Cosma Empire

Chapter 311

In fact, many Guartians don’t know why Sebray is injured and tied here. They don’t know anything about what happened during this time. Only a few people know that it doesn’t seem like they are looking for a new business. money. Not only bought a new house, but also changed the car and bought some luxury goods. When others asked him, he did not say it. He just smiled very modestly. Although everyone did not understand it, there was not much other thought.

How can you make money by virtue, besides envy and hard work? If someone really dares to kidnap 赛布雷, maybe Guartian has already taken off, and have to wait for Durin to bring them to realize this possibility?

After Sophia said, some people faintly understood what they were looking at, and they focused on Durin’s body, wanting this young and overcoming compatriot to confuse them.

Durin didn’t miss the scene. He didn’t know how many times he had experienced this scene. It was just faintly smiled. He spread his hands, “I bring wealth…”, his left hand palm is tight. Close up, “also brings destruction!”, then the palm of his right hand is also clenched into a fist. “Someone will ask me, what do I want to do, in fact, my purpose is very simple, that is Let all the compatriots live a good life as much as possible.”

“I will regularly send a batch of drinks from Irian to Montere. Monte has a very broad market and consumer group, and there is no shortage of consumers. These drinks represent a huge wealth, and these wealth can improve the society of some people. Status. This is a realistic World. When you have money, you are a gentleman and a lady. When you have no money, you are a bastard or a female watch.”

“I give you the opportunity to have wealth, and you need to take up arms to defend this wealth and power. It is so simple.”

Durin glanced at the sneaked Sebble and continued: “You need to fight to protect this wealth, to fight, we have been silent for too long, so we have to do something to make others face us again.” We want them to know that we are not a pity, we are not rubbish abandoned by this society. We have a glorious history and will certainly have a bright future!”

“When all of us become rich, no one can treat us as the next and the others. Whether they respect ourselves, respect the money we have, or fear us, They must all bow to us!”

“Only on that day, we can really stand up!”

Durin walked over to Sebble and stroked Sebray’s trembling head. “This is a kind of fire, you can accept it, you can refuse it. Ogdinian got rid of the rule of Guart Kingdom and paid the blood of countless people. Today, we want To get rid of the shackles of the body, you will inevitably pay a corresponding price. You can choose to wait quietly, wait for the compatriots in other places to stand up, and then drive you to the future.”

“But you can also personally join this wave of national rejuvenation and create a brilliant future for yourself.”

“The choice is in you, not me, gentlemen!”, said he greeted Sophia nodded, “Ladies!”

The onlookers of Guartian are all prestigious in Monte, or have a good reputation, they gathered together and discussed intensely. For Durin’s statement, they can’t say full faith, but there is no overall denial. Everyone knows very well that in today’s society, money is a symbol of whether a person, a family, or a race has a status. The number of barbarians in the North is the least, and the combat power is also the worst, but their social status is higher than Guartian and higher than the provincial sage.


Because the barbarians have money, although people are nomads, they can have money. Whether it is a variety of livestock or their woven blankets are money, it seems that these people can not afford to live in a house, live in a tent, but to say that everyone can be regarded as a middle-class high class. It is said that some people have conducted investigations. A barren in the Chang Family has at least hundreds of animals. This is tens of thousands of pieces, and their handmade products can sell for hundreds of dollars or more. At this time there was no war everywhere, and it was still a good weather. The nomadic people who had thousands of animals at home were not too few. They were really not poor.

In most people’s minds, the concept of poverty for the nomadic people comes from the barbarians who are not willing to spend a lifetime in the grassland and want to go to the city. They are unwilling to inherit the ancestral industry and continue to graze. In the reverse period, they abandoned the family and ran to the city. They could not get the support of the family as it should be by rights. But this does not mean their family, their race is really a poor race.

So it seems that they are poor, but their status is higher than Guartian, the reason is this.

