Cosma Empire

Chapter 278

Mennon, who had just returned to his villa, took off his coat and hung it on a hanger. The villa had only one steward and two maids besides him. Mennon has no wife, but he has several lovers, and maybe even more. After all, in the turbulent years, no one knows where Gennon went, nor does he know if this guy is outside when he is outside. Something in your own pants.

According to common sense, he can’t control it. It is said that he has many illegitimate children, and people have long been numb. At the beginning, some people were concerned about this matter, but they soon discovered that Mennon himself did not care about the illegitimate children who had born a night relationship, and their concern was superfluous. Even many people secretly fortunate that Mennon has no wife and no formal child. In the future, he will be so old that he will die, and power will not be passed on to his next generation. This is a good thing!

Some tired Mennon looks like he is about sixty years old. He has two white spots and his brown hair is grayish. This is a characteristic of aging. His maintenance in the past few years is not bad. He doesn’t look old like an ordinary old man. But when he is older, he is older. Some things can be dissatisfied. Even in the face of time, even the gods must bow.

Steward has already greeted him. This is an old man who looks like Mennon. He is tall, a little slim, wearing a dress. “Sir, you are back.”

The farm gate was nodded, moved towards the inside of the house, and Steward followed him. After the two entered the study and closed the door, Mennon took a sigh of relief in the chair. He looked up at Steward. “How is the investigation going?”

Steward had a sturdy smile on his grim face, as if he wouldn’t laugh at all. “Mr., things have gotten a bit of a look. We followed the girl to Irian, she and a young people called Durin.” According to our survey feedback, this young people, called Durin, had been in Tenel for a while. He was a private trafficker there, and later was imprisoned for four months for some minor incidents. After the gold robbery, he disappeared. , it appears again in Irian.”

Mennon asked thoughtfully: “Do you mean that the gold may be in the hands of this called Durin?”

As the leader of the Kadima Party, the party has the greatest power and one of the most prestigious people. Mennon knows that they almost lost to the old parties. If the gold used to suppress the KNOW value of 30 million was suddenly robbed at a critical moment, they might be picked up after a brief episode. He would like to thank the robbers who had stolen the 30 million BRIC, but he also liked this 30 million glare like a tiger watching his prey.

With this 30 million, he will be more confident in the state’s dominance in the mid-term elections after half a year. Once he masters the state, he can exert his ambition and step by step to the highest power of the empire. Slowly. He used to think that those who went to death for the ideals were idiots, even though he still thinks that those people are fools, but he can also do such things.

He is not for a great ideal, he is for power, and money.

He is a businessman. No matter what kind of skin is used to cover up his essence, he can’t change the things in his bones. He is a businessman. He is very grateful to those who include Mr. Cosma, who turned him from a Hummer to this year’s big man, and he is also very grateful that he can stick to this step.

For the supreme power and ideals, he must make 120,000 points of effort, the most indispensable of which is money.

He sent people to Tenel to collect clues. The robbers were very clean and couldn’t find much useful information, so he had to stare at the only witness in the case who might know the robbers, Alisa. Eight months of close surveillance almost gave up Mennon. If he didn’t need the 30 million too much, he might have already withdrawn. Fortunately, when he almost lost patience, the people who monitored Alisa found anomalies.

She went to Irian and met a young people called Durin who also appeared in Tenel last year. If this is just a normal young people, perhaps those supervisors will give up after a period of attention, but the private drinker called Durin actually owns a villa worth 350,000 and also runs a jewel in partnership with the person. The store, this news suddenly cheered everyone up, they thought they found the truth.

So the news was sent to Mennon here.

Steward replied in a discretionary and uncertain voice: “There is no evidence that the young people called Durin are participants in the Golden Robbery, but the following people think that he is very likely to be the target we are looking for. So I am still paying close attention to and monitoring. This person has some power and is very prestigious in the local area. Our people are not very close, and can only look far away.”

