Cosma Empire

Chapter 259

The man gave a sigh of relief, and some said defeated, “I am sorry, I am rash!”

Durin shook his head. “I am very sorry to say that I forgot your name, so I don’t know how to call you.”

“My name is Carter, sir!”

“Carter, although I refused your request, you don’t have to be discouraged because there is something more suitable for you to wait for you.” Durin pointed to the sofa opposite him, and Carter sat up cautiously. “You know Is the township meeting?”

Carter nodded, “I know Mr. Abigail and his accomplices have advertised to us some time ago, saying you…”, he looked up at Durin, and Durin signaled him to continue. “He said that you are engaged in human trafficking. Business and private mining, let us be careful not to contact you, so as not to be sold to the black mines in other places to do labor.”, said that he was embarrassed to scratch his head, in fact he believed in Abigail’s propaganda, really Think that Durin is a bad guy with a black heart.

Durin knows these rumors, but it still makes people laugh at this time. Maybe Abigail’s rumors are correct. He does “eat people” but only “eats” his enemies.

“The fellow villagers need to develop. I don’t have enough people to do this now, and you are the most suitable person. The fellowship is a civil society with Guartian as the core and the only non-governmental organization. Our purpose is not like the other extremes. Organizations must rehabilitate what is impossible. The fellowship is just an organization that cares for each other, loves each other, and strives for better living conditions and welfare.”

“Do you know why those provincial people are always able to get better jobs than you? Because they are very united, they can spontaneously unite in the face of certain troubles, and let people know their unity and their face. The difficulty is right. On the contrary, our Guartian is too silent, even if it suffers from unequal treatment, it will not be said. This is not right.”

“You don’t fight, why should others give you? Only you fight, let the public and the empire hear your voice, know your appeal, will consider whether you want to meet your conditions. Guartian has been quiet for too long, For a long time, people have forgotten that the first king once conquered this continent. The glory of the ancestors is in our hearts, in our hands, it is time to let it shine. Carter, my compatriot, this is a glorious mission. It is also a heavy burden. I want you to take this responsibility. Can you do it?”

Carter was a little excited, his lips trembled a little, he nodded hard and his hands became fists. “I can, Mr. Durin, I am sure I can! In the previous incident, I realized. Everything you said. When we encounter unfair treatment, no one can save us except ourselves. The provincial sage, Ogdinian, and the northern barbarians, they only see our jokes!”

“I don’t know if I can do this well, but I will do my best to do it!”

Durin stood up and took out the checkbook from his arms and loaded it up. He has a large denomination of checkbooks, but the maximum denomination of the checkbook is only one thousand. More than one thousand checkbooks are not called checkbooks, but are called “promissory notes.” There is still a big difference between the cheque and the promissory note. The promissory note is equivalent to a certificate of cash, and you can get the cash indicated on the promissory note at any bank. The check needs to have a verification process to prove that there is money in the account to get the amount on the checkbook.

In the Irian area, a thousand checkbooks are already the maximum amount that can be applied. More than one thousand banks will recommend customers to use the promissory notes, which is convenient and fast, and the loss to the bank is minimal. Because the promissory note rarely acts directly on the early invoice bank for cash withdrawal, it can be hedged by different banks on the settlement date to solve the problem of the reduction of bank deposits. (In the early days of the United States, there were still five-dollar and ten-dollar checkbooks, and the minimum amount was said to be two dollars.)

He asked Ellis to take a 10,000-yuan promissory note to Carter. “Go to the fifth district to find a piece of land to buy it. The rest of the money is spent on operations and your personal salary, and try to attract members. As long as Guartian tells them, will the fellows take away even a penny from them, only give them money, and have equal and fair power!”

Carter trembled when he took over the 10,000-dollar promissory note. He had never touched so much money in his life, but now he met, he can feel the trust and value from Durin. He put the ticket in his pocket, held Durin’s left hand, and kissed the cat’s eye ring on his index finger. “If you wish, sir!”

