Cosma Empire

Chapter 286

A new day is coming, the sun is as bright as yesterday, but I don’t know why Juan always feels a rotten smell in the air. He was locked in this room with only about five square meters. It was the fourth day. Except for the first day, someone asked him if he wanted to explain it through a small window with only a big palm. No one has come to this day. Said a word with him.

He is going crazy, licking his hair and letting the pain tell him that he is still alive.

Hua la, the window for food under the iron gate suddenly came to the side, and a rugged plate filled with food like a dog was thrown in by someone outside. Juan immediately rushed over and squatted on the floor. Looking through the small window, he saw a pair of cheap leather shoes, a pair of pants for no more than ten dollars, and a half of the silhouette.

“Say something, please, say something!”, Juan pleaded, and he desperately wanted to talk to whom. He once thought that when people were older, they would be embarrassed and annoying. But until today he realized how pleasant it was to have someone in his ear. One of the pair of shoes was lifted up, and he sat decisively, then stared at the window and was closed.

Yesterday he was almost kicked, so he no longer dared to try the attitude of the people here.

Looking at the food on the ground that made him sick, sighed with closed eyes, numb the plate, and then wiped the right hand on the less clean pants, and put them into the slimy with your fingers. In the wheat paste, he took a finger-sized potato and stuffed it into his mouth. At the beginning, he chose to look up and proud to face the martyrdom that may have been tortured for him.

But soon he lost to his stomach and started eating. He is not a man with great courage and perseverance. He can’t guarantee that if he is on a hunger strike, people outside will ignore himself. The taste of these wheat kernel pastes is like a brushed pot of water, with a thick paste, it is difficult to swallow.

After eating something, he poured the remaining things on the plate into the toilet in the corner. The first time he ate the junk food, he only had two mouthfuls and didn’t have the courage to continue eating. As a result, they immediately poured the new things. In the case of residual food, so do not overestimate the attitude and quality of these people, this is the experience that Juan summed up.

He silently licked the water on the plate and put the plate back under the window. He didn’t do it before. He thought that people outside would come in and take away the plate. He also planned to talk to the supervisor about himself. thing. It was not until the second, third or fourth time that the other party gave him food. He realized that he should return the plate to the outside. At the same time, it is also through this incident that he clearly understands that the hunger strike is meaningless.

He put the plate on, and then began to memorize some operas that are not clear enough. He must make his mind normal and not be tortured into mental disorder. He wants to leave here alive and then find someone to take revenge.

He still has money. He believes that the judiciary will prove that he is innocent. After he thaws the money, he will let the people here know what they will end when they anger a rich man.

I don’t know if his prayers worked. The iron door suddenly opened. He stood up fiercely. Two young people in formal costumes stood outside the door and looked at him indifferently. “Mr. Juan, please join us. go.”

Juan sorted out some of his dirty clothes and walked out with his head. Under the “protection” of the two young people, he was sent to a room where a camera was working in the four corners of the room, the tape tray slowly turned, and the red video light was on.

“Sit!”, the room has a square table with two long tables, and a young people sitting on the other side of the square table. It seems that the people here are very young. He pointed to the opposite one after another chair and said the word in a tone with a similar command.

Juan grinned and sat in the chair. His eyes fixed on the face of the young man. He wanted to keep this face firmly in his heart.

Amber didn’t care about Juan’s aggressive performance. He had seen many more aggressive people than Juan. They couldn’t do anything about it, let alone a small rich man in other places.

“My name is Amber!”, Amber introduced his name in the first sentence. He is not afraid of whether Juan wants to retaliate with his own thoughts. “Maybe you think you are embarrassed, of course, after I read all the relevant documents. I also think that you may be embarrassed. But this is meaningless to our current situation. Next I ask, you answer. If your attitude, your answer makes me not satisfied, you have to go back to that place, I will continue to live for a while. Maybe after this case is broken, I will remember that someone is still being there.”

Amber’s words made Juan’s eyes softer. He didn’t keep staring at Amber. He could say this in front of the camera without any doubt, indicating that Amber was much more powerful than he imagined.

“The first question, do you know Mr. Hoddock?” Amber’s eyes stayed on Juan’s face. He looked at Juan for a moment, shook his head and said no, then asked the second question. “How did you and Mr. Luke know?”

“He came to me and wanted to deal with Durin with me. Then I agreed to this request. Durin is his enemy and my enemy.”

Amber wrote the name Durin on the book and looked at Juan. “Is it so spelled?”, Juan nodded said, Amber took back the book and continued: “You know Mr. Luke is involved in other companies. Is the investment behavior? Or did he say that he has a listed company or someone who knows similar?”


The interrogation work lasted for more than an hour. After the end, Amber sent Juan back to his cell. He slowly adjusted his hand and slowly shook his head. There is no doubt that Juan’s suspicion is not big. He appeared in front of Amber at a glance from the history of the family. This is a kind of person who is a little bit guilty, at least when he was young. All his life trajectories are in Irian, and it is impossible to be strong to Hoddock and other capital forces. He may have been framed by the group.

Amber, who was thinking about the case, didn’t notice that Clark had come in. He stood by the wall and waited for Amber’s last came back to his senses to find him. He then went to the chair where Juan had sat and sat down. “How? Is this person suspect?”

Amber shook his head. “He was implicated. The problem should still be with Luke. At the same time, I think Luke is unlikely to be a participant. He is used as well.”

Clark frowned, “Do you mean that the two people we brought back from Irian are useless?”

Amber lightly smiled, “No, Luke is very useful. I think Luke has seen this fraudulent participant, even a mastermind, so he will be dragged down by that person. He has absolutely contradictions or differences with that person, from Hu In the confession that Ann just confessed, I think this person named Durin has certain suspicions, but the only trouble is that until now, we have no direct or indirect evidence to accuse this person. Without evidence, there is no way to summon him. Unless we can get even indirect evidence, we better not alarm him first!”

“We can’t get an arrest warrant or a search warrant. We can’t do anything for a rich like Durin.” Amber added that this is the most feared thing he has ever dealt with in various cases during the years.

Every rich man is not irritating. They can pull up a luxurious lawyer team and file a lawsuit at any time and any place. In his past brilliant achievements, there is such a person, a rich man, but there is no money enough to be called a rich man. But even then, Amber spent nearly eighteen months before he succeeded in finding his flaws and sent him to jail.

Prior to this, he was threatened with death, subjected to counter-control by his lawyers, and even the judiciary to investigate his illegal evidence collection and harassment. Even the regional public opinion has unified the caliber and direction, describing Amber as an evil prosecutor, profiting from the persecution of the rich, and even fabricated some evidence to prove that Amber has offered bribes to the suspect.

And now the financial power of the guy they are facing is not many times that of the guy. Even more troublesome is that the suspect is smarter, more cunning, more careful, more bold and more patient than the idiots Amber has seen.

If he is really a participant or even a mastermind, then it is very likely that he will hold the amazing money. If he uses these money for the investigation team, it is definitely a disaster. When the lawsuit was dragged long enough, the above people lost patience, and Hoddock would pay for the flag, and this may be the reason why the other party was unscrupulous.

He has already arranged all the retreats and backhands for himself. This is a cunning criminal, a high IQ criminal.

Clark frowned and squinted at his cheek. This case made him feel bad about his brain. If he couldn’t detect it, he would have to be investigated. Suddenly he patted his head and remembered something. “Right, I remember Luke said that 6 million has gone through Durin’s account. Is this the case? If this is the case, then we can go to the judge. Make an application and let Durin ‘help’ us investigate the work.”

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