Cosma Empire

Chapter 273

In the confusion, Joshua suddenly opened his eyes, and he felt the airflow stroking his cheek. He didn’t have the experience of living by the sea, so this sea breeze with a sea scent made him feel a little discomfort. The wet air and the salty smell in the air don’t exist in Imperial’s Imperial Capital. Imperial Capital is dry all year round, but it feels much more comfortable to live in than the living environment.

He blinked his eyes, the lights were lit outside the window, the room was dark and lacquered, and there was a window that didn’t seem to be tight, missing a gap, and the gauze was dancing with the wind. He sighed with relief, and it was so comfortable to sleep. He walked barefoot to the window and heard footsteps. He took a look at the probe and there was a team of security patrols just outside the courtyard wall. Walked through his door.

The reason why I purchased this set of 180,000 Star Coins in Florida and replaced it with a Confederation currency is about six hundred thousand. In addition to the need to take a boat and leave quickly when it is close to the sea, I also took a look at the preservation here. Measures. It is not unreasonable that the Tianpingshan villa area is known as the most affluent rich area. There is a routine patrol every ten minutes, and any owner can reach the villa within three minutes by pressing the red button that is often visible in the villa.

It has been six years since the construction of the Tianpingshan villa area, and there has not been any negative news. This is the value of the 180,000 Star Coin!

He smiled and retracted his head, closed the window, and turned on the light.

The villa is not too big, it is not too small, there are more than 800 square meters on the upper and lower floors, there is a separate yard and swimming pool, and there is a stadium behind the house. Although the price is a bit high, Joshua feels very cost-effective.

He needs to take a shower now, directly remove the clothes from his body and walk into the bathroom on the first floor. The hot water supplied 24 hours so that he does not need to worry about the need to wait for the bath. He soon immersed himself in warm water, and his body was completely relaxed. He was thinking about how he would enjoy his life in the future. People take great risks to do something, isn’t it just to get enough rewards?

Maybe he should find a female master for this villa, maybe two can, if they can get along well.

Joshua, who dreamed of a wonderful life for the future, soon had some sleepiness. When he was about to get up from the bathtub, he vaguely saw another shadow reflected on the mirror of his glass bathroom. He instantly became frightened and struggled to get up from the bathtub, but the bathtub with the special technology of the latest technology was not as easy to use as he thought, at least he wanted to stand up and need both hands, and The bathtub is very slippery.

A thin steel cable sucked his neck and forced him up. In the panic he lost his calmness, and the crazy buckled steel cable wanted to breathe a fresh air, just as his consciousness gradually blurred. At the time, I heard a familiar voice.

“Durin asked me to tell you that you are too close!”

When Joshua was motionless, Ellis was sighed in relief. He wore some dirt shoes and stepped on the shiny mirror-like floor and walked to the bar. He opened a bottle of red wine that he didn’t know, opened the storage cabinet, took out a pot of fresh fruit from it, and ate it with a little song.

It was not until the third day that the villa’s cleaning staff came here to clean the house for a living, only to smell a stench in the house, and then she called the police.

The murder case in the rich area immediately caught the attention of the local police station. Whether in the Empire or Confederation, everything related to the rich is not a small matter. Soon they figured out the identity of Joshua, and then they chose to hide the truth of the matter. If they tell people that there has been a murder in the Tianpingshan villa area, these rich people may leave here or even leave the city.

The rich who can live here are not as simple as ordinary money. Maybe a few people just have money, but more people not only have money, but also status and power.

So they made up a lie, the new guest came from the backward empire, because he wanted to stand up during the bathing process, but because the bathtub was too slippery, he accidentally fell and hit the head. Immersed in the bathtub, it was all accidental. Whether people believe that they don’t believe this answer, the management company in the Tianpingshan villa district soon took the bathtub manufacturer to court and replaced the bathtub for all the residents…

Ellis took the “Briefcase” not found in the Confederation transcript and sat down on Irian’s cruise. He probably didn’t understand what Irian was doing.

