Cosma Empire

Chapter 317

“Before you met Mr. Amber, I heard a lot of things about you, such as rumors like Detective, but I didn’t expect Mr. Amber to be so timid.”, a bit weird in the middle of the night The cemetery gives a feeling of hair in my heart.

Amber took a sip of smoke and calmed down the heartbeat that was suddenly scared by the guy. He waited for a while before he said, “It’s not important for me to be a person. You said you know that Juan committed suicide. The truth behind me, I came here for this. I believe that you are here to wait for me for this matter. Then we should not waste each other’s time and say something we are interested in.”

The man had not moved, he sat on the back of the tombstone, just as the tombstone blocked the moonlight and gathered him in the darkness, so Amber did not find this guy for the first time. At this point Amber’s eyes have adapted to the darkness, and it is possible to distinguish in the dark that this is a guy with a soft-edge adventure cap. The cap is very low. As for what clothes he wears, Amber can’t see clearly.

The man hehe smirked. “Well, let me point out what we are interested in. Juan is thrown away after being stunned. How can the old thing dare to commit suicide? If he has such courage, Why not try to kill Durin and commit suicide? Maybe he will kill Durin and he won’t die!”

Amber noticed that the guy said “old thing” in his sentence to describe Juan, which means that there must be a special relationship between this person and Juan, whether it is an enemy or a good friend. Judging from the hateful tone behind him, this person not only has a relationship with Juan, but also has a relationship with Durin, and it is likely to have a conflict with Durin.

Amber grinned. “Do you know who dropped him? Say something useful, you told me that I already know.”

“Do you know?”, the guy in the shadow was horrified for a moment, then his voice was awkward. “You lie, you can’t know, no one saw the guy at the time, except me!”, Amber didn’t speak Continue to look at him, the talent said: “If you don’t believe it, then forget it, but this is the truth.”

Amber bounced the ash, making the highlights brighter. He took a sip of smoke and spit out a thick column of smoke. “This… sir, you take the initiative to explain this to me, what do you want to do, or say What do you want from me?”

Amber always believes that motivation is the most important thing. In fact, in many trials, there is often evidence to support the prosecutor’s complaint, but in the end, the suspect’s innocence will occur, leading to this phenomenon. Is the question of motivation.

There has been a very special case in which a serial killer called the Ranger Killer appeared in a certain area. His goal was to be homeless tramps on the street. This killer often chooses to commit crimes late at night, has no specific location, has no specific choices, and is highly random. His modus operandi is not complicated, using stones that can be seen everywhere on the roadside, facing the sleeping tramp heads a few times, and then disappearing quickly.

Eventually the case locked a criminal suspect, a local well-known rich. The police found evidence of blood in his car and in a remote grove, as well as testimony from two witnesses, but in the end he was acquitted by the lawyer’s lobbying. The reason is simple, the motivation is not enough. One is a well-known decent person, and the other is a poor homeless tramp. There is no connection between the two sides. There are no contradictions and conflicts of interest. The rich have no reason to kill these tramps.

As for the blood, because it is impossible to identify where the blood came from, the jury thought that the rich had nothing to do with the case and was released in court.

Motivation is a very important thing. It can also be regarded as a purpose. Everyone has motivation and purpose in everything. Hungry, so eat, thirsty, so drink water, these are motivations, then what is the motivation of this guy?

The tramp was silent for a moment before he whispered: “I am the one who pushed Juan down the roof…”

When Amber heard this sentence, he didn’t know that even the cigarette between his fingers slipped, but he knew another thing, the breakthrough mouth found it.

With the addition of this special “witness”, some of the doubts in Amber’s view are solved, although there are still some unclear things. As for the witness who is willing to appear in court, why should he report Durin and also have a relationship with Amber. The arrival of Amber made Durin feel the pressure. Amber’s detection rate of 100% was a bit scary, so in order to avoid problems, Durin intended to get rid of him, he first discovered the situation and escaped.

