Cosma Empire

Chapter 250

“You should be happy!” Durin stripped a soft red fruit and placed it in Verona’s palm. Verona Durin, full of confusion, explained it funnyly. “It is because you are jealous.” This time, so you are the heroine of this movie today.”

Verona was very smart, otherwise she couldn’t have been with Tenel and the Dean for more than a decade. She immediately realized that her embarrassment was not a black pot for Durin. This guy named Luke should be the “golden master” behind Corina, Verona didn’t know whether to cry or laugh. Put the peeled fruit back in the dish, and look at Durin. “Is it so comforting to you? Listening to your statement is like my squatting value.”

After she said that she couldn’t help but laugh, it’s true that I think about it. She doesn’t know Luke, or she won’t give Luke the chance. In fact, everyone in the film circle looks at the resources in their hands more carefully than the money hidden in the house. Verona has been with Corinna for more than a month. However, during this one-month period, she never revealed the name of the gold lord behind her. Even she did not say anything.

Such resources are definitely scarce resources. If Corinna reveals them, those newcomers who can’t find the way to the door will probably rush to the big bed of Luke.

Ridiculously laughing, Verona’s face showed another sorrow. “I heard that Mr. Luke has a lot of power and is very rich. Will it cause you trouble?”, now Verona has confirmed One thing, that is to hold Durin’s thighs, everything else is virtual. She bit her lip and closed her eyes and said something that made Durin unexpected.

“If it doesn’t work, we won’t shoot this movie, let him be re-made!” Verona actually understands it very well, and whether Durin will make another rich person for her such a small person, if she shows her thoughts The idea of ​​fighting, maybe Durin would think she is using herself. She is willing to lose this precious opportunity and also to exchange for the greatest benefits in the future. Once Durin agrees with this idea, she will definitely make two movies for her that she feels that she is all embarrassed and will naturally be compensated in the future.

There are two big-production movies, and she is also in the film circle.

It’s just that Durin doesn’t think so. His stuff is his stuff. Whether he’s stolen or grabbed, as long as things are in his hands, it’s definitely his. He can take the initiative to throw things away, or give it to others, that is his freedom. But he does not accept any blasphemy and persecution, I can give you, but you can’t force me to ask, this is Durin’s principles and attitudes.

He patted Verona’s leg and then stood up. “I will handle this matter. It is just two days to hold a food festival. You have the right time to take a vacation. I will arrange for you to notify you if I handle it. If there is anything else, call the manor directly.”

Just out of the room door, Durin saw Jose, and the faint smile on his face converges. He pointed his finger at Jose, who looked down with a shy look. “How did I tell?” He glanced his head and turned to the mirror on the side of the hallway to sort out his dress. “I want you to ‘protect’ Miss Verona, have you done it? Where are you when things happen?”

Durin asked Jose to “protect” Verona around the clock. It can also be understood as surveillance. It seems that this is not necessary now, because Verona is very smart. He just needs to click on Verona to understand what should be said and what should not be said. But this has nothing to do with Jose’s mission. He didn’t do what he was supposed to do. He wasn’t on the scene when the situation happened, which made Durin somewhat annoyed.

He also knows that these old brothers are all caught up with him from life and death. They are all gambling on their own lives. But these can’t be an excuse, and Durin turned to look at Jose after he got the collar. Jose’s lips moved and there was no explanation.

He couldn’t explain it. In fact, he was diarrhea at that time, and the reason for diarrhea was that he had eaten a lot of foods at the food festival. I don’t know which one of the stalls is not so fresh, so his stomach is very uncomfortable, so he left for less than ten minutes. It took less than ten minutes to happen.

Jose is a whispered person. Durin knows this. He sighed and patted each other’s shoulders. He said with a strong heart: “So the dangerous situation we all came over. If you fall on something like this, you don’t Is it a pity? Well, this is the last time, you continue to help me ‘protect’ Miss Verona, no more problems!”

