Cosma Empire

Chapter 269

“Durin was kicked out?” Nasha couldn’t help but ask after listening. Since Durin and she told the truth, she was a lot brighter, and occasionally some smiles appeared on her face. It was just that she didn’t expect Durin to be kicked out by her partner, which made Nasha feel a little confused. This guy is definitely not a good guy. Nasha has confirmed that they can kill Morris and kill others.

But this kind of person is actually kicked out of the game by his own partner. Doesn’t he have any remedy measures or revenge?

However, there is really no, Durin is honestly staying in his own home. He doesn’t run around all day, except that he occasionally goes to the scene to find out that he has almost isolated all business activities. This made Nasha a little bit tickle. She was also prepared to give herself a sigh of relief when she negotiated at the end of the month. She retaliated against Durin’s bastard. Didn’t she think that she could not do it? !

Ms. Chris has already transferred the news from here to Imperial Capital. John was very happy after learning that it was necessary and necessary to let Nasha relax to Irian. The only thing that is elderly a bit uncomfortable is the emotional change of Nasha. It may be related to the countryman called Durin, which is the least desirable to see.

As the first person in the third generation of the George family, Nasha’s role is very important. Towards a small one, her words and deeds may be the vane of the middle management cadres of the enterprise. Her joys, sorrows and sorrows are no longer their own, and they are a channel for the family to go abroad. Too big to say that Nasha, which is of great significance, is definitely the best candidate for marriage. No matter who chooses or even marries the royal family, there is no problem.

But she may like a poor country, Mr. John can only be sulking in his heart, but also said that Chris did a good job.

“Where is Durin now?” Nasha quickly changed his mind. Since he couldn’t report his “one-finger” revenge on the negotiating table, he could still do what he said. Chris immediately told Durin about her movements. At this time, Durin should be on the filming scene if there is no accident. He is going there almost every day. Some people say that he is pursuing Verona. Others say that he has covered his failure in this way. No matter what people outside, Durin goes once a day.

Nasha changed her handful clothes and grabbed a handbag and went out. When she got on the bus, she suddenly asked: “Is Durin really pursuing Verona’s woman? She is bigger than Durin!”

In the slightly disgusting tone, Chris heart peng peng jumped, came, and the young lady really liked Durin, right? She lifted her arms up and covered her eyes, covering the panic in her eyes. “This…Miss, these actresses are very dressed, they can make themselves look younger than they are, and I heard about Verona. Ms. and Durin are both out of the place, and it is inevitable that there will be a good feeling among fellow people. It is understandable to breed feelings.”

Nasha hehe smiled a few times, leaning against Chris. “Do you think I am a fool?”

Chris lowered her head slightly and silently, she knew she couldn’t say it anymore.

At this time, Durin is talking to the director about the shooting problem. Once the TV station is set up, it needs a lot of programs to attract everyone’s attention. There is no doubt that Durin has had many imitators as soon as he successfully fired the first shot. At that time, there will be competition, but Durin is not very worried. When it comes to TV programs, no one knows more about this line than he does. He has hundreds of years of “advanced” ideas and materials!

“I heard from my peers that the tape specifications of the player are not the same as those used for filming. We have to be more narrow and the material has some changes. It may be more delicate than the one seen in the cinema.” The director is tireless. In the gap between the shots and Durin chatted about these things, “and the player’s tape has not produced a special video equipment, now the tape is converted from a large tape into a small tape, an extra process, the cost is higher It is.”

“In short, it takes about 22 yuan to copy a tape tray suitable for player playback. If it can be mass-produced, the cost may be reduced. How? Is Mr. Durin planning to convert the film to the format? Can those players also play on the player? This is a good idea. Is it comfortable to watch a movie in a movie theater at home?” It is obvious that the director misunderstood the meaning of Durin, and Durin did not explain it. It is the default.

