Cosma Empire

Chapter 275

Regardless of the premeditated plan of the mastermind of this scam, Amber can’t help but admit that this guy is a rare “genius crime”, not that this person has thrown Hoddock’s heart to die. This stupid move to disturb the case, Amber has seen similar cases in many cases in the past. For example, he once supervised a case of perverted murder. Every time when he was about to get close to the truth, there was always a guy who ran out of the head. These surrenderers were able to recap the process of committing crimes in detail, not too bad, even Let Amber find some small details that he didn’t find.

Are these people criminals?

Obviously not, they are actually part of the victim, and then because of a particular psychological change, they have a cult of the perpetrator, madly admiring the perpetrator and willing to sin for the perpetrator. Finally Amber still caught the guy, a pastor. The case was suppressed by the church, and the false identity of volunteers was used to inform the criminals.

This is actually not a clever trick, but some less savvy tricks can be an extremely important trump card after using the right place!

The existence of Hoddock is completely impossible to influence the investigation team from the perspective of obstructing the investigation. But he is there. The reason for that is not what he wants to do, how to block the misleading direction of the case, but the joint investigation. The group and the police investigation bureau and the city hall of Imperial Capital do what they want.

The impact of this financial fraud case is too bad. Over the past five days, more than 20 people have chosen to jump off the building to end their tragedy. The explosive emergence of such intensive suicides in such a short period of time all pointed to the Dreamworks financial fraud case, which had a very terrifying effect in society, and the economy of the entire empire had declined.

It can be said that the entire Imperial Capital and the small half of the empire are paying attention to this matter, and many people are under heavy pressure. If the case cannot be detected in the short term, even if there is a possibility of a short-term stagnation in the process, what will the officials responsible for this matter do in the face of such heavy and increasing pressure? The only idea they had at that time was to find a way that everyone could recognize and end the case as soon as possible.

And Hoddock is the best choice!

In this financial fraud case, the imperial administration did not suffer any economic losses, and the central bank of the largest economy of the empire did not suffer any substantial losses. The real victims were the investors on Ritz Street and those investors and speculation. By. This is different from previous cases in which the government was deceived or the bank was defrauded. There is no strong promoter in this case. When the above-mentioned pressure is considered to be the end of the case, it will definitely End.

There may be follow-up follow-ups, maybe it’s really here!

Therefore, Amber would think that the mastermind of this case must be very clever, and the analysis of the human heart is in place. Hoddock is the fig leaf that he throws to the big men who can decide the final result of this case. Once the investigation is deadlocked, Hoddock’s role can be seen.

This is not the first time Amber has dealt with a smart criminal. He used to be handed over to a lot of smart criminals. It turned out that he won, except for the big gold robbery. But that was not the result of his investigation, but he was not a supervisor, but a consultant. If he is given enough time and manpower, he may not be able to catch the initiator of the Golden Robbery.

He pinched his nose and walked back to his “temporary office”, looking at the clues and directions on the wall, and finally placed the main direction of the next stage on the 6 million that suddenly disappeared and disappeared. Perhaps this 6 million can bring him a new “face”. There are not many “cards” in his hands. In this game, he still can’t see the hope of victory. Only when there are enough cards, he can defeat his opponent in one fell swoop.

The knocking of bangbangbang alerted Amber who was thinking. He looked up and was an agent who was transferred from the police investigation headquarters. He held a document in his hand and raised it. “The leader, we just received After an anonymous letter, Clarke’s deputy leader thought that this might be of great help in solving the case and let me be sent to you.”

Amber said a thank you. After picking up the document from the agent’s hand, he pulled out a slightly dusty letter. He rubbed some dust on his fingers and used it as a special powder for fingerprint collection. It is very delicate and has certain chemical properties. When these powders can be adsorbed on the residual material without damaging the sweat and part of the fat remaining on the surface of the object, they can be completely shaped by spraying with a chemical. Some of the starch components, the fingerprints will be black after the stereotype, according to the process of special shooting, and then gently pressed with a transparent glass with a semi-dry glue to remove the complete fingerprint.

This method is passed from Confederation and has been used in large cities. The accuracy of fingerprints obtained is very high.

He turned his gaze to this anonymous letter again. Like many anonymous letters he had contacted, the letter was plain and plain, and the content was also pieced together with printed pieces from the shredded newspaper. The content of this anonymous letter is not much, only two lines of words, one sentence.

“I heard that the Dreamworks stock fraud was operated by a man named Joshua. His office is on the back street of Ritz Street. The name of the hirer is Nicole.”

Amber went to the conference room immediately after the meeting and called the man. He sent the anonymous letter to each agent to watch it carefully and finally returned to him.

“How about fingerprint collection?” He looked to the agent who just sent him the letter. The agent shook his head. Amber was not disappointed. He also realized that the letter was most likely to be sent by the participants of the fraud. Even the mastermind sent it. In many of the cases he cracked, the murderer and planner always had an inexplicable desire to challenge the police and get a more exciting thrill than committing the crime. He had captured a murderer, and the murderer even went to the police station before he captured him. The Amber office provided some important clues to Amber.

“I know that some of you want to find out the source of these pieces of paper, but that makes no sense. Imperial Capital has a population of more than 18 million people and sells more than three million newspapers a day, even if you find it. It doesn’t make sense for these papers to come from any newspaper.”

“I will talk about my personal opinion. First, in this letter, the word ‘I’ has a larger font than other fonts. The character who writes this anonymous letter should be relatively strong, self-conscious, and also I value the way people think about him…” Amber suddenly closed his mouth, a sitting agent raised his hand and he raised his chin.

“Mr. Amber, why is this person a very strong and self-contained person?” The agent raised a question, and other agents also raised their ears. They were equally curious.

Amber didn’t yell at him, but patiently explained it. “This ‘I’ uses a bigger font, which means that he is emphasizing himself and his point of view. Such people are often very self-confident and have this. A person with a certain personality has certain paranoid obstacles. He will think that everything he does is correct, so he will be very emboldened and will show his strength. He then used the term ‘speaking’ to represent the uncertainty. The phrase, but with detailed information in the back, is a very euphemistic expression. He sees himself as standing in a higher position than us, maybe a social class, or something else…”

After a moment of pause, Amber continued: “The second point, I think the author of this letter is not just as simple as the insider, it may be a participant or even a mastermind. Combining the first point I said, We assume that the ‘author’ of this letter is also a participant. He has a certain social status, has a high IQ, and has a superiority over others.”

“He may have lived in Imperial Capital, so he lives on Ritz Street, and perhaps created the conditions to meet us, but we don’t know him. He uses this method to satisfy his needs for pleasure and fulfillment. He wants to see us clearly clinging to the clues but unable to do anything.”

“The next step in your work is to find out the specific situation of Joshua written on this letter. At the same time, I hope that you will pay attention to the appearance of the surrounding onlookers whenever you conduct any investigation. Or recorded by photography, especially those who look like social elites. The second step is to find out who Joshua has always contacted and figure out his social environment…”

The initiator of the letter was sitting in James’s office at this time, and Gavin was sitting next to him. When Gavin was nodded to him and exchanged documents for him, Durin smiled and stood up and walked to James. He shook hands. “Thank you very much, you have helped me a lot, so let’s have dinner together at night!”

James squeezed out a humble smile, nodded again and again, “This is just a handful of things…”

The documents are actually the liquor licenses of Juan. These license plates do not record any names. Whoever owns these documents will have the right to brew and sell drinks. With these files, Durin can unscrupulously produce a wide variety of drinks in Irian’s mass and then smuggle it elsewhere. This is a complete step for him to complete his own life planning, thank you!

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