Cosma Empire

Chapter 357

It was already morning when Igor woke up. He was awake by the urine. He looked at some strange sleeping environment, and the whole person stunned and realized that he was kidnapped. He doesn’t understand why the guy will kidnap himself. He has no money. He is very clean compared to other officials. Every month, the telephone user’s usage fee is directly entered into the unified charge account of the city hall. He can only The place to start is the first installation fee.

According to the opinions of the city hall and the state, as long as there is no loss, it is also a policy to promote the use of the phone itself. The postman is no longer on the phone, and there are problems in some remote places. This is also one of the policies of the new party leader Marcus to strengthen the central authority over the local authorities. So as long as there is no loss, then many of them will fall into his hands.

He doesn’t have much money. Don’t look at this time and Natalie is open to three million, and the rebate can give 50,000, but he really has no money. The deposits in the bank add up to tens of thousands, so he thinks that the other party is a wrong choice if the other party is for money.

“Someone? I need to go to the bathroom!” He shouted with a little hoarse voice, and his throat was sore, even if he swallowed, there was a feeling of scraping. He called several times and no one promised. He looked at this place like an abandoned warehouse and finally closed his eyes.

A hot and humid heat flow began to spread along his legs, and a strange smell of warmth was also diffused. His frowns took a sigh of relief and struggled a few times to see if there was any chance to leave.

His hands were tied behind him and the bindings were tight. There was no loose feeling. He looked at the all around the ground and wanted to find something to try to cut the rope, but here it was already decaying weeds and There is nothing outside the dust of the floor.

He screamed a little helplessly, and no one promised. He didn’t know how long he had stayed here. He didn’t know when it was now. When he was hungry and thirsty, the door of the warehouse was twisted in the raft. The screams were slowly opened, and the two silhouettes carried light and walked in the setting sun.

Igor squinted at the two silhouettes and wanted to tell their appearance, but they could not see clearly and could only see a silhouette. He licked his lips and asked in a hoarse voice, “Who are you, why are you kidnapping me?”

One of them said to the other: “Hey, I know he will say that.” The voice was very young, and there was a kind of attraction that couldn鈥檛 be said. When the other two approached, he squinted to see the two. The appearance of the person.

One is the Karam he knows, and the other is a stranger he doesn’t know. He looks at the two men with some vigilance. The most important thing is the Karam. He told him all his secrets. It鈥檚 a hell of a ghost. The other party won鈥檛 ask for it. He chose to close his mouth at this time and closed his eyes.

In the place where he couldn’t see, Dufo’s foot was on his face, and Igor’s pain could not be closed with his eyes closed and his heartbreaking. Blood flowed down his nostrils and corners of his mouth, and the bridge of the nose looked as if he was too embarrassed, making him a little handsome face that became terrible.

Durin raised his hand and prevented Dufo from continuing to beat his desires. He walked over to Igor and squatted down. He took a quick handkerchief from his pocket and shook it, wiping the blood on Igor’s face. His movements are very soft, just like Igor is afraid of hurting Igor. I was just ruthlessly attacked by Dufo. At this time, Igor鈥檚 body and mind trembled. This young people called Karam knew that he was an official and dared to beat himself. This would inevitably make Igor think too much.

At this point, I came across a reasoning person who seemed to be very polite and educated, just like a lost lamb looking for a shepherd with a glimmer of light torn the darkness. He looked up hard and looked at Durin. “What do you want? Money, or something else? Open a price, as long as I have it for you, and I promise not to call the police!”

Only that person did not answer any of his words, maintained a smile, wiped the blood on his face, and threw the handkerchief on the side of the ground.

“My name is Durin, I am very glad to meet you, Mr. Igor.” The young people are kneeling in front of him, said with a smile.

“Yes, yes, I am very happy to meet you, sir!”, when he was still ready to say something, suddenly a shivered, where did he hear the name… I remembered it, it was a meeting in the town hall. On the other hand, the mayor said that the poor place next door came to a rich mayor, which seemed to be called Durin or something. He cautiously asked: “You are from Otis…”

Durin without the slightest hesitation admitted, “Yes, I am the mayor here.”