If a piece of tape requires twenty dollars (compression cost is not a typo), then transporting it from Irian to other places, the cost of a small amount of money, three dollars more, to the customer, at least twenty-five dollars. The cost was much higher than he expected. He thought that he could get it for just a few hundred dollars, but he didn’t expect it to be so expensive. Rolling tape on Monday, one month is a hundred dollars, which obviously will make some middle-class families can afford to buy TV but look down on TV. This is not what he wants. It seems that only one week can be adjusted to ten days. Or a half-month period. At the same time, it is necessary to hire some experts to make targeted research improvements, reduce unnecessary processes and reduce costs. If the cost of tape can be suppressed within ten dollars, the industry is the one who has the final say.

“If I need some scripts and some actors to shoot some songs and dances, who should I look for?” Durin took a cigarette and handed it to the director. The director smiled and thanked Durin.

He sniffed the unique taste of the cigarette and then stuffed it into the entrance. “Thank you, in fact, these things can be found from the actor’s guild. You can find everything you need. The actor will listen to the actors. Some screenwriters and directors have also joined the actor guild, they should call the film guild!”

When the Actors Guild was born, it was very loud. Soon the cheap actors on the market disappeared. The president of the Actors Guild, with reference to the rules and regulations of the workers’ union, set a series of standards and required members to abide by them. There are also very strict standards for paying for the film, which once allowed the producers and actors’ guilds to enter the extreme. However, this kind of struggle ended in less than a week, because they could not find anyone who would like to be a supporting role and extra actor.

In the face of tremendous pressure, the final producer agreed with the actor’s guild to set the standard for the pay–the extra actor’s pay is not less than the 1% of the male lead, and the supporting role is not less than the four 10% of the male lead. This standard quickly gained support from all the underlying actors and middle-level actors, which is good for them.

In the process, some actors also have some script creations, and some transformation directors have failed. They have found their living space in the actor guild. A large number of low-level scriptwriters and small directors also added an actor’s identity to the actor’s guild, which is also a guarantee for themselves. As for why they didn’t join the director’s guild or the writer’s guild… that’s actually another question.

Seeing that the actor guild faintly threatened the producers, the tycoons immediately established the directors’ guild, the writers’ guild and the producers’ alliance, and did not want the actor’s guild to be a big one. However, they were too anxious, but they directed the director and the screenwriter to the Actors Guild. Now, if you don’t hang an actor’s name in the entire movie circle, you are too embarrassed to go out and introduce yourself as a director or screenwriter.

It is said that the president of the actor’s guild claims that the actor’s guild will independently establish the director branch and the writer’s branch to satisfy everyone’s growing enthusiasm.

If you want a script or a director, you can definitely buy it if you contact them. Now the tycoons in the film circle have no way to take this group of people for the time being. It seems that the actor union will be a big one.

However, it is not possible!

After listening to the director’s narrative, Durin knew that it was absolutely impossible. The formation of any trust had the first element, that is, everyone must abide by his rules. For example, the George family’s newspaper trust is because he has three special features Syndicate in his hand, monopolizing the press release of the entire empire. You can not follow his rules of the game, you can not let him buy shares or even buy news from him.

So what do you report? Is there only a sales volume that reports on the same things in the city? To survive and thrive, you must let the George family buy shares and buy their press releases.

For example, the steel tycoon, why not the trust of the steel industry? Because the entire empire is full of steel mills, these steel mills buy ore from the country, buy ore from abroad, and can produce steel as long as there is ore. As long as the steel is not sold, even if the steel tycoon is so powerful, he can’t stop all the steel mills in the entire empire from making steel for profit, and it is impossible to stop those who bought the steel ingots in order to buy a little cheaper. .

So he is amazing, he is just a tycoon, not a trust.

The actor guild is the same, and now it seems as if the momentum is amazing in a short time, but after waiting for this period of pain, they will know what is regret. Now those movies that are shot can’t stop, so they take advantage of it. When these movies are finished, it is time for the actor’s guild to face a choice.

The actor is a white person who is a person who has studied performances. People are full of streets. If there is enough interest to seduce, you can find people with enough innate talent and ability to participate in this trip. These people are trained by the company alone and will inevitably replace the actors in the actor guild. When they didn’t have food, they realized that they had done something stupid.

Can not control the source to make rules, there is no monopoly!

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