The George family delegation has begun a second round of negotiations with Juan. The core of the negotiations revolves around the fierce debate on how much power the two sides occupy. Juan’s request is no less than 30%, but the George family believes that the theaters and industries in the hands of Juan can only give him a power of eight percent. If there are differences, it will be impossible to talk. Juan can even feel that the George family does not really want to cooperate with them. This time, their so-called negotiations are more like a “finding” of resources in his hands.

Yes, that’s the feeling. They always ask Juan to show the materials and operations related to the cinemas in his hands and record them. This makes Juan’s heart start to panic because this is not what Durin originally said to him. same! Fortunately, he mastered a fatal news of the George family, although he did not feel very good, but he did not show it. In such a quarrel, the delegation of the George family proposed another way. Instead of forming a unified company, they each operated their own company and formed an alliance.

Any important matters must be decided by the board of directors, and the board of directors has five directors and twelve directors. Among them, Juan can be the chairman of the board of directors, but like Luke and the farm couple can only serve as directors, the meeting is conducted by voting, the board of directors has one vote, the chairman has two votes, and the three directors have a veto when they jointly right!

For such a proposal, Juan could not agree. If he did so, he would not even have the power of 8 percent. The negotiations were in a stalemate and the two sides broke up.

Negotiations are like this, as much as possible to seek common ground while reserving differences, which is why often an important commercial negotiation may last for a week or even a month, too many things need to be “coordinated.”

After a disappointing negotiation meeting, Juan and Luke left the hotel in the same car. After Luke got on the bus, there were some concerns on his face. In the past few days, high-intensity negotiations have never allowed everyone on both sides to have a As a result of the recognition, the delegation of the George family gave him a strong and aggressive feeling, and there was a taste that couldn’t be said, just like… don’t want to cooperate.

“Huan, do you say we can succeed?”

In the face of Luke’s full of worries, Juan is very confident. “Of course, we will succeed!” He seems to think that this is not convincing enough to explain the source of his self-confidence. “You may not be very good.” Clearly, some time ago, a company called Dreamworks announced that it would block the layout of the George family in the cinema field and come up with a feasible plan, which successfully absorbed a lot of money.”

“Once this Dreamworks began to speed up the construction, it was definitely a heavy blow to the George family. Their Early Stage has invested a lot of money. If they can’t finish the target, those who are led by Arthur George may be afraid. I want to be bad luck. So as long as we can stick to the bottom line and bite the teeth, we will never retreat. It will take a long time for them to take the initiative to compromise.”

Since Juan wants to work with the George family, it is sure to collect information and intelligence from the George family, as well as a certain understanding of the opponents they may have. If the investment in Early Stage makes Juan unable to retreat, then the emergence of this Dreamworks company will point him in the right direction. The company has made a large investment by issuing stocks, which is said to be tens of millions, enough to pose a huge threat to the George family!

If you can’t complete your strategic goals before Dreamworks completes their industry layout, then the George family’s plan will be a complete failure. Those people, like Juan, have no retreat. The only question now is who can hold on to the negotiating table for a longer time!

Hearing that Juan explained that Luke had finally let go of his heart, and there was a hint of sorrow in the heart of Juan. Such an important news, he did not tell himself and concealed, this is a betrayal of his own trust. Only now that he is in a weak position, he dare not show any move that he does not return. He is waiting, waiting for the dust to settle.

The next negotiation was caught in an endless tug-of-war. The two sides tried their best to compete for more power with the double digits after the decimal point. When Juan thought that the dawn of victory was about to come, the accident happened. It is.

In the morning, he carried Luke to the hotel’s conference hall and planned to continue spending the day, but as soon as he stepped into the conference hall, he immediately noticed that the atmosphere was abnormal. The eyes of those people in the delegation have lost the dignity of the previous days, and they all have a feeling of emotion that makes him angry.

He sat quietly in his position, just preparing to launch the issue, and the legal counsel of the George family stood up.

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