Cosma Empire

Chapter 378

After paying Kevin’s commission, Durin returned to Otis alone. He had just returned to his butt and didn’t heat the chair. Dove’s coffee had not covered the cup half, and Natalie knocked in and walked in.

“What?”, the car that had been sitting for a long time made Durin a little tired. He leaned back in his chair and licked the awkward temple, watching Natalie standing at the door.

Natalie’s lips moved and I didn’t know how to open it. The guy who took Durin’s over-compensation came back in Namelins. They want to find a place to live close to the city center and are now negotiating with the bank.

It is not clear to the imperial central bank that Durin said the last time he was talking about playing, or really intends to expel these people and not let them back, so he has been looking for an excuse to postpone the matter. Just as Durin came back, the bank called Natalie and asked her about Durin’s attitude.

Originally this was a very simple matter, and it was not allowed to buy a house directly, but the imperial central bank governor of Otis City was like a scavenger. I haven’t seen the money back in a few years. Now someone is willing to buy a house in his hand, which is also very important for the bank. Banks rarely play long-term investments, and they earn short-term through dismantling and lending. It’s rare to see a few hundred in a house like Otis.

What is less common is that those houses not only have no price increases, but have fallen every year, and the president is crying out.

Nowadays, some people are willing to make him a little more comfortable. He really wants to sell all the houses in one breath, and then make a report to get rid of this bastard. Durin opened his mouth in front of him, and the bank president did not dare to blatantly violate the meaning of Durin, so they wanted to test Durin’s attitude.

If Durin was just a moment of anger, they signed it immediately.

If Durin is true, then he can only push the customer out of the door.

The reason why Natalie seems that this problem is not very good for export, mainly because the attitude of the bank is a bit problematic. I have to wait for it and come up with so many troubles.

After Durin’s re-request, Natalie opened his mouth. “You expelled those who didn’t want to move out of Otis, but they came back the day before yesterday, and they plan to continue to settle in Otis and are negotiating to buy a house. ”

Durin’s brow suddenly screwed up. This is not a trivial matter. It is related to what a mayor said is not a question. It is related to the issue of the credibility of the city hall in the minds of the public. It must not be perfunctory. He shook his finger and tapped the cup at his fingertips. Dove immediately raised his mouth and retreated to the side.

“Have you forgotten what I said last time? Let Hyde drive these people out! If they don’t want to go, grab them, tie them up, throw them on the steam locomotive, and send them to the farthest place. In any case, no matter how I do it, I don’t want to see them again.” Durin was a little angry. If he didn’t, he wouldn’t do anything with this group of bastards. They should not be allowed to get off at the beginning!

Natalie was fired by Durin, a little wronged, biting her lip and turning around. After she conveyed Durin’s opinion to Hyde, Hyde immediately rushed to the bank with a horse. For Hyde, the police chief, or any other identity, is only behind. His true identity is the leader of the fellowship, and this is his job. Durin told him his mission, that is his first task, everything else is not important.

After dozens of horses ran on the dusty and muddy streets, they also had a strong momentum. The dust was like the cavalry that took place decades ago. Many people have hid aside. Not afraid of being hit by Hyde, but afraid of the dust that rises.

When they got outside the bank, they rushed in. They saw the three 40 people huddled in the bank’s rude hall. The two receptionists were still refilling them and giving them fruit. When these people saw Hyde, they didn’t mean to be afraid. Until Hyde came to them, they realized that Hyde came here to find them.

Watching some of them stand up, Hyde didn’t panic. He looked at these people up and down and asked them: “The mayor of Durin said the last time, you have been expelled by Otis City, without Durin. You are not allowed to enter Otis City before the mayor’s pardon order!”

Some people showed a scared expression on their faces, but some people laughed and laughed. One of the sturdy men broke free from the woman’s arm and walked straight to Hyde. This guy is very strong, his sleeves are tight with his arms on his arms, and his face looks unbearable. He is half a head taller than Hyde, and the two are almost already stuck together. He suddenly turned his nose and licked his nose, rubbed some of the sticky liquid left on his bones with his fingers, and slowly pressed it on Hyde’s body.