After a brief discussion, Sophia stood up as a representative to communicate with Durin. Everyone was willing to try Durin’s plan, at least it was more positive than the young people who had begun to have some distorted ideas. You must know that many young girls have given up their dignity and walked into various entertainment venues to become a skilled girl. They don’t have to work hard to exchange for wealth, but this money is hot. .

No one wants his child to be a skilled woman, or a man, even if it is really profitable. If you can reverse something through Durin’s plan, it is also an opportunity for them.

Sophia is the agent they elected. Durin didn’t interject. He didn’t believe that a woman could do what he needed her to do. Time would prove that some things always have to be done by men.

“Next…” Durin glanced at Sebble. “The disposal of the traitor, because of the behavior of Sebray, we lost five courageous compatriots, all because of Sebble’s lust and greed for the heart. According to our Guartian customs, all those who sell their compatriots, all the betrayers, must accept the judgment of the gods!”

The surrounding compatriots whispered, although Guart Kingdom had died, but less than a hundred years from the country of death, many ancient customs still spread and inheritance between the races by word of mouth. Some people think that Durin is too cruel and bloody, but some people think that at this time, it is really necessary to come up with a model to shock all selfish people, because this is not a trivial matter, but a major event.

Once someone sells the interests of the Guartian in the Monte region, it is no longer just five people, 50 or even 500. Surrounded by a variety of emotions, Sebray was hung on the tree and then tightened his limbs with a rope, making him unable to struggle.

Dufo put on the rubber one-piece clothes that the butchers often wear, and the two fingers point to the mad frenzied but limited margin of the Sebble chest.

The clothes broke into two pieces in an instant, and a blood mark appeared on the tight skin, and then quickly turned to both sides. No one saw the knife in Dufo’s hand, and each was shocked.

The onlookers only lasted for half an hour. When the last knife ended, only a few people with pale faces were still watching. Their calves trembled fiercely, forcing the desire to vomit and sticking to the end. Durin spread a complete human skin with branches and inserted it in the land beside Sai Bray. The whole Sai Bray is like a red and yellow monster. The thick fat is bloody and smothered. The consciousness of the time is still very clear, and there is only hopeless ash in his eyes.

What surprised Durin was that Sophia actually insisted that she was not much worse than other men except that her face was a bit ugly.

Her perception was very sharp. When Durin’s gaze was projected on her, she reacted. “My husband’s body was buried by me personally. At that time, he looked much better than this. I am almost fifty years old. Now, what has not been seen?”

Durin suddenly became aware of the heart, he was nodded, and reached out and shook with Sophia. “I put things in the dock at the dock, and I believe you will be able to do the rest.”

“Hope it!” Sophia squeezed a smile, “I will try my best!”

Durin solved Monte’s accident while there was another accident in Ordo waiting for him, his child was born.

Alisa was lying weakly on the bed, leaning her head on the child lying in the cradle, and the radiance of her motherhood was as sacred as the newborn sun. She had a smile on her face that she didn’t know. The whole world seemed to be concentrated in the child’s body. He was her whole.

It is more than ten days late than the expected delivery period, but for the last time the mother and child are safe. Mr. Bain took a quick glance and left, he still has a lot of work to do. At this point, Mrs. Bain came over with a towel and untied Alisa’s shirt. She wiped her chest with Alisa, then hugged the child and gave it to her.

When I saw this child, even though Mrs. Bain didn’t care much about Alisa, her heart was also a mother-in-law. She explained how to take care of this little point, while smiling and looking at the little guy who didn’t even open her eyes. The squatting on Alisa’s chest was so cute, so cute, and Mrs. Bain’s heart was quiet.

For a moment, she felt that Alisa had done the right thing.

“What is your name, what do you want to call him?”, Mrs. Bain gently wiped the sputtered onto the child’s face with a cotton, steamed cotton cloth. “How do you say Connie? Connie Bain, I think this The name is OK too.”

Alisa is powerless, she doesn’t like the name.

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