Cosma Empire

Chapter 341: Mediation [2]

When Sai Li came out of the house that was about to collapse, looking at a stack of papers in her hand, she suddenly felt that smuggling was a stupid thing. Because some people started to **** blood from them in a more clever way, and these people lived in Otis.

The timid-looking young man was willing to provide Cyrie with a complete set of documents, and he showed his brand new winemaking license and wine sales license, and then came up with a patent called "Concentrated Wine Blend formula". To put it simply, these people have legalized highly alcohol to some extent. It takes a lot of money to get this complete set of documents from here, and it is not a one-time. Each authorization cycle is only one quarter. After more than a quarter, you must come back here and be slaughtered by that guy before you can continue to be legal. "Smuggling" private wine.

Sui Li suddenly felt a bit dull. When all this was legalized, was it still smuggling?

What about the smuggling atmosphere?

What about the tension during smuggling?

The kind of uneasy praying constantly, when I arrived at my destination, there was no joy and a sense of accomplishment?

Does it mean that soon they will become smuggling gangs and become businessmen?

She didn't know, and she wasn't interested in knowing. She returned to the station with all the certificates and pulled out her two carriages with a tractor from the police. Looking at the two carriages parked on the side road, Sai Li was a little hesitant. After going back this time, I am afraid that all smuggling rules in the north-south direction have to be changed? She doesn't know what kind of confidence the adult mayor has to do such things that others dare not do, but as long as he can persist ...

It is impossible to imagine how much profit will be eaten here in the huge smuggling trade between North and South. But she knew that maybe this small city would soon be different.

The fact is that as Sai Li imagined, it only took three days for smugglers in Nami Lindes to know the news, and it was spreading continuously. In particular, after Cyrel carried the tax payment certificate and all the documents neatly, and after the goods were delivered to the place without any surprises, the inexplicable sense of loss made many smugglers excited.

Yes, half of the profits from Otis will be halted, but half of the profits are exchanged for safe business channels, and it is worthwhile to see opinions. Most of the smugglers who are relatively small in scale think it is worthwhile. They are small in scale. If they cannot protect themselves and the safety of their goods, it is likely that only one accident will be enough to send them all to hell. Large-scale smuggling organizations think this is also good, especially when they know that the mayor of the city is called Du Lin, and they are more willing to cooperate with him.

Who is Du Lin, not many people at the bottom know, but people at the top know too well, especially since this year Du Lin has opened the way directly with money and force, and has used the strength of the Navy to improve his own smuggling channels. Everyone in this industry knows they have a new partner, as well as an opponent.

People who put their heads on their trousers and make money never underestimate anything, because those careless people have long been the bones of the railway, and they are relieved after investigating Doolin. This guy plays by himself, does not interfere with others, and does not let others interfere with him, which is very reassuring. Coupled with the contradiction between the underground money laundering dealer and Du Lin, Du Lin has a great reputation in the top of certain fields.

Being able to have such a reputation is actually related to money.

It is definitely not something that can be done with the touch of one's lips when you wash a 70 million yuan. It can be said that this money alone is the largest in the empire. The money laundering dealer has not received new jobs since receiving the list, and is still laundering the money for him. Big customers naturally have big customers to wait for. The ten-to-three rule has become ten-to-one for Du Lin.

Even the dealer was afraid that Du Lin suddenly turned his face and took the initiative to call Du Lin the number after washing. Du Lin's money was still in operation. There are too many and complicated things involved here, but all reflect that Du Lin already has a certain reputation.

With prestige, you can be assured that there are more people who have no reputation, no background and no prestige in this field, so they prefer to cooperate with people with word of mouth, at least they can rest assured.

With such a small push, the city of Otis suddenly seemed to be lively.

Every day, there are seven, eighty or ninety people who get off here, and two or three when they are young. At the same time, a batch of agricultural carriages appear outside the station. They are cleaned and used to slaughter passengers ... Passengers.

