Cosma Empire

Chapter 390

After waiting for more than 20 minutes, Alisa’s crying gradually stopped. She stood up and walked out of the bathroom to take off her clothes. The red fruit went in. The sound of the shower made Durin feel a little worried, and he remembered the day when Kevin was invited.

The girl whose name is called is soft like a bone. Listening to Kevin said that most women come out of the theater. They have to undergo strict physical training since childhood, and all kinds of postures can be placed for you. come out.

There was a smile on his face that Durin didn’t know. He touched his chin and didn’t know what he thought. He couldn’t help but laugh.

The shower stopped and Durin looked at the washroom.

This hotel was not built to be a hotel, so the size of each house is limited, and there is no such thing as a bend.

Alisa pushed the door open and the drops of water popped up from the skin as she moved every step of the way. After taking a bath towel and drying her hair, she walked over to Durin and looked at him.

This is not the first time that Durin has appreciated a woman’s body, nor is it the first time she saw Alisa. He felt that Alisa’s mood was a bit wrong. She took the bath towel from her hand and wrapped Alisa. He could feel Alisa’s body still shaking slightly through the palm of her hand. She looked up at Durin with her face up, and some strange rays of light in her eyes were flashing.

“Our child can’t find it, isn’t it?”, she wrapped her towel and lowered her head. This time she didn’t have a heartbreaking cry, and there was no hysterical action to make an unexpected move. I am myself, bow my head and cry silently.

The drops of water and the tears drip together, so that Durin couldn’t tell which drop was tears, and which drop was water drops. “Why would you say that?”

Alisa had some laughter in the liver. “You still don’t understand? One year, they can’t find our child. They just keep telling me that they will find… they will find it. When can I find it? Can I ‘find’? They don’t even know who took our children, but let me wait for their news. Durin…” She looked up at Durin, her red eyes were red and swollen. Our child can’t find it, is it? Even if you are, you can’t find it, right?”

Durin suddenly felt a bit of pain in his gums. He pouted and pretended to think for a while, and gave an answer full of hope. “Yes, we will find him, I swear!”, at the same time he also Thinking about how to solve this problem, I told Alisa when he was almost the same, he found the child back, but because of the child safety issue, Mr. Little Cosma will be fostered in Purple Alfalfa Town.

The perfect solution, Durin’s heart guilty because of Alisa’s previous pain outside the station disappeared instantly, which made him a lot easier.

“Trust me, I can definitely get him back…” Durin continued to comfort Alisa. He felt that Alisa’s mood was wrong. What if Alisa committed suicide after he left? So he decided to stay, take good care of the girl, and then wait for the day to call Mr. Bain and ask him to pick up Alisa.

The towel on Alisa suddenly fell to the ground, and she held Durin tightly. “Let’s regenerate one!”

“No… Why do I feel that my ability to think can’t keep up with your rhythm?” Durin made a joke, but he saw a really serious expression, which may indeed be Alisa’s idea.

Although I don’t understand why I have to be born with myself, the idea itself is a bit confusing, perhaps to transfer emotions?

Just as Durin couldn’t figure out the situation, Alisa had bitten his neck gently…

Early the next morning, when the sun was transmitted through the thick curtains into the room, Durin woke up in a sigh, or the first sigh after waking up. He glanced at Alisa lying in bed, turned and sat up, looking at the yellowed ceiling that could not be hidden after hiding the white paint, feeling that he might have little control over his desire. However, he thought about it and thought it was normal.

After all, I am still young, how can I completely hold all my desires in my hands like the big dreams in my dreams? And when the old man was young, he seemed to be passing through the flowers, which made him a little more comfortable.

Looking at the face and tears, Alisa, who was tightly gripping the quilt, Durin put her quilt on her body, obscuring the skin with healthy color.

It was a bit crazy last night. When he stood up, he felt his legs a bit sour. Alisa transferred her feelings about Mr. Little Cosma to one of the 200 million children who might not have found the right place. He feels that it will be better to explain this matter after a while, at least there must be an “operational” process. He does not believe that his gun is so accurate, so there is no burden.

