Cosma Empire

Chapter 296

Others are asking you to buy, and there is a big gap between you and others asking for it.

If it weren’t for Arthur George and the people behind him who were eager to separate and cut from the main house, they might not be so eager to buy resources from Juan. They can wait any longer. It doesn’t take long. After one or two months, the price will be reduced by a few hundred thousand. One or two months may not be able to earn a few hundred thousand. It is not a problem. The reason why Arthur was so happy and promised Juan’s request, indeed, as Durin said, they are racing against time.

In fact, they can’t wait!

No one knows whether the old fogey, which has not managed much, is still alert or confused. In the unlikely event that he discovered their “small tricks”, perhaps their investment and efforts during this time will become an old meal of old fogey. Be aware that whatever resources they use, or the funds they take out, are strictly the property of John, the things that are bought with his property, as it should be by rights is also John’s.

They just played a ghost trick, first registered a company, and then the money went from the old John’s account, but the ownership of the thing was transferred to the new company. This may have violated some legal issues, but if you don’t report it, who has the heart to actively interfere with the furniture scandal of the wealthy family? This is not a leisurely day, it’s too good, is there nothing to look for?

It’s just that these people are not very clear. John, who is already very old, has some “kindness”. He is not confused. He just wants to use this opportunity to completely cut these tumors from his body. He I hope that their plans will succeed more than those of the brothers!

In this way, an eager to sell, an anxious to buy, both sides hit it off, and immediately someone brought an authorization file and other documents to Irian.

When Juan saw the lawyer who had met before, there was a moment of embarrassment. He put away his self-pity and calmly sat on the table, and the pen in his hand shook slightly. It shows that he is not as calm as his performance at this moment.

No one can remain calm at this moment. As long as his pen tip falls on his mark and signs his name, from this moment, his decades of hard work will be turned into nothing, and he will return to his new business. Moment. He is old. I don’t know if there are decades to let him come back. Everything will say goodbye to him on this day. It is not a new beginning, but an end to the end!

He can not drop the pen, stubbornly think that he did not lose, but he understands that he is losing after all. As Durin came to visit him that day and wanted to buy these lines from his hands, he could only blame himself at first, if not for his own greed, he wanted to take his business from Durin… If it weren’t for him who wanted to swallow the pie that was painted on the ground, if he didn’t have that selfishness, maybe he wouldn’t fall into this step!

Yes, I am too greedy. I fell into such a situation. He only hated that he was blinded by greed, and he hated that he did not see Durin.

In the eyes of the lawyer hidden in the urging, Juan closed his eyes and signed his name on the transfer instrument. From this moment, all his efforts, decades of accumulation, and the future that could be expected, They are all in order to flow.

His eyes were a little moist, and the turbid yellowed eyes were slightly red. He took the bank ticket from the lawyer’s hand, and endured the heartache and bitterness, and squeezed a smile. “Have you satisfied this time? Just use this. Money, I bought millions of things.”

After carefully checking the signature of Juan, the lawyer properly packed the documents in a document bag and put them in a briefcase. He shrugged, “This is business, Mr. Juan, if we are satisfied, you must be satisfied, or why should you sell it?”, he sighed in relief, the perfect task is to win, “presumably You are not in the mood to say goodbye to me, then goodbye, Mr. Juan, let me take a step!”

Looking at the empty room, Juan wants to vent some, but in the end he still sits in a chair, he has nothing!

The George family’s bank draft has no problem with the bank’s exchange of more than one million yuan into Juan’s account. It’s not enough to get back his business from the bank. Fortunately, he has his own plan. He doesn’t want anything like villas, homes, cars or even bars. As long as he has a winemaking workshop, he only has the opportunity to turn over if he has wine in his hand.

In the past, he was not willing to sell his drinks to other places. First, transportation increased costs and risks. Secondly, the investment and risk of opening up the foreign market were greater, but not much was earned. He can’t have his own retail outlets in every city in the empire, which is destined that he can only go wholesale.

