Cosma Empire

Chapter 308

Durin sees very clearly that once the power of capital begins to interfere with the military, both the New Party and the Old Party will suspend the conflict and fight to stop this phenomenon that should not exist. The more people who are in high positions, the more clear that once the army is corrupted by the power of capital and turned down to capital, it means that the civil war will break out.

Of course, the current capitalists are also very smart, they can spend money to let the army help them transport goods, but they will never touch the bottom line. Regardless of the capital force, or for the current high-level empire, there is no hope that the empire will have large-scale disputes, so the three parties are trying to restrain this aspect.

This time it was just a small accident. An isolated incident may cause some waves, but it will never spread out. At most, someone will investigate it, and that’s it. Therefore, Durin dared to do this. He did not pay for the army to raise troops, nor did he intervene in the daily training and arrangement of the army. He was just a businessman, a businessman whose interests were threatened.

Soon, Mengxi brought twenty people. I thought about bringing more, but then I thought about too many people. After he went back, it would not be easy to explain. He is not very sensitive to politics, but he also knows that some things cannot be done. There are many people, and few people are absolutely two natures. Even if there are fewer people, even if the military is to investigate, he also has an excuse to fool the past.

Durin didn’t care about the few people. In fact, there were so many people who were more than enough. Mengxi put on his casual clothes and walked over to him. “Mr. Durin, what do we do next?”

Durin laughed, handed a cigarette over, “You first find a place to live, I will touch the situation, and after the situation is clear, knock the group off and you will go back. The cost of the two days in the city is Count me, you should find someone to remember.”

“How interesting is that?”, the smile on Mengxi’s face is like the sunshine of May. He knows that as long as it is not excessive expenditure, Durin will give him a supplement, which makes him a little bit tempted. It’s a good opportunity to stay in the base for a long time and always want to relax and relax. He verbally thanked Durin for his “generousness” and conveyed the message to the soldiers. The soldiers suddenly cheered.

Just as Mengxi was ready to take a step forward, Durin reiterated his opinion again, “wine, woman, buy some small gifts and bring them back, don’t hesitate!”

Mengxi is nodded, this person is a smile.

The three men were all relaxed. Durin asked Dufo to stop a car. They didn’t know where Jerez was, but they knew where to buy intelligence. After getting on the bus, Dufo said “the biggest bar in the local area” and then closed his mouth. His accent also had a little southern sound. The driver glanced at the three people through the rearview mirror. When he stepped on the power pedal, the car slammed. Fly out.

Monte’s “features” are those women who have technology. Many tourists come here to learn about technology with women who are skilled, as if the women of the whole World can find it here. Whether it is Ogdinian, provincial sage, Guartian or the barbarians of the North, or Confederation and women from other countries, you can find them. Didn’t listen to Sebray, even women from the mysterious East are here!

It is the core city of the empire shame industry, and the whole city is a huge entertainment venue.

After nearly 15 minutes, the taxi stopped at a bar called “Thriller”. Even during the day, there were people waiting in line. Many men and women who looked very fashionable were waiting outside, chatting and waiting. number.

People always say that money is not omnipotent, but money is indeed omnipotent. Durin crossed the door that needed to be lined up and went to another door, which can be said to be a VIP channel, but it can also be said to be a Kayzi channel. It takes money to go through this door, and it costs a lot of money. Few people will do this, but no one is leaving. The significance of the existence of this door is of course also for the wealthy to show their own unique use, the rich need to wait? No, never need it because they have money!

The security guard just wanted to stop Durin, and Ellis pressed it on his chest with one hand, pointing a finger at him and pushing him back and forth. Durin took out a circle of money and randomly dropped six pieces on the ground. The security guard jumped and jumped, and finally raised his hands to indicate that he was not in danger. Many young people are whistling, and some girls are writhing, perhaps trying to attract the three rich guys, looking for a big thigh, or wanting to advance in this way. field.

After entering the bar door, everything became familiar. Just like the sales counter, it was used to change the small window. The two hot women who only left the underwear showed the beauty that the man didn’t have in the window. Durin took out five twenty-dollar bills and handed them in. The two passionate waitresses were more enthusiastic. One of them may have been a recent hand injury, or a new nail polish, which is inconvenient to use. On the counter, the box with the money was pushed over with the chest.

