Cosma Empire

Chapter 367

“I feel a bit unreliable in my heart.” Dalanmei was lying on the bed with her elbows licking her husband’s lower back. She was a little insomnia, even if she had just done intense exercise. It was her husband, who was already asleep at this time.

There is no lighting in the room. It takes money to turn on the lights. Whether it is an oil lamp or a light, if it is on for one second, you need to pay cash for that second light. So in the night in Otis, especially after nine o’clock, there are basically no lights on.

Her husband twisted his upper body and muttered a few words, “What do you want to do without sleeping?”, he was tired when he was working, although he was happy with it. The only thing he wants to do at this moment is to take a good night’s sleep. Tomorrow morning, he will continue to deal with the staff of the city hall who advised them to move, and then went to see the mayor.

But then again, the new mayor would rather enjoy it. The woman named Natalie has a taste, and if she can suppress such a woman, even if she is dead, it will be worth it.

“I said, don’t you really worry?”, Dalanmei’s mood is ups and downs. She always feels that it is a foolish behavior to use the way of not moving to the city hall and the developers. They are just ordinary citizens. There is not much money, no great relationship, and no big names. Such ordinary citizens go to the city hall to go against the developers, how many good endings?

Her husband was a little annoyed by her and couldn’t help but say: “So how can a big mayor treat us? We didn’t steal, we just didn’t want to move, and we could pick us up. “Into the prison?”, said he couldn’t help but sneer twice. “I heard that the city hall received a lot of money in the recent period. They issued licenses to smugglers, and each license costs a lot of money. Our requirements are not excessive, why can’t we satisfy us?”

“Don’t think that many, sleep first, tomorrow we will know the result.”

Durin’s move did not lie on anyone. Basically, the entire city of Otis knew that he was escorting the smugglers and charging high taxes. Some people think that it doesn’t matter if it is harmless. Some people think that he is doing this. wrong. However, the small people’s small ideas may not necessarily let Durin know that they will discuss them, and the days will still go through as usual.

It’s just this demolition. Some people are staring at those taxes and they are a bit jealous. They can’t help but want to divide them.

This family does not require much, a square of 30, according to the head count, three times more than other people’s demolition costs. The money that these people who are unwilling to relocate will add up more than the enough thousand blocks. Compared with each column of steam locomotives, they have to leave two or three thousand yuan, and the tax of three or five thousand yuan is really nothing.

But the problem is that this is Otis, the acting mayor is Durin, and Durin is a very particular person. He is willing to obey the higher rules when he is not threatened, and he also hopes that everyone can follow the rules he has set. When someone makes a foul after his rules are made, it is definitely not acceptable.

What’s more, now that he is not just a rich man, he is still a mayor. If he has his own rules, he can take the initiative to destroy, and who will listen to him in the future.

The next morning, Durin frowns hangs up the phone from the governor’s office in the capital, and the governor of Harry is in a meeting, so the other person will convey the opinion of Governor Harry. Next month, just a week later, there will be a hearing at Imperial Capital, the content of the hearing is about the nature of the contraband. Durin taxed contraband and issued tax certificates, which caused some city and department dissent, which they thought was a violation of the will of the Marcus leader.

But at the same time, with the support of Governor Harry, these contraband goods were transported to various places and had a very bad impact on the localities. So these people instigated the Imperial Capital hub and will hold a hearing asking Durin to attend the briefing to determine if his actions are legal and can be used elsewhere.

This is not good news, but it is also expected by Durin. The transportation of the contraband method and the guarantee of the safe transportation of these things have touched the red line. Of course, this is actually not a particularly bad news. He thought that the imperial judicial department or the justice would tell him to stop the current move, or that the Marcus leader would let him tell him to terminate the current “business.” However, he did not expect that the ushered in was actually a hearing. This shows that the attitude within the New Party seems to be very embarrassing. As long as it is not a one-size-fits-all approach, there is always a chance.