Mennon nodded, “The next six months is a crucial half year for our Kadima Party. As long as we can make a positive impact, they won’t vote for us in the mid-term election. People are staring at this guy, if Be sure to be him, just arrange for people to do it directly. Remember, we don’t care about the life and death of a small person, but the money in his hand must be found!”

“I understand!”

The room was in a short silence, and Mennon couldn’t move with his eyes closed as if he were asleep. After a while, he opened his eyes. When he came back, the kind of red light that was positive and upward was already disappeared without a trace, leaving only deep, and Senran. He supported his chin in one hand and played a delicate lighter in one hand. His eyes were locked on the lighter, but he was thinking about other things.

“Shapke is too old, thinking about retreating. What is even more hateful is that he is still holding a group of people standing on his side. If we miss this mid-term election, we will have to wait for four years. After four years, everyone said I don’t know what a World is, we can’t wait that long. After a long time, people’s boiling blood will cool down. He is too much trouble, arrange a person to talk to him and convince him!”, said Mennon Laughing, there was a hint of indifference in the laughter.

Decades of feelings in the face of power and desire can be with tostand a single blow!

Shapke is the party whip in the Kadima Party. The third person, the original idea of ​​Mennon is to put this somewhat stubborn old man in this position and the advantages outweigh the disadvantages. But in fact he made a mistake. For him, power is very important. Money is very important. Everything is important. He is not the old “revolutionary party.” He can’t understand their “ideal is above everything else.” spirit. And Shapke is the kind of person. He sees his ideals more than anything else. He even argued with Mennon several times during this time, so that Mennon couldn’t get off the stage.

Mennon’s idea was to move Confederation’s welfare system directly as soon as possible, first to capture the voters’ intentions, and then adjust the internal structure and other things step by step. But Shapke thinks that the Confederation’s set of things is good, but it may be unacceptable on the empire!

He really wants to create a “new world,” but the price should not be a crumbling foundation. It has become a normality for citizens of Confederation to pay various fees, but people on the empire have never paid anything other than taxes. It is really necessary for them to pay a pension and medical insurance for their old age on time.

Many families work for a month to get enough salary for their daily use, and then save a little. If they are allowed to pay their pensions and medical benefits, they will have problems in their lives. This kind of thing should not be done by citizens. Shapke believes that the capitalists should pay these benefits for those employees. His idea is that the capitalists pay more and the workers pay less, so everyone can accept it. The problem is that in this place, imperial capitalism has grown rapidly and has become a terrifying force. Want these capitalists who use the oppressed workers to make profits to pay more for their employees, is it possible?

Obviously it is impossible, and if the Kadima wants to go further, it will be inseparable from the help of these capitalists.

Then Mennon came up with a “small idea”. He should have given workers 25 yuan a month, and now only pays 22 yuan. Two of the three missing dollars were handed over to the Kadima Party as a welfare fund, and the remaining fifty were given to the capitalists as “accidental compensation.” If an employee has an accident during the course of work, the required treatment and various compensation costs, it will come out from these 50s.

When the idea came out, it was immediately recognized by the capitalists, which was equivalent to reducing the wages of employees by 50%. It seems that this is a small amount of money, but when a factory has thousands of people working, this is not a small amount. The factory of 3,000 people can deduct one thousand and five hundred pieces a month, and they don’t need to pay another sum for any accident.

All the expenditures are shared by the workers, and the capitalists don’t have to pay for a penny. They are certainly willing to do so.

This is where the differences between Mennon and Shapke are, and Mennon is also thinking about getting Shapke down. What he needs is a symbolic party whip that is obedient, not a “party whip” that can point to his own nose and let himself not come to Taiwan.

Steward was silent for a moment, “I will personally convince him!”

“If you go in person, then I am relieved.” He took the lighter up and sat up straight, suddenly asked, “Right, Cosma, did the guy return the news?”

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