are all things that Durin thought during this time, wanting to make a The city has become prosperous, and in addition to turning this place into a place where everyone can release pressure, it also needs a large circulation of goods.

The capitalists are indeed abhorrent, and the behavior of capital is indeed abhorrent, but it cannot be denied all benefits because of odious. Without the operation of these capitalists and capital, this world ghost knows what it will look like.

So Durin doesn’t refuse, but he needs control, and the way to control is tax.

Durin remembers seeing such a news in a dream, a country sues another country for dumping, and filed an anti-dumping lawsuit to raise tariffs on some goods. This ensures that a certain commodity is protected, but the merchants in another country immediately begin to transform and dump other commodities that are not restricted and impose high tariffs into the country. In the face of more categories of dumped goods, a country has recognized it.

This is very similar to the Special Zone in Otis, not because someone dumped things into Otis, but about how to control the business people. When a commodity is levied a higher tax, the purchasing power of the consumer will decrease, the temptation of the commodity will be insufficient, and the capitalist will change his business type in order to obtain more profits. Just like tobacco, the tobacco tax is actually very low, but if the tobacco in Otis raises the tax, it will probably cause many people to smoke.

Without the power of consumption, naturally those who sell tobacco begin to change careers. Maybe they start selling toothpaste, maybe start selling socks, but they will never sell tobacco again.

Durin intends to try to regulate the market in Otis through free taxation and to constrain the power of capital.

Once the effect is obvious, maybe the entire empire will start trials soon.

If you put yourself in the perspective of a businessman, you must do it yourself. But Durin never thought of himself as a businessman. He was just an “ordinary person.”

When Heideller heard that Durin was so interested, he hadn’t had time to ask Durin what he was going to do. Durin said the second feature that was different from other places. “In Otis, there is no ban. Everything will be sold to a limited or limited amount. Whether it is wine or ghost mushrooms, including any merchandise including weapons, it is in our plan.”

“Thirdly, all monopoly industries in Otis must be licensed by me to operate.”

If the first two also made Heideller very interested, and once felt that he was here to be a very good decision, then Durin’s last sentence made him feel that it was not so happy.

It is well known that the most profitable industries and trading are always brought about by monopoly. Monopoly means that you can sell a penny to one hundred, and you can’t buy it from other places.

Now the most troublesome thing for the empire is monopoly. The tycoons of various industries have formulated the rules of the game in the industry. Even the official has no power to intervene, resulting in the lack of power in the official field, and the gap is growing. . The only thing that is fortunate is that the resources of Jingjing are firmly in the hands of the royal family. In fact, this is also a monopoly, but the destructiveness of this monopoly is smaller than the damage caused by other monopolies.

Durin does not want to have a monopoly in Otis. The monopoly industry means abducting ordinary citizens. When these capitalists have accumulated a certain amount of strength, they will try to force the city hall.

This has already appeared in other places. On Durin’s site, only one voice is allowed, which is what Durin said.

Only one will is allowed, and that is his will.

Heideller frowns thought about it, and for a moment he asked: “I can understand your thoughts, but what are you going to do in the face of smuggling?”

Durin snorted and shook his head. “First, you don’t understand that there is no such thing as smuggling in Otis, because all goods are legal. Second, no one dares to smuggle here!”

If someone else said this, Heideller didn’t believe it, but Durin said it, he definitely believed it.

The emergence of Heideller and the establishment of the Chamber of Commerce branch is like a signal, a banner. Before Otis, there was almost no power that could be called a capitalist, but on the second day, there were already capitalists. It is the main hall and ask about support and policy about investment.

This is the influence of the Chamber of Commerce. These people are all pushed to Natalie. He needs to leave and leave Otis.

The cause of the incident stemmed from the fact that after Heideller left, he was also ready to go out to eat. As a result, the phone rang at the moment he closed the door. This time it was a call from someone he unexpectedly, from Graf.

After Durin kicked out Graf, he would give him a 30,000-piece “divided” every month. The business on Tenel has long since stopped, but Durin remembers Graf’s good. If you didn’t start to start yourself at the beginning, if you didn’t run around with him, you might think about what to do in the dormitory where Tenel was full of sweat and smeared on the wall poster.

He is a person who knows how to be grateful, and his grievances must be clearly defined. This is what the big man said to himself many times in his dreams. To be a person, you must love and hate clearly, gratitude and grudges are clear, only then the mainstream society will accommodate you and tolerate you.

Graf has helped him a lot, so no matter what business Tenel has, no matter what he said at the beginning, he will continue to implement his promise.

It was a surprise to receive Graf’s call to Durin, but what followed was to make him feel a bit ridiculous.

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