Cosma Empire

Chapter 346

Demolition is definitely a major event. For this once calm and peaceful place, this may be the most influential thing ever happened. Otis used to be brilliant. Before Sijing was not discovered, Otis was the gateway to the Imperial Capital from north to south. It used to be the seal of the Marquis. At that time, the transportation was low and the traffic was inconvenient. Otis became a natural “channel” where merchants gathered.

It was only later that Jingjing changed this world, so this once prosperous place was gradually forgotten and abandoned, and it was the situation today.

Diwell looked at the announcement on the wall, and as he read, the so-called demolition he gradually understood.

The City Hall intends to turn the land in the city center – originally a park – and now it is a park plus farmland. Some elderly people who are older and whose children are not around can’t go to the suburbs to find a piece of land to work, can only look for it. In fact, there are some open spaces behind the front door of every household. The cultivation of some vegetables in these open spaces is almost the same. It is absolutely not enough to grow enough wheat for two or three people a year.

So the old people took their ideas to the park. They opened the park’s land into farmland. There were also some ornamental vegetation that had not been taken care of, and they were all eradicated. It is said that the park is just a verbal statement. In everyone’s mind, it is farmland.

This land occupies the best position but has not played any role. The city hall was built near the station for convenience, but the problem is not convenient and convenient, but the city hall needs majesty. And dominance. There is no doubt that the center of the city is clearly the best place, so Durin intends to arrange the town hall to the center of the city.

The more Diwell reads, the more excited the elderly is. It is obvious that if the park is dismantled, there is no place, and many people have to go farther to grow wheat. This is absolutely true for these elderly people. Is it a kind of injury, how can the City Hall take away their land? Some people begged Diwell to continue reading, and some popularity did not leave, looking at the last back of the old man, Diwell’s eyes shifted to the notice.

Such scenes occur in many places, much more than the cost and cost of rebuilding a new city. At present, what Durin lacks is time and accumulation, so he finally decided to try to renovate the old city. The construction of the town hall is only the First Step, and then a circle of Otis is built around the city hall.

As for the housing problem… Durin feels that he can refer to the Confederation approach, using high-rise apartment buildings to arrange these one households to occupy hundreds of square meters or more. Of course, there will inevitably be some problems in this process, but for the general direction and to improve the happiness of all residents, the necessary sacrifice is affirmative. A city is well built and has a positive effect on increasing local per capita income.

Take a look at Imperial Capital, where the per capita income is six 70 blocks, and Tenel is only a dozen or twenty blocks. This is the gap.

In any case, urban transformation is imperative.

The cities that have been talking about are finally like awakened people. People are discussing the ideas and governance concepts of the new mayor. At the same time, some people feel the change of Otis. At least some foreigners are willing to come here, and even willing to pay for it. Some houses are gone. This was not imaginable in the past, so the residents of Otis were divided into two factions. One group felt that the new mayor really wanted to change something, while the other group felt that the new mayor had recklessly damaged the tranquility of the city. It is not something that should be.

Just as Diwell, who turned these inexplicable figures into “objections”, brought together the seminar, Sally appeared again in front of Durin.

“Mr. Mayor, this is a little thing that boss has brought me. I hope you can accept it!” This time Sally came to the town hall without looking for Thomson, but directly found Durin’s door. She has a lot of things, and the last time she came here, she has received the above recognition and received encouragement and praise. This time, Sally came over to pay taxes. On the other hand, I wanted to have a relationship with Durin. By the way, I tried to test whether the tax could be operated.

She also added some reluctant remarks, “There are some specialties in my hometown, not expensive things, they can be seen everywhere.” She has seen the old party officials of the New Party who have to show their hands and cover up. So she did not say what was inside.

Durin glanced at the small box she had placed on the table, and grabbed it to pick it up, but unexpectedly felt that the contents of the box were much heavier than he had imagined. He also stunned for a moment, tearing off the package directly in Sally’s mouth and twitching, and opened the lid of the box. There are ten golden little gold bars staggered together, no wonder it will be heavier than he imagined.

He pushed the box aside and looked at some sly Sally. “Help me to say hello to the leader of your organization. I like my hometown special product. I say, what’s the matter?”

Sally sighed in relief, she was afraid that Durin couldn’t accept what was inside, and that was really troublesome. What made her feel awkward was that she had just finished talking about something that was worthless, and Durin opened the box, which was a bit less comfortable. While sighed in relief, she also realized how much Durin’s appetite is. The ten-pound small gold bar is worth a lot. He actually received it? Isn’t he afraid that the New Party’s party whip will pull the whip to his ass? ?

In fact, Sally doesn’t know the details of Durin. If she understands, she will definitely think that this is the usual gift. What is the ten-pound small gold bullion? At the beginning, he moved ten bigger ones in Tener’s imperial central bank vault!

She smiled slightly with a flattering smile. “Mr. Mayor, don’t know… can this special tax be lowered?” Sally said, quickly explaining his words. “I don’t mean to say you.” The tax rate is too high. Just think that we can use other… cough, name?”

The name of the name, and the boss of Sally, taught her, and when her boss knew the whole process and saw the authorization, she realized that there were other tricks in it. As for whether you guessed it right or not, you might want to arrange Sally to try it out. Sally came to ask, maybe there won’t be any changes, but if you don’t ask, there will be no change.

50%’s special tax is like bloodletting, stability is stable, and income can drop a lot. It would be better if you can pay less.

Durin glanced at her, nodded. “Of course, but not enough!” He glanced at the box on the table, and Sally suddenly understood it. This is what Durin said they gave less.

Since there is a way to save some of the tax collected, it is worthwhile to spend a little money. She immediately expressed her hope that she could get the advice of Durin, but Durin did not answer her question, but let her tell the boss behind her. . If you want to do this well, you must come to Otis to talk to him. It is easy to send a person who talks about this kind of thing to make a mistake and come up with contradictions.

Sally can only be called nodded, and then say a few compliments, then she got up and said that she must return to Namelins as soon as possible to tell the matter here.

Durin also has Durin’s consideration, and 50%’s gross profit tax does seem to be scary, but it is for the legitimate industry. Just like the ordinary shops on the roadside, let alone pumping their 50% business tax, even 5% may cause their income to drop sharply.

In particular, Durin understands the inside story of this line and understands the profits of these people, so he can directly get 50% special tax like Howthton, and I am not afraid that these people will not give it.

He can lower the tax rate, but one thing, the other party must meet his conditions. Building Otis is not something that can be done by two people alone. This requires a lot of people to work together and pay.

In this noisy day, Durin finally waited for a group of people Carter sent. The headed Durin was seen in the church of Irian’s fifth district, called Hyde, a great young man. He is very energetic and passionate. In the private liquor market in the city of Halli, he always rushes to the front, so Carter sent him over, and he helped him send him a ride.

“Your accommodation problem is solved by yourself. To be honest, even I am sleeping in the office now.” Durin patted Hyde’s shoulder and looked at the other twenty young people. Whenever his eyes swept over the faces of these young people, the young people couldn’t help but stand up straight in the chest. They participated in the battle in person and saw what Mr. Durin promised. They regarded Durin as their mentor and leader, which has nothing to do with age!

“The next time you may want to change your identity to appear in front of people…” He laughed. “Police, does this status like it?”

A group of young people suddenly stupid, and if Durin took other identities, they might not be sensitive, but the identity of the police alone made them a bit…wrong. They used to be the destroyers of the rules, and in a blink of an eye they became the defenders of the rules. The shift in this position is indeed somewhat completely unprepared.

Hyde was the first reaction. He forced nodded, “boss, you can rest assured, I can definitely do it!”

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