Cosma Empire

Chapter 323

When Amber just walked out of the back door of the court, he realized that he had put Kevin’s cigarette in his pocket. He stopped his foot and wanted to change the cigarette back. He didn’t have the habit of owing something. The next moment he realized that Kevin had left. Suddenly there was a feeling that he couldn’t say it, just like… he is like Juan. He glanced at the majestic courthouse and walked silently into the alley behind him, climbing from the ramp to the top of the building.

The wind on the top of the building was very strong, and the waves that turned into snowflakes were a little awkward. He sat on the edge of the roof, took out the cigarettes, and then ordered one. Soon, the cigarette was exhausted, and he dropped it on the ground, then glanced at the empty cigarette box and pulled out the tin foil inside. Tin foil is not completely made of tin. It can be said that tin is printed on white paper. This is done to save Chen Ben.

He pulled out the tin foil and spread it on his hand. His fingers wrote and painted on tin foil, just like what was really recorded. Then he picked up the lighter, found a place to leeward, and lit a fire at the cigarette case. He never understood why Juan had to burn the cigarette case at the last minute because there was no smoke? It shouldn’t be. He hasn’t been very comfortable with his two consecutive cigarettes. He doesn’t believe that Juan, who smokes a lot of cigarettes, wants to continue smoking.

Soon, he suddenly realized.

Under the high temperature roasting, the sealing wax outside the cigarette box began to melt, and a drop dripped like a water droplet, and finally a piece of blasted wax piece was formed on the ground!

Even if there is no Kevin this time, he can’t pull Durin down because he has a trump card – Juan’s suicide note, hidden in Juan’s belly. Who can think that someone will write a suicide note and stay in the belly, but there is no doubt that these are arranged by Durin. The note that wrote the words “family” and “you” should be seen by Durin for Juan. Then he wrote his plan on tin foil, put it in the cigarette case, and then gave the cigarette case. Juan.

From the beginning to the end, he did not say a tendency to speak, so there is no such thing as a “personal card” in this case, and then he calmly forced Juan to die.

Yes, Juan can be said to be suicidal. After all, there is a suicide note. But it can also be said that it was murdered by Durin, because he had to die, he was not dead, his family would be bad luck, he must die!

I have figured it all out, and I still have a lot of depressed feelings. This game is not lost.

If there is a next time, if there are no other factors to interfere with him, let him have the power to investigate the case according to his own ideas…

When Amber came down from the port of Imperial Capital, he found his past colleagues. His colleague took out an arrest warrant and taught Amber a look of public service. “Don’t make it difficult for us to cooperate. a bit.”

Amber just looked at a few of the most important places to determine the true arrest warrant and gave up the resistance. The two put him in the car, he did not ask questions, and did not ask for anything. He knows that he is in trouble this time. If he does not, he will not only lose the position of the prosecutor, but he will also go to jail. He used to offend a lot of rich and powerful people. This time he fell down. They may not just clap their hands and throw stones into the water.

After Amber’s alleged falsification of evidence and torture of confessions, the Imperial Capital immediately opened a press conference, claiming that the mastermind of the fraud case had arrived, that an accomplice had also been arrested, and then they compiled a story based on the facts. A story that everyone agrees to end this case. As the first defendant, Hoddock may… No, he will definitely be hanged unless he tells where the money is going and gets the money back.

As for Mr. Luke, he has no strong backing, and with the economic recovery of the empire, some places have already had signs of great construction, and his mines in the west have been eyeing. The man just made a phone call and the investigation team, who had no intention of releasing Luke, had abandoned the idea. Not only do they have to sit down on Hoddock, but they also have to take Luke’s things, so Luke also has his own “script.”

In addition, two things happened, and these two things have something to do with Amber. The first thing is about the trouble of “torture”. The agent responsible for the custody and interrogation of the three witnesses is four people. Now, if there is a problem, they must be asked to come back to the pot. Whether they say that they have done it or not, they are the fourth. personal. No one stood up and voluntarily admitted that it was the four of you who worked together.

Sometimes things are so simple and rude, so the agents of the four days of disasters in order to minimize their guilt, they first admitted that they participated in the torture, but unified the caliber. That is, the torture was not their idea, but Amber authorized, and Amber asked them to “do everything possible” to take the confession, so they took measures.