After sending Carter, Durin contacted Garfield. After the last friendly meeting, Garfield also promised to meet Durin. The place where the two agreed was at the port.

Durin really wants to buy a boat, but the purpose of buying a boat is not as simple as a simple logistics. He plans to take Juan’s liquor license and immediately start expanding the winemaking workshops and transport them to various places in the empire. Sold for sale. There is also a small idea here, he will only sell the wine to Guartian, and those Guartians must have more blood, whether they are protecting their own interests or making more money!

The profit of private liquor has skyrocketed under the second prohibition of alcohol, and the retail price of private liquor in many areas has tripled. In such an attractive market, even the honest Guartian will be red-eyed and those Attempts to obstruct the people who made their fortune make a knife. And Durin can also use this opportunity to form a nationwide network, these people will become his disciples!

Think about it, when every city has Durin people, and these people have the courage and strength, what does Durin want to do?

Of course, the premise of all this is that he must have a wine that can be supplied to the whole country, and a network that can transport these wines to various places quickly enough. He once thought about finding something else for his stupid compatriots, but it seems that only to let them in order to protect their own interests can inspire their blood. This is not the fault of anyone. If you are not looking for someone to be a black pot for Guartian’s silence these years, it is God’s fault.

Garfield didn’t let Durin wait for a long time, Durin’s forefoot arrived, and his hind foot arrived.

“Is there anything to say on the dock?” Garfield sighed and smiled as he got off the bus. He stepped forward and shook hands with Durin. “What I said yesterday made me benefit a lot. I thought about it for a long time after I went back. I decided to go to the west to buy some mines and do it myself from the source to the terminal.”

After Durin said those words, Garfield immediately realized that if the economy is really recovering as Durin said, the real estate industry is about to enter a period of rapid development, then the demand for steel in this society will increase dramatically! Because whether it is building a railway or building a house or something, it is inseparable from steel and cement. He is unfamiliar with cement, but he can’t cook anymore.

He also realized that once the society’s demand for steel rose, the ore as raw material would become a tight cargo, and even face a short-term out-of-stock phenomenon, so he decided to go to the west to buy some iron ore, even if he would not do it himself in the future. Can also make a big profit through the supply. He never considered robbing the name of the steel tycoon. He couldn’t afford it, and he didn’t have such great ability. He just wanted to use this opportunity to make some money.

For Garfield’s tentative inquiry, Durin gave a positive response. “Now investing in mines is the best time. There are some iron mines in the west because the current steel prices are not high, they are all in the down phase. Buying those mines will not consume them. You have too much money, but it can bring several times of profit. This is a good project!”, he said that he put down his hand and talked about his own affairs. “I plan to buy some boats. They all say this. You are the most familiar, so I will find you.”

“What kind of boat do you want, is it loaded or manned?” As soon as Garfield learned something, he immediately came to the rescue. The metal ingots used by most Irian docks are provided by him, and he also knows the people who can speak.

Durin pondered and said, “I want a freighter. The more cargo, the better.”

Garfield laughed and shook his head: “Durin, to be honest, I don’t really recommend you to play the boat. The cost of the ship is too high, the maintenance cost is too high, but the profitability is too low. It is now the latest 20,000 tons. The freighter, which costs as much as 1.2 million, has been built for nine months. No one can play the sea except the sea tycoons who have retired from the Navy.”

He said with great enthusiasm: “And the situation at sea has changed a lot, especially pirates. If you don’t pay the security fees regularly, they will rob your ship and kill your crew, then sink your boat to the seabed!”

Durin, who heard this, couldn’t help but laugh. “So the maritime tycoons of the empire are military people?”

Garfield shrugged, “This is a well-known thing in the industry. They initially made some problems with some of the supply ships that were in service, and then packaged them to buy these supply ships, forming a huge-scale sea transport. No one dares to compete with them. There is an unconfirmed gossip that the pirates outside the sea are also controlled by these shipping tycoons and ship kings, even their people.”

“Otherwise, if you think about it, why do they occupy this world of freedom?”

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