Durin didn’t let Jose do other things, and didn’t say anything further. This was to take care of his face and tell him a fact. He is still the brother of Durin. Even if he does something wrong, Durin will trust him as he used to, instead of “distrusting” him from his wrong position.

Jose took a moment and then said, “Boss, I know where Luke lives.” When he came back from the mobile toilet, he just happened to meet Luke entire group and knew that he made the mistake and Jose followed them directly. Behind the people, watching them go to the villa of the rich with a local wealthy man, Jose returned to the original road, which is why he came back now.

He didn’t say these things before Durin scolded him. He was such a dull temper, but Durin liked it. He patted Jose’s arm. “You remember the address yourself. I will see what happens after I have a decision. If necessary, I will give you a chance to find your face.”

When Scott went to the hotel lobby, Scott immediately greeted him. Durin said something, and Scott’s face was sore. He squinted for a moment, sighed, “The trouble you got, the end of your own, or the same as last time, let us face your face is ugly.”

“I can solve it!”

“Right, Garfield has nothing to do with this!”, Scott warned Durin, the guy who was Luke’s friend, who was in the steel business. Irian is one of the three deep-water ports for civilian use. There are many workshops for repairing ships on the dock. To repair ships, a variety of metal materials are needed. Garfield is one of the providers. It was also because Garfield often needed to buy metal ore and ingots that he knew Luke.

Scott thought he had already learned about Durin. He was afraid that Durin would count Garfield as a group of Luke, so he warned him.

In fact, Scott once discussed with the mayor, about Durin, Scott and Durin have a little more contact time, and he knows more about Durin. He always thought that Durin would be a big problem because he was not so disciplined. The Irian area wants stability, but his actions are telling him that he is not so well controlled. There are some different opinions about this mayor. He thinks Irian needs a sharp knife to help them solve things they are not suitable for themselves.

If the mayor knows that the Fuller family has been disposed of by Durin, I am afraid I will not think so.

The Fuller family has disappeared. If only the old Fuller couple are missing, the city hall may be nervous, but not only the Fuller, but their bodyguards, steward, and servants disappeared together. So recently there was a saying that the Fuller couple didn’t want to stay in this place where they were sad. The whole family left here and went back to their hometown to live.

As for where their hometown is…, no one knows yet.

Durin didn’t attend the dinner prepared by Alexander at noon, and found Dufo directly on Garfield’s door. Garfield was a little surprised when he saw Durin, but did not show it. He knows that Luke is looking for Durin, and he also vaguely knows what happened. For him, the two sides can shake hands and talk about the best results. If you really want to make something, it has nothing to do with him.

He would not offend the local rich for a raw material supplier in the field. It was a fool’s job, so he warmly welcomed Durin into his villa and placed it in the vestibule.

Durin only sat in less than five minutes and heard a laugh coming out of the door. Then the door of the porch was opened and he stood up.

Luke’s performance in the face of Durin was far less than he was on the beach, and his cold expression on his face converges, his face looks like a sincere smile. As soon as he came in, he shook hands with Durin and hugged him.

“I am really sorry, I am a little impulsive in the morning, I hope you can understand!” After Luke and Durin were seated separately, they made an apology. He is a man who is very good at camouflage, or more wild, like a predator, always hiding his true self before he reveals his teeth.

Durin waved his hand. “These are small things. I heard that Mr. Luke came to Irian from a great distance just to see me. Now we are sitting together. I don’t know what Mr. Luke wants to say to me. ?”

He said it was very straightforward, and there was no guilty conscience and Luke pulled it away and went straight to the subject. Such a good thing also made Luke lose the idea of ​​hypocrisy. The smile on his face quickly converges and says: “I think Mr. Durin should know me before you come. I will explain it, I am right. You are very interested in what you are doing now, and you want to join in with you. I don’t know if you can promise me this little request!”

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