The wall was pushed by everyone, and the prison was inexplicably flawed and bitten on Amber. First, Amber is qualified to do this, and secondly his status is enough for the above to accept, so under the impetus of these two things, plus Kevin counterclaims that he made perjury, tortured confessions, blasphemy, framed crimes, etc., and He let the vice minister lose face and he was arrested.

Imperial Capital intends to deal with this matter coldly. Amber after all is the newcomer they launched last year, and they also gave high praise. The Imperial Capital judicial community also blows Amber like a savior. As a result, so much sewage has been poured on Amber’s body, and the faces of several big figures in the judicial profession have been swollen. In the absence of Amber’s case, they actually ended the evidence collection and trial work. Finally, they removed the public duties of the Amber prosecutor and sentenced them to three years in prison. They were not allowed to be released on bail and could not be commuted.

After being held for two days, Amber only knew about this. He looked helpless and remembered the words that Kevin said to him, and extended new ideas.

If the person making the law cannot achieve fairness and justice in itself, then what can be said that the law he has enacted can be called fair and just?

His Lian Family did not return and was sent directly to the Second Capital of Imperial Capital. On his charge, he should be held in a regional prison, not the place where the heavy prisoners were held in the Second Capital Second Prison.

When Amber put on the prison uniform and held his “home” into the prison, he immediately noticed that several eyes full of hatred were firmly locked on him.

He sighed and accepted his life and went to his own prison.

He knows that his next days will not be so good.

On the day before Amber was arrested, there was a big news. A reporter from the special feature society accidentally fell from the passenger ship because he had drunk too much. When the rescue team found him, Only half of the body is left.

This world is so strange, some people are waiting in the prison for the coming of light and justice. Some people hold the darkness in the compliments of people and go to glory. Some people think that they have got the truth but they don’t know that the truth is often thorny, maybe only true and honest. Talent can enjoy a dull life, such as Durin.

Especially after Savi told him to get the reporter, Durin was more comfortable.

His reputation has once again risen a lot. Sometimes people are not afraid of you, but you can’t do it, but there is no rumor outside you. When people say that 70 million is in the hands of Durin, when people say that Juan is killed by Durin, he still walks in the sun, and people must pay tribute to him.

When people are free, sometimes they will have more things. It’s not been a week since Kevin sent away a letter from Tenel.

“Who is here?”, Durin, who got the letter, turned over and looked over. There was no information from the sender, only his information. He opened the envelope with two separate letters. He first read the first one. The first line let him know who sent the letter. Look at the other one, if you haven’t seen it. .

He can write this tone and can use it for him. There is only one in his memory, deep memory, and he is old.

He picked up another one and looked at it. A letter was smeared everywhere. After reading it, he calmly opened a letter from Mr. Cosma. After reading it carefully, he suddenly felt that his father was putting himself in himself. When is the fool? He didn’t plan to do this. Mr. Little Cosma is safe enough now. He really doesn’t want to have any relationship with the “Uncle” called Mennon. Mr. Cosma told Durin that he needed to solve it himself, or he would look down on him as a bastard.

Already a jerk, can you still afford it?

Isn’t it happier to be a happy rich person than those troubles?

So Durin folded the letter, put it in the envelope, and found Dove in front of him. “Glue it with glue, just like there was no opening, then call the post office and let them build a cliff over there.” E-mail, then stuff this letter into it, do you understand what I said?”

Dove nodded, “We haven’t received any letters!”

Durin suddenly smiled and slaps. “Yes, you are right, you will start to raise 20 yuan this month!”

It seems that Durin doesn’t seem to care at all, but he has already remembered it. He didn’t have any intuitive impression of Mennon, and he didn’t have time to manage the break, but it didn’t mean he didn’t really care. There is no doubt that Mennon must have known something, so he intends to use Mr. Little Cosma to coerce himself. For any threatening potential enemy who has become an enemy, Durin will be very careful and be careful.

Next, his main task is not only to spread the wine across the East Coast, but also the entire West Coast and inland!

Nothing is more important than this, no!

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