He took out a cigarette and walked to the side of the window. He was just about to smoke a car. He saw a group of people blocking the door of the city hall, which made him a bit annoyed. He immediately picked up the phone and connected Natalie through the internal system. Only then did he know that the consultations that should have been arranged in the conference room were suddenly rejected by the group.

More than 20 households who were unwilling to relocate appeared outside the city hall. The plan was to communicate in the conference room in the city hall. I don’t know who brought the households in tandem. Outside the hall, they were given a statement in front of everyone, and they were not willing to negotiate in the city hall. And regardless of the purpose of this person, this behavior itself makes Durin very disgusted, so when he appeared outside the gate of the city hall, his face was not so good-looking.

Looking at the crowd around the crowd, Durin swept over the faces of those people in front of him. He shook his head slightly. “I don’t know why you must negotiate with me. I also know why you are not willing to move. What I want to say is There is no room for negotiation!”

Natalie, who came out behind Durin, was a little dumbfounded, and then panicked. It would be a trouble if these tough people were too big to make it. What’s more, she also noticed a detail. Behind these people there were reporters who didn’t exist in Otis city. Maybe someone was planning a plot behind the scenes. Once there is a conflict between Durin and this group of people, no matter who wins or loses, this will become a scandal.

Scandals are always the most feared thing for politicians, because the dangers of this gadget can be big or small, the key is how to use it, and when. If one day, Durin would run for the governor or even a higher party cadre, the scandal broke out enough to make him lose.

“The mayor doesn’t mean this…”, watching the hard-to-find eyes become fierce, Natalie immediately stopped in front of Durin and wanted to explain something, but in the next second, Durin pressed her hand on her shoulder. She pushed her to the side.

She stared at Durin and walked to a place less than three meters from the crowd. Even the two sides only needed to step forward to meet each other. Durin’s face was still calm. He looked at the people like a little lamb who was not obedient in the sheepfold.

“When I came to Otis City, it was actually less than a month. The desolate place here is like the desert in the west. There is no car on the street.” This sentence does not lie, many onlookers. The people also nodded agree, he lightly snorted, and said: “But look at the present, not only a lot of cars appear on the street, the whole city has begun to make good changes.”

“There are work sites everywhere, there are busy scenes everywhere, I want to make this city the pearl of the middle of the empire, but what are you doing?” He actually walked straight into the crowd and raised his hand. The man standing in the first place pushed aside. “You waste not only do not know how to contribute to the city, but also want to suck blood on the city building?”

“I tell everyone here, everybody who tries to drag down the city’s development and drag on the rise of the city…” He pushed several guys and walked into the crowd in front of a young people, “I There is no compromise, here is your city, and it is my city. My rules, you can destroy, but you have the courage to bear the consequences of breaking the rules.”

Just when Durin found out that several people had looked at the young people at the glance, it gave him a feeling that this young people was the messenger. At this point, he slightly raised his chin and stared at the young people with a very calm look. “You are enemies with the whole city!”

The young people look twenty four-five years old, brown hair, and clean, not like manual workers. He smiled and didn’t have the slightest tension. “May Durin, as you said, here is Otis, and you are just an outsider. You want to change the city, have you ever asked to live here? People in the city, do they really want to change?”

“You can only represent the views of the city hall, but it does not represent the entire city!”

The words of the young people are very positive, which gives Durin’s eyes a slight change. “Who are you?”

“I?”, the young man spread his hands and shrugged his shoulders. He looked around and his eyes finally gathered on Durin’s face. “I am a citizen of the ordinary city of Otis, just can’t understand what you hurt our interests, but it seems to be for us to consider.”

“At the same time, I am also a person who dares to tell the truth!”

The young people let people around him who are unwilling to relocate, and farther away, more people have gathered, and only two of them are still standing in the middle of the crowd. He walked back and forth a few steps and said, “I know you, Mr. Durin, the biggest smuggler on the East Coast of the Empire. I said nothing wrong?”

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