At noon she ate a bit salty and licked her lips. Durin didn’t like to eat too much, so he was not interested in this girl. I took the money box and turned directly, leaving two girls with resentful sorrows on his middle finger.

The bar is very lively, even if there are hours away from the evening, there are passionate girls and men everywhere, there are also girls who sweat on the stage, they have to take off the extra clothes in order to cool off. Under the stage, each and everyone, holding a bottle or holding a glass of wine, laughed loudly, waving coins and banknotes in their hands, just like crazy.

Durin chose a card holder that was relatively close to the side. Immediately, the girl with the rabbit ears came over. “Gentlemen, what do you need?” Her smile is very professional, but it makes people feel comfortable.

Durin took out two five-dollar bills and stuffed them into the space where the girl could hold other things. “The best wine comes in a bottle. By the way, I want to ask something.”

The girl’s eyes shined, sitting a little unconsciously against Durin, as if it was so sleepy, squinting slightly. “Mr. looks very raw, don’t know what kind of wine you want, we can have it here. A lot of ‘best’ wines.” She may have eaten a bit salty at noon, and her tongue is on the top of her full pink lips.

“The most expensive price!”, Durin’s cold eyes let the girl move stopped.

Seeing that Durin was a little indifferent, the girl sighed slightly, knowing that such a guest was definitely not looking for fun, she still kept a smile and turned away. After a while, she walked over with a bottle of gin, “Mr., this bottle of gin needs ninety-eight, do you like this taste?”, Durin nodded, the girl opened the lid, turned and left Even the lid was taken away.

In such a place, the lid of the bottle is money. Every night, they take the bottle cap that they collected for one day to the bartender for a commission. Like the bottle opened by Durin, she can get at least a commission of ten dollars. . Of course, this does not mean that every girl can have dozens or even hundreds of pieces of income every day. The guests like Durin are a minority. Many girls who wear bunny ears want to sell a bottle of wine and often have to be The guests were a little cheaper, and dilly-dallying could sell a bottle of three 40 dollars for twenty or thirty minutes.

Such a wine has a very low commission, a bottle of only one or two dollars, plus the customer may give a one or two dollars of consumption, perhaps not, Lara’s average hour of income is one or two. There are indeed three or fifty dollars in this day, but these thirty or fifty dollars are not so easy to earn. If you have to buy a wine that you have to accompany the wine, the income of that day can be seen by the guests. Give more tips.

After waiting for about ten minutes, a male waiter came over and he succumbed to salute, said with a faint smile: “Gentlemen, don’t know what you want to consult?”

“I want all the information about Jerez, including how many people they live, where they live.” Dufo took a money box from the table and handed it over. There were fifty pieces of change, and the waiter picked up. After grabbing it in his hand, he shook his head slightly, which made Durin a bit strange. It is reasonable to say that such a message of fifty dollars should be enough, if Irian is twenty or thirty dollars, if you can only have five dollars in Tenel.

He handed another money box over, and the waiter’s face was filled with a sincere smile. He saluted again. “Please go here.”

The three men walked through a small passageway from the back door of the bar under the leadership of the waiter. They were empty in the alley at the back door. The waiter closed the door and said: “Jerez lived in the suburb of Louis Street, the house number. The number is 71, which is unique. There are fourteen people in this group, each with a pistol, of which Jerez has two. One is on his belt, and one is behind him. ”


This is ten minutes. When is Jerez going out every morning, the first thing I do most often is to start. In the evening, he used to go somewhere to get a girl back to sleep. One after another said come out. If Durin thinks that a hundred pieces are a bit expensive before, then he now feels that when he builds an intelligence network in the future, he has to learn from it here, and he has recorded all the details.

Before he left, he gave the waiter a tip of twenty dollars. The one hundred pieces were organized by intelligence. He could get a ten-twenty block. This is what Durin offered to him. After three more thanks, the waiter watched Durin leave before returning to the bar.

Everything seems to have never happened, the alley is empty again, waiting for the next “guest” patronage.

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