Wholesale business is not so good, for example, the most common problem of pressure, he does not have that many energy each and everyone stare at the money that urges him, he is old, no energy. Compared to wholesales filled with too many uncertainties, he is willing to do retail locally. Although it seems that there is no wholesale to pay more, it can be stable.

In the past few years, Juan has been able to get at least five hundred thousand to six hundred thousand profits from his own bar and local sales, which is enough for him.

But this time, after he got his workshop back, he not only had to sell locally, but also to open the foreign market, smuggling and rushing. For the old guy who had nothing but nothing, it was no longer a problem that prevented him from stepping forward. It is.

Without Durin to let James do anything, Juan took the initiative to tell James that he couldn’t pay off the bank’s loan, and the bank could put those things into the auction process.

Of course, if he has money, he won’t do it, but the problem is that he has no money.

Less than ten days after meeting Durin, the Irian branch of the Imperial Central Bank sent an invitation to the rich people in Irian City to invite them to add an auction of expired collateral.

There aren’t many such auctions, and sometimes they can’t be held once a year. There are not many opportunities to invite local rich people like this. In many cases, the value of those collaterals is not enough for the bank to invite the rich to come and not to lose that person.

As it should be by rights, Durin is also one of the invited guests of this auction.

This time he changed a white dress, black shirt, which made him look younger and darker than the dark clothes. He didn’t wear a hat, and his hair was followed by a double “care” of waxing and oiling. This kind of Durin seems to have something different from the past.

The door to the auction venue was slowly pushed away by Dufo, and Durin walked in with a head-on, and some people’s conversations suddenly stagnated. If anyone else doesn’t know Durin, then he must have lived in the mountains, or just came to Irian. In just one year, Durin conquered these rich people with his own financial resources. Of course, there are some private rumors. Whether it is something that can be used, or those who can’t get it, he is a man of the moment!

Constantly, the rich people toasted Durin, and Durin responded with nodded. He was like… No, he was a high-ranking figure, and he walked to the top of the auction with a step full of discouragement and oppression. Someone wants to say a few words to Durin. He has temporarily avoided it with very polite words. Compared with this, he is more like seeing Juan.

At this time, Juan was talking to the rich man like Alexander. He wore a black dress today, a white shirt with a bow tie, and a red handkerchief in his chest pocket. If it weren’t for the embarrassment on his face, perhaps he couldn’t see from the outside what he had changed. He is ventilating with these rich people, hoping that they can understand themselves and not raise the price when they are auctioning in the brewery workshop.

His request is not excessive. After all, these people and him are old friends for more than ten years or even decades. There is no old hatred, and Juan just wants to get back his own industry. For them, the purpose of participating in this auction is not necessarily to get what they want at the auction. It is better to say that they are taking the opportunity to get together, chat, and talk.

Just when people talked about something, suddenly they closed their mouths, and Juan browed and slowly looked back and looked back. The original smile on his face was like the ice rim in the cold winter, with a cold light.

“What? Don’t you welcome me?” Durin smiled very happy. He also took the initiative to reach out. “Welcome back, Juan.”

Juan glanced at his outstretched hand, and expressionless turned back, as if he did not see Durin. Durin was not bothered by this, he shrugged his bladder and then greeted others. These people quickly dissipated after responding to Durin, and staying here will inevitably cause trouble. Obviously, the contradiction between Durin and Juan has already heated up. At this time, staying here can only offend one side, or two people offend together.

There was no one around, and Juan found a place to sit down nearby. He didn’t intend to say a word to Durin. Sometimes people’s wishes are good. The only drawback is that they can’t be realized. He didn’t want to talk to Durin, but Durin wanted to talk to him.

“Do you know? When you refused me, I decided to shun you. Sometimes people often point to us that the rich people say that money is not omnipotent, but today, I want to tell you the truth, money, this thing, It is omnipotent!”

“Would you like me to raise my hand and let go of you?”

“Come, beg me!”

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