Cosma Empire

Chapter 257

“Mr. Durin, very eager to ask, are you buying a ship for the transportation industry?” The guy who spoke was called Hollis. He had a relationship with Durin. The house where Durin now lives is built by Hollis. This guy is a standard real estate agent. It is said that he has won two major projects in the project in the eighth district, and his financial strength is eye-catching.

He asked this question, and he also wanted to know if Durin had any way to make money. The words that Durin said at the luncheon meeting had begun to spread widely among Irian’s upper social groups. Many people think that Durin’s assessment of the future is very correct. . When the empire’s economy began to recover, the first to be affected by the radiation was the physical industry. When people start to have surplus money in their hands, the first thing they need to do is to add something to the family, from a piece of clothing to an electrical appliance, or even to buy a house. So in the next decade, the physical industry will have a booming development period.

Being able to get recognition from many people naturally shows that Durin is still capable, so he suddenly asked to buy a ship and immediately caught Hollis’ attention.

Durin looked down at the card in his hand and threw the card back into the discard zone. He lost the game and he paid 500 chips.

Durin leaned back on the back of the chair and nodded with a wine glass. “As I said at noon, the physical industry will have a good period of continuous development in the next decade. In this stage, a large number of commodities need to be circulated, and the empire is now There are only two circulation routes, steam locomotives and shipping.” He took a sip of wine and watched Alexander put the chips in the public area on the table in front of him. He continued: “The steam locomotive is under the empire. Supervise control, if we don’t build the railway ourselves, we must abide by the relevant laws and regulations, and the more things we transport, the higher the cost.”

When the dealer shuffled, everyone’s attention was concentrated on Durin’s body. He put down the glass and raised his legs. “But the shipping is different. I have never heard of the strict regulations on shipping, as long as it is not transported. Products, they can not control how we run. Plus the cost of shipping is significantly lower than the land transport, so I intend to apply for a transportation company, specializing in marine transportation business.”

“So what about car transport?” Hollis talked about a new truck that has recently emerged. It is more advantageous than the trucks in the traditional concept, bigger in size, and has excellent cargo and transport capabilities. Transport capacity is five to ten times that of trucks in the past.

Durin grinned and took the card that the dealer sent him to his hand and glanced at it. He lost a 50-piece chip. “Truck land transport is the future trend, but not now. Trucks have the benefits of trucks. Compared to the inland lack of water resources, trucks can go anywhere, but you have to understand that economic recovery does not mean a major outbreak. This is a continuous process. In this process, the city that first clearly reflects the economic recovery There may be only two to three states, and it is difficult to see profits in the short term by trucks.”

This sentence makes Hollis nodded again and again. Most of the richest places in each state in the empire are the capitals of each state. It is not so good to go down. By then shipping these goods by sea to the nearest port to unload, and then to the place by steam locomotive, will undoubtedly save a lot of money.

“If you plan to do this, are you willing to accept the investment?” Hollis directly throws the cards back into the discard area and stares at Durin.

Durin frowned, after sweeping out five hundred chips and throwing them into the public area, he smiled and said, “Why not?”

In the afternoon, the game continued until 10 o’clock in the evening. A group of rich people changed into casual clothes and went to the bar for a while before they went home. Durin got up late in the morning, and the plan to find Garfield was delayed. Come down. As Durin expected, playing cards is not the key. The key is whether there is information exchange. You didn’t even say that because of a new dun who joined the circle, they shared their own news. I hope to find business opportunities from it.

Irian’s fall temperatures have started to fall, and only a few days apart, there is a significant drop in the number of visitors on the dock.

I don’t know if there was any problem with the dialogue between Durin and Nasha. The delegation that planned to visit Irian to discuss cooperation in the middle of the month delayed the date by two weeks, which means they may not come until the end of the month. Go to Irian to discuss how to cooperate and how to distribute power. This made Juan sighed in relief, he had already said that the biggest farmer couple in the next state, let them put all the money in their pockets.

