Cosma Empire

Chapter 319

On the other side of the cell, the food delivery staff put a dinner from the small plaid into the ground of the cell. The killer who was arrested by Irian after killing Bruni calmly finished the dinner, knocked on the wall of the prison, and then Suddenly, I gave a punch to my face. I was black in front of my eyes and stared at Venus.

Both prisoners were silently “beating” themselves. When they were tired, they chose to take a break and then continued to devour their bodies until they discovered the situation in the evening when the prison guards found their situation.

Both of them were sent to the prison hospital. The doctor on duty was listed. He asked the prison guard to place the two on two adjacent beds. Then he couldn’t help but complained a few words. Don’t you be so aggressive? Even if you hate them any more, you can’t make such a heavy hand. What if you kill a person?” He went to the left side of the bed and glanced at the bed that had been comatose. The prisoner, his arm twisted at a strange angle.

Needless to say, it is definitely caused by excessive punishment.

There are often some important “witnesses” who are temporarily being held in the Imperial First Prison. In order to extract the things they are interested in from their mouths, beatings are only the most common way. Only this time they looked at the level of over-fire, may be irritated by these two guys, so they are desperate to put a heavy hand.

The prisoner who sent them to the corner of the mouth twitched, and finally did not defend anything, no matter what they said, I am afraid that this doctor will not believe. Instead of wasting time and saliva on meaningless things, consider how to report this situation.

They don’t know who is moving, but it must be someone’s hands. These two guys are very important. Some people can actually beat them in prison. The thing behind this is that little prison guards can intervene.

When the prisoner with the broken arm recovered, the doctor sighed. “You have tried your best to reset your arm, but you have to be mentally prepared, there may be sequelae, and sometimes you will not use it.” After he finished speaking, he stared at the prisoner. The prisoner looked at the ceiling blankly, as if he had not heard it. But the doctor knows that he has heard the slight change in the details of his face.

Maybe there is no way to face this fact. The grotesque doctors return to the table and continue to look at the latest medical publications.

The next morning, the police investigation headquarters rushed into the medical room. One of the lean guys with short hair went to the bed and looked at the two horrible prisoners on the bed. He will take the two men away today and go to Irian to testify to Durin, but just before the day they are about to leave, someone has contacted the two prisoners, so what did the people who contacted them say to them? Will they change their mouths?

All this is unknown.

The thing that was quite simple suddenly became so complicated. After he came out of the infirmary, he said with a stern voice: “Check, immediately check with me, who touched them, what did you say, what identity is that person, how? Go in, find out for me. The first prison is holding so many important prisoners, and there are situations we don’t know. What did your prison do?”

“You can’t find the results in a week, and you can find someone to resign your letter!”

Four days later, at the port of Irian, Amber was waiting for witnesses from Imperial Capital to come across and accidentally saw an acquaintance. He had a slight tingling on his forehead and walked over with a smile. “Hello, Kevin, how do you choose to come to Irian this time?”, saying that he looked toward the empty streets around him. “This time is not the time.” You should go to the South during the good season of tourism.”

Kevin is also a smile. “How do you know that I am traveling, not to do business?”

“Because Durin?”, Amber said one of the most unanswered answers in her mind.

At Imperial Capital, both of them try to avoid each other in the case. It is not that the two are afraid of each other, but they are not willing to devote limited time and energy to a case that will inevitably waste time. If Kevin represented the case and met Amber as a prosecutor, the two sides would inevitably put a case for months or even longer. Is there not so much time to do more than a few cases, or is it better to crack some cases?

But this time Amber didn’t expect that the two sides would still collide.

Kevin smiled and nodded. “Mr. Durin is a very good quality customer. Almost everyone likes his clients and is willing to be friends with him.”

This sentence affirmed Amber’s question. Amber’s heart once again gave birth to a feeling of not being able to come up. He stared at Kevin, frowns, squinted and asked, “When did you come? Why don’t you say it in advance, I Also pick you up.”