Irian is the old nest of Durin, where both the police and the city hall speak to Durin. The guy who claimed to be Durin had the truth, and it was unrealistic to want to catch Durin through local official assistance, even with Durin in the police station. He also gave an example for this, that is, the gunman in the Abigail murder case was inexplicably hoisted in the police station.

This incident Amber has been known through the intelligence gathering of the agent, and it also proves that this guy may indeed be the murderer behind the suicide case in Juan.

Just as the two exchanged information, Amber suddenly heard some noisy footsteps from the other side, and the guy hiding in the shadow immediately turned and ran. If during the day, the running sound may not be noticeable, but in this silent night, the sounds of those running on the dead branches are a bit harsh.

It was faintly heard that someone shouted “on the side”, and a few oil lamps flickered in the distance, and a group of people chased them. Amber snorted and quickly chased the murderer and ran over. He didn’t run a few steps. The group might have used Amber as their “target” and shot directly. The bullet landed near Amber, and he cursed and used the tombstone to avoid shooting.

The gunshots tore the silence of the night, and passed very far. In less than a minute, the headlights of the two cars appeared at the gate of the cemetery. Those who chased them stopped and began to flee.

When Amber’s agent came down from the car, Amber just passed him. He leaned over and pointed at the group of moving towards the opposite direction. He ran and shouted: “Catch them, be careful. Point, I am going to pursue the witness.”, he ran hard and ran and shouted: “They are gone, you are safe now… damn, only we can protect you!”

Perhaps his shouting played a role, and the guy who was running slowed down. “Durin wants to kill in this city, no one can stop him, you can’t rely on it!”

Amber also slowed down and showed his sincerity. “As long as you are willing to provide evidence and testify in court, we can guarantee your safety, and we will immediately transfer you to Imperial Capital. Durin will have more money.” And there is no way to interfere with Imperial Capital!”

The man finally stopped, he gasped slightly, his horrified eyes exuded by the moonlight, “When can I go to Imperial Capital?”

Amber bit his teeth, “Tomorrow!”, by adding another sentence, “Early morning!”

At this time, Kevin heard the news from the scene. He laughed for a while, then shook his head and sat in an inconspicuous car and left the fifth district. The fish was hooked.

This can’t blame Amber for being stupid. Anyone has been in a dead end for a long time. Once they find a way to rush out, they will desperately seize this method. From the above, Amber’s most Late Stage is limited to only nine days. After nine days, Durin will completely get rid of the impact of this case on him. How can Amber, who hates hatred, give up this possible clue? Moreover, there are always a full set of plays, and two of those who arrested the “witnesses” were arrested. These are the big packages that Kevin sent to Amber. Presumably the guy must be very satisfied.

This is indeed the case. One night, there was a major breakthrough in the case, which made the entire investigation team very uplifting. They will pass the details to Imperial Capital, arrange for people to protect the three “witnesses”, and ask for the tickets for the next morning, and send the three directly to Imperial Capital. After waiting for them to open their mouths, the testimony called “Brunney” and the evidence he provided were enough for Durin to be planted in the case.

Grab Durin, the rest is to open Durin’s mouth, two big cases together, definitely let the guy on the gallows!

Although there are still some doubts that have not been solved in this matter, and this is a bit… smooth, but Amber believes that Imperial Capital will definitely cooperate with his work here and get the most true testimony.

Everything was developed in the moving direction, and Amber finally got a good night’s sleep.

Early the next morning, under heavy protection, they sent three witnesses to the ship to Imperial Capital. At the same time, they also found some people hiding in the vicinity staring at them, Amber’s mind was slightly fixed. After the ship went far, he immediately took the person to the town hall and asked the mayor to communicate with the navy and give them strong protection. If the mayor does not cooperate, he may ask for Imperial Capital to let the new party leaders or military leaders order it.

After all, this is a “century case” involving 70 million cash. The top level is also very concerned about this. There are too many money, and some people are tempted.

Under the strong request of Amber, the mayor of the city had to call the commander of the naval station to tell the other side. The Navy immediately dispatched a 12-person combat squad to protect the safety of Amber and his fellow personnel until they left the Irian area.

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