In this way, he had more money to expand his “chips” as soon as possible, so that he was well prepared for the negotiations at the end of the month, so that he ignored the problem of construction in the eighth district until Scott came to the door.

The eighth district is the top priority in the development of the next urban area of ​​the Irian region. It can be said that the city hall has placed its political achievements in the next four years on the eighth district. They do not allow any construction in the eighth district. The leak.

When Juan saw Scott, he realized that he had fallen behind. After asking about the progress of the eighth district, he was somewhat confused. It is reasonable to say that in his estimation of Durin’s financial resources, Durin should have no funds to continue building him. The project in the eighth district, but now the construction site of Durin has started, where does he come from? Then he had a new guess, perhaps Durin introduced Luke’s 6 million funds because he was reluctant to give up his project in the eighth district, so there was a shortage of funds.

For this, Juan smiled and shook his head. In the end, it was a young people. He wanted everything, but he didn’t understand that he might not get anything at the end. Perhaps let him fall, it is the most powerful care for his growth.

“Mr. Juan, there is a clear provision in the 8th District Tender Agreement signed between you and the City Hall. If you are unable to start building your project within three months of the start of the construction period, you will permanently lose your power. So, do I understand that you understand?”, Scott took out the rubbish of the agreement at the time and placed it on the table.

In order to ensure that there will be no construction delay in the 8th district, the City Hall has signed an agreement with all bidders. Once they fail to build, the City Hall will take back their projects, build them themselves or hand them over to others. Go to build. This is the protection of the construction of the eighth district. At that time, everyone agreed, otherwise it is impossible to sign the agreement.

Juan just glanced at the name he signed and pushed the document away. “I am sorry Mr. Scott, the liquidity in my hands has been used in the infrastructure of the new company. The shopping mall project in the eighth district may temporarily take no I have enough money to carry out the follow-up construction work, so…”, he showed a very regrettable expression. “I can only say one sentence, I quit.”

Scott has raised his eyebrows. Many people in Juan’s recent economic situation have a speculation. He and Durin are constantly throwing money into the new industry like the comparison. People feel the heartbeat and have not seen the money. Sexual return, dare to take advantage of the family, do not know if Juan said crazy, or should say that he is stupid. Scott didn’t persuade anything about it. After all, the bidding project in the 8th district is also a game of saving money. When you don’t have money, you don’t need to take the initiative to explain that you can’t play, and the organizer will send you to leave.

“Okay…, say a word, Mr. Juan, it’s a pity to give up this opportunity.”

Juan also smiled nodded. “It is true that once the 8th district is established, it will definitely shock the entire empire and become the most eye-catching new city. I know this very well, but I have no choice.” He said it seems to be here. Thinking of something, “Right, Durin is very interested in the project in the eighth district. He has already invested in several projects and is equally interested in this. I may ask him, maybe he Willing to continue to increase investment in the eighth district?”

At this time, Juan had not forgotten to test the depth of Durin. Durin had always wanted the project of the mall in the hands of Juan, and even proposed the idea of ​​building a partnership. At that time, Juan agreed to the requirements of Durin’s partnership, but it did not form a valid written document. If this time, Durin can eat the project that Juan throws out, it shows that there is money in Durin’s hand, and it is a huge sum of money, and there is no money related to Luke’s 6 million.

If he can’t swallow it… Of course it’s the best result, which means he doesn’t have much money to toss.

In fact, Juan himself is very clear that he can not lose this project. Just wait for the cooperation problem at the end of the month. After a period of time, he will definitely be able to get the funds back to start the project. For example, looking for a bank to refinance, the pledge is in his own hands. Equity. But he didn’t do it. For Juan, any business now is more profitable than a monopoly. He has no energy and time to distract to do other things.

Scott sighed, he took out another document and put it on the table. “Mr. Juan, you need to sign this document to prove that you have voluntarily given up the mall project in the eighth district. Later, this project is also not with you. Any direct or indirect relationship.”

Hu’an even thought about signing his name on the abandonment book without considering it. In the face of monopolizing the industry, he has not seen this small business!

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