He rinsed his body and put on his clothes. It might be that the movement was a little bigger, or for some other reason, Alisa also woke up. Her eyes fell a little around and circled on Durin’s body. The keen sense of her body told her that she seemed to have some changes in her body. The next moment she wrapped herself in a tight, sulking gnashing teeth. Shouted “despicable”!

Wait, is there something that isn’t quite right, Durin looks at Alisa with a sneak peek, and Alisa squats back.

Ok, now Durin is relieved. At this time, Alisa has come out of the mood of yesterday’s collapse. He shrugged his head and made a helpless expression. He turned and pushed the door away. There are still a few things that he needs to deal with in the morning. He doesn’t have time to explain anything here, or his children’s feelings.

After Durin left, Alisa’s expression returned to nature. She jumped out of bed and locked the door. Then she looked down at her belly and gently stroked her hand. The sacred motherhood glowed on her face.

After yesterday’s venting, she was much better. She rested back on the door and the sorrow of her eyes flashed away.

Some things can be transferred, but some things can’t be forgotten!

She is pressing Durin, but she is not willing to put too much pressure on Durin!

It’s just that Alisa may not know, in fact, Durin has no burden at all, because he knows where the child is, and also thinks of a good solution.

Not long after arriving in the office in the morning, Merlin joined Dove.

“What do you want me to do?” Merlin sat on the sofa. He didn’t like this soft sofa very much. He liked a hard stone-like chair. He sat a little uncomfortably and sat forward. “You can. If you learn something, don’t send me!”

This question is really a bit difficult. Originally, he also planned to learn from the big man in the dream, and let two warehouses let them play, but later I felt that Merlin after all is his own big brother. When I was a child, I worked hard to help. I have done a lot of work for myself. It is a bit unreasonable not to give him a chance. After a brief thought, Durin returned the problem to Merlin.

“What do you like to do? Or what kind of person do you want to be?” Durin took a cigarette and put it on his mouth, then threw a whole box. Third Brother sneaked a cigarette twice at home, and the wine was drunk a lot. He spit a smog, “Police, lawyers, doctors, teachers… this can’t be, or a businessman, etc., what job I give you depends on what you want to do.”

Merlin recalled what he would do. It seems that he will not have much more than cattle and farming. Oh, yes, he will fight!

The strongest fighting in Purple Alfalfa Town is undoubtedly the “half dragon race” of the Layton family, followed by Mr. Cosma’s family. Every year, more than one hundred kilograms of border stone in the field will always be inexplicable to other people’s homes. Run a few meters. Mrs. Cosma would explain that the wind is too big, but according to others, it is Mr. Cosma’s family who secretly harvested their food.

The best way to solve problems in the country is never to find someone to solve, but to use your own fist.

At Purple Alfalfa Town, the combat power of Mr. Cosma’s family is obvious to all.

However, this is not what I want to do. Merlin scratched his head. He didn’t know how to express his thoughts. In the end, he could only mutter: “You look at the arrangement!”

If you let everyone choose the most annoying word, it might be the word “just”, because you never know how much “just” the other person is.

Durin blinked his eyes. For a long time, he didn’t know how to arrange it. After a long while, he thought of a place. “I will give you a school first, learn to read and write, and learn a little more by the way.” What about the interest, how?”

Merlin nodded, “You just look at the arrangement.”

Durin immediately picked up the number of Mr. Jack who dialed the phone and entrusted him to help him find an adult school in Namelin, and also let him arrange a place to live, as well as a private car coach. He didn’t want to send Merlin away, but as his career progressed, no culture really couldn’t fit into his current “team.”

There is no opinion on Merlin. He thinks that this is actually quite good. After all, these metropolises are too mysterious to him. He really needs to learn everything about what is happening here.

“Wait, I will let you take you to the bank to open a house and tell you how to access the cash. I will give you a sum of money every month, enough for you to live in the nanometer.” Durin put down the phone. Walk to Merlin and squat on his shoulder with a smile: “I welcome you on behalf of the new World!”

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