“I have lived there for a while,” he said, referring to the manor on the sea cliff in the north. “Would you like to get together at night?”

Amber shook his head. “How, do you have confidence in this defense?”

“I have confidence in myself!” Kevin replied with a smile.

The two talked like ordinary friends, and the more they talked, the more uneasy Amber was. Obviously, Kevin has been at Irian for a while, then what he has done during this time, what investigations have been done on the case, or to say… His heart is tight, Kevin seems to be very positive in the evaluation of lawyers and rich people, but in the industry of justice, Kevin’s style is not so good.

This guy is willing to do anything for the money that may win the case, and in order to keep his high consulting fees and winning percentage, his means is not so glorious every time. Although there is no evidence and witnesses standing up to testify to Kevin so far, most prosecutors believe that Kevin is very likely to be suspected of using illegal means to change the position and testimony of witnesses and to influence the jury outside the courtroom. resolution.

This is a very despicable person, but he will pack himself and protect himself.

The two of them fell into silence for a time, and no one wants to speak again. They all know that the battlefield is no longer a dock, but a court trial.

The passenger liner in the distance has gradually changed from a bean to a giant. There are not many people coming to Irian in winter. At this time, it is not far from leaving the spring. After two months, Irian will re-visit the tourists. At this time, no one wants to spend the winter in this cold place.

There were just a few people on the boat. The captain didn’t seem to like it. When the disembarked people left the ramp, they immediately took the ladder and quickly set sail again, leaving the frozen dead.

Kevin’s assistant is two young women, saying that they are young, but they are also in their thirties. Wearing a lady’s formal suit, it seems that they are not used to the temperature here. Kevin glanced at the witness wearing a hood and left after Amber smiled and nodded.

The chief of the police investigation headquarters responsible for escorting prisoners also knew Kevin. At Imperial Capital, almost everyone in the industry related to the law knew Kevin. He frowned and asked in some irritating tone. “How is he here?”

Amber signed his name on the handover procedure and replied: “What else can you do? Where can you get money? Where are these vultures?” He returned the signed documents to the escort. Long, went to the first witness and untied the rope on his headgear. “Is the road going smoothly?”

The inspector didn’t speak, and the action in Amber’s hand suddenly stopped. “What happened?”

The inspector had no way to get a fire, but he could only hold his anger and whispered: “Let’s see it yourself!”

Then Amber untied the first man’s headgear. It was Bruni. His gang was a little purple, his eyes were a bit blue, and four days passed. It didn’t look so obvious when he was stunned, but it still makes people For a time, I found out that this guy was stunned and stopped. The important witness’s physical injury is a very serious fault. Especially for the first time tomorrow, Amber could not help but lengthen his face and asked: “Are you taking measures?”

“No…”, the inspector didn’t know how to explain it. He could only tell the truth. “He fell in the restaurant and then put the dinner on someone else’s head…”

Amber gas laughed. “Why don’t you give him a separate meal?”

It’s not his fault that the inquirer’s heart is not comfortable in a few consecutive questions. Does the ghost know how the people in the prison are arranged? He didn’t sneer and laughed. He smiled and patted his trouser legs. “You have to ask a colleague in the prison, you shouldn’t ask me!” He glanced at the person brought by Amber, ” Ok, smooth handover, then I have to go to other places to investigate, and I will teach you here.”

After that, I went straight with someone.

Contrary to the previous series of good news, a series of bad news has cast a shadow on Amber’s inner world. He asked the three witnesses to go to the naval base while considering the evidence in their hands. It can be said that there is no direct evidence pointing to Durin except for the testimony of several witnesses. There is only one time and place for the note provided by Bruni, and there is no way to explain the problem.

If these witnesses have problems…, he remembers the warm smile on Kevin’s face, and his heart continually falls down, almost falling into the abyss!

He doesn’t like Kevin and hates Kevin. He has to say that Kevin is the most dedicated person he has ever seen in his job. It is definitely a tough guy.

He hesitated and went back to the hotel and called the Vice Minister of Finance, who was far away from Imperial Capital.

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