“I lived in Otis for the rest of my life. The first time I heard that someone would not let me go home?”, he had a strong disdain in his tone.

This guy has some cows and sheep, and some dogs. His occupation is a butcher. Because of the nature of his work, his body is very strong, and often killing animals, so that he has a strong suffocation.

Hyde looked down at the small trace on his chest and took a step back. He said that he was laughing and not laughing. He said that he was laughing, “Apologize, then Take your family out and I don’t want to be in front of so many people.”

The butcher seemed to take Hyde’s action as a concession. He stepped out and the wife behind him grabbed his arm and shook his head in pleading, saying that he advised him.

I can see that this guy has a bad temper and think about it.

The character and mentality of practitioners in such industries as the butchers are not so good. The hard-working animals, especially the intelligent and intelligent creatures such as cattle and dogs, will certainly have some feelings in the long-term breeding relationship. In the end, he had to kill these “Old Partners” one by one for the sake of his livelihood, and also shredded them to different people, and the character could be blamed.

He almost slammed his wife out, and then stepped straight into Hyde’s front. He slammed Hyde’s police cap and pushed it on his chest. “Mayor? The mayor counts something and can still manage it.” Where do I want to live? Get out, you annoying black-skinned dogs!”

The police uniforms in Otis are dark, so he called the Hyde police officers a black-skinned dog.

Hyde was pushed by him, shook his head and picked up the police cap from the ground, patted the dust on the surface and put it on his head again. “The last time I warned you, I will leave with your family immediately…”

The words were not finished yet, but the butcher caught up and made a fist to hit Hyde. When the butcher’s fist was less than ten centimeters away from Hyde’s cheekbones, a shot was like pressing the pause button, letting the whole Everyone in the bank is fixed in place.

A policeman behind Hyde shot, the bullet was in the butcher’s chest, probably to influence the problem, so he did not move toward the butcher’s head. The butcher squinted and looked down at a small mouth that had been torn on his clothes. After about five or six seconds, blood began to emerge. The erythema appeared on his already yellowed T-shirt and was spreading rapidly.

His body swayed and the gunshots rang again as soon as he was ready to hold Hyde.

The sound of the gunshot finally restored the pause button, and the cry of the woman’s heartbreaking resounded throughout the bank. She fell helplessly and sat down on the ground, crying. The surrounding faces are also extremely ugly, and in the first few seconds they still have a lot of people taking pleasure in other people’s misfortune, seemingly waiting for the butcher to give the police a good look. But in this second, they are like the dead people at home, and they can’t say the grayness.

Hyde looked at the close, the butcher who had to fight his fist and hold his shoulder, so that the other party would not fall, he was just his own police cap, a smile faintly discernible, “I will inform you now.” You have been attacked by police, refused to arrest, violently resist and threaten the lives of police officers. After three warnings, they refused to cooperate and use force against the killed…”

As soon as he raised his hand and swept away the palm on his shoulder, the muscles on the butcher’s face trembled and twitched and fell to the ground after losing support, and made a loud noise.

Hyde squinted at the air, and the butcher who had been stunned shook his head. Then he pulled out the pistol in the holster and held it in his hand. He smiled and looked towards other people. “If anyone else thinks Otis City and As before, it is a place where you can let yourself go wild. Please stand up. If you are willing to cooperate, please take the nearest steam locomotive and leave Otis City, and you are not allowed to come back until you get the mayor’s pardon.”

“This is my last goodwill reminder and warning. If someone tries to challenge the credibility of the City Hall and challenge the prestige of the police station, you can try it a little and definitely won’t let you down.”, he put the pistol back into the holster In the middle, I once again corrected my own police cap, and the badge was mapped to the sunlight outside the house, which was particularly dazzling.

“Notify the hospital and send others to leave.”

A group of unwilling, even frustrated guys, who had been on the steam locomotive for more than an hour after several police officers’ escorts, left the city of Otis forever. They never thought that one day they would leave their lives forever. Decades of hometown. At this time, perhaps they realized that it was not necessarily a good thing to have this money. It was not as honest as the order of the City Hall.

Unfortunately, it is too late to say anything at this time!

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