Big cities have the advantages of big cities, and small cities have the advantages of small cities. Many things happen every day in big cities, but people don't know everything, they just know the changes around them. Small cities are much simpler, and a little fart is enough to make the whole city talk. Less than three weeks after the new mayor took office, the city has changed, which makes some unwilling to leave the city. , And a little more motivated people feel the change.

They may not know what the future of the city looks like, but they know that there is improvement now.

The money in Du Lin's hands is increasing at a crazy rate every day. Not only did the smugglers start to set up a den here, he also alarmed the mayor over there.

These things that Du Lin did did not intend to conceal anyone, and there is no need to conceal anyone, because he is the mayor, and even the governor of the city, even the governor, has only the power to oppose him and has no power to stop him.

"Dulin, haven't you done a little too much lately?" When the voice of Doolin appeared in the earpiece, the mayor of Ilion-Horston immediately complained, "These things you did You are discrediting the New Party's face. Someone above already believes that your approach has harmed the interests of the New Party. I hope you will immediately stop what you are doing and apologize to the victimized public! "

Du Lin made this trick simple and couldn't be simpler, but before he used this scheme, no one else had used it. Perhaps they also thought about it, but they didn't implement the issue of face-saving. After all, the mayor of a city officially washed the smugglers. It was a bit shameful and not worth it. Once they do this, it is tantamount to encouraging smuggling, not only conflicting with the cabinet's governing plan, but also morally resisted by those middle classes and may lose elections.

But these issues are not considered by Doulin at all. What is the whole Audis?

Nothing at all!

What did he dare not do?

Nothing at all!

Du Lin only smiled calmly about Horston's statement, "Mr. Mayor, if the cabinet has a resolution, you can let the members of the cabinet contact me directly, and I will consider what to do afterwards. But ...", he said He paused here, and silently made Horston on the other end of the telephone line immediately a little annoyed. There was no doubt that what Du Lin didn't say later was to accuse him of not having this power and not enough to control his affairs.

This made Horston very, very annoyed. He was arranged by Doolin, and whether he received the hint from a higher level, he was the executive. There is something wrong with Du Lin. He may pat the buttocks indifferently. Everyone knows that he is rich, it does n’t matter what the rich do. But then the next slap will fall on him, Horston, and he intends to run for the next governor. At this time, Doolin completely disrupted his plan.

He said with patience again: "Dulin, this is not a negotiation, but a request. Some people have submitted some explanatory documents to it, saying that you participate in and organize smuggling, and use your official identity as a cover and umbrella ~ ~ Once this matter is taken seriously by adults, you may follow suit! You ... "

Du Lin didn't give Horston a chance to continue talking. He interrupted the other party, "Mr. Mayor, if you have nothing else, I'll hang up. I'm very busy here, and I will go again if I have time. I'll call you. Goodbye! "

Du Lin shook his shoulders after hanging up the phone, and continued to immerse himself in the next planning of the city. Every day these smugglers bring him tens of thousands to hundreds of thousands of income. In addition to shutting up the governor, part of the money will be used to renovate the city. Otis was too poor, humble, and too backward to fit his plans here, and what Horston said was completely meaningless.

Moreover, each state of the empire is equivalent to a small autonomous kingdom. The laws of each state are different, except in compliance with the highest basic law. It may be illegal to sell alcohol in this state, but it may just be illegal in another state. In Irian Doolin, he can even open up winemaking and wine sales, and he has not seen people from the contraband and city hall to sanction him, so he does not need to inform the New Party cabinet of what he does, as long as the state government passes it. Anyway, he didn't plan to climb up.

As for how to persuade the governor in the state government, it is nothing more than taxation. Any politician who aspires to a higher status and more power will not simply use the word money to cover the full meaning of the banknote, and this gives Du Lin an excellent opportunity.

Du Lin didn't know, but he had speculated that after Horst was hung up, the guy called the Du Lin's top boss, and he decided to talk about Du Lin's questions. It is best to find a way to stop what he is doing.

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