When I heard this from Durin, Igor was sighed in relief, the other was an official, and the new party’s brother was so safe. When he just wanted to chill with Durin, Durin asked a question.

“The first two days are you who sent me to the staff of Namelins? The woman named Natalie.” When Durin said this, Igor had 10,000 wild boars running in his heart, he didn鈥檛 know The woman named Natalie is the mayor’s lover, and if he knows, he would never dare to start with Natalie. Even if he is bold, this kind of thing is not dare to do.

The mayor is the mayor. Don’t look at anything in Otis. But the mayor is the mayor. The level within the party is higher than him. It means he has more power than him. He only needs to pout. Dismissed his political life.

When he squeezed out an ugly smile and wanted to remedy something, Durin stood up and he sighed softly. “Power is a good thing and a magical thing. It can make some people’s mentality very short. Changes in time can also make a good person a bad person. Mr. Igor, if you are bullying someone else, I may leave some feelings, but you are bullying a woman, but also I am shouldering the woman I have given to her task, and you are not respecting me.”

“All that gives me ugly, people who look at me are not my friends. Treat friends, I will entertain them with the best things, but treat the enemy…”, he grinned and smiled slightly “Goodbye, Mr. Igor. Although the night is long, there is always a bright moment, I wish you a good dream!”

Dufo pulled out the pistol from his pocket and put it in the insurance. When the pistol handle was slightly warm, he pulled the trigger continuously. Mr. Igor trembled on the ground like a rag pocket, almost his eyes were pulled out by him, and his face rolled red for a few times, eventually ending his absurd life quietly.

Dufo went back and forth. He brought a wooden barrel for the sake of the wine. He packed Mr. Igor in, sealed the lid and retired. The two found a ridiculous place in the wild, dug a pit and threw the guy in and buried the soil before they clap their hands and ended the work.

Durin sent a cigarette to Dufo. The two had no image. They smoked cigarettes on the edge of the mound. Dufo asked, “In fact, I killed him directly in Namelin. It is better. Is it coming back so far, just because you want to see him?”

Durin, like the little gangsters on the streets of Tenel, used his thumb and middle finger to pick up the cigarette from the mouth. He spit a smog and shook his head and said, “You don’t understand. Igor died at Namelin. The trouble is not small, someone in the new party is already staring at me. This time Otis is the handwriting of those people. If this guy dies there, no matter what time it may become some reason for others to doubt me.”

鈥淭he party is actually the same thing as all organizations. Dufo, if we find out that there is a guy in the fellowship who might do something that is detrimental to our interests, what would you do?鈥?Durin asked.

Dufo shrugged replied without thinking about it: “Catch him and open his mouth…”

“Oh, this is the problem. You only need to be suspicious to do it. It is the same for the Ministry of the Interior. They only need to doubt, they can investigate me, so Igor can’t die, he has to live!”

Dufo can’t understand what Durin is saying. If Igor must be alive, why should he kill this guy?

Dufo quickly relieved when he thought of what he couldn’t figure out. After all, the gods didn’t give him a head that was as smart as Durin. If he couldn’t figure it out, Durin could figure it out.

The two men smoked the cigarette and left the cigarette butt on the side and left in the car.

At the same time, in the second prison of Imperial Capital, Amber’s sallow sallow was dragged into the interrogation room. His legs were “fallen” and his ears fell off because of a careless bath. He was torn off. He is very bad. He suspects that he may not die long before he will die here, but he firmly believes that his death is not meaningless, because time will eventually give him the most fair trial.

While panting while sitting in the chair, the sound of a high-heeled walk in his ear poured into his ear. He tilted his head slightly and saw a woman with a beret coming in. The woman was ugly, half of her face was a scar of scars, with a blindfold, probably with one eye. The remaining half of her face is very beautiful, and she must have pursued many people before she is disfigured.

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