Cosma Empire

Chapter 239

Early the next morning, countless reporters rushed to the fifth district, because just last night, just in the filming of their guests at the charity party, a targeted mass assassination broke out in the fifth district. According to the results of the investigation by the Fifth Division, people came to the conclusion that this should be an assassination between gangs. What led to this result should be a cleansing by the two gangs for the anesthetic market.

Such a thing can’t be considered a trivial matter, but it is not realistic to say that it is a big event. It is a vendetta between a group of gangs, and even the news page is not the first version. It may have been said that people who have some doubts about this will be relieved after seeing the information of the deceased. These deceased are not criminals who have just been released from prison. They are gangs with a criminal record, only one after another, a relatively clean Mickey. It was also investigated to participate in excessive criminal activities at a young age.

In addition to some of the anesthetics left over from the scene, the branch has made a reasonable decision for this vendetta.

But some people don’t think so much. For example, the night before, they were still discussing with the deceased those who asked for the demonstration outside the 350,000 manor on the second day. They knew that this was not right, but no one dared to say anything, and the shadow of death floated on their heads. They are afraid that they will spread out after telling the truth, and they will become the next group of people who are “cleaned”.

Although they can’t say it, they know that it is that Mr. 350,000 is not as harmless as he has shown.

At this time, I was listening to the newcomers who were just coming in the detention center and guessing who was out of the hand. The greyhound was all smashed. He rushed to the policeman who was locking the door and scared each other. Directly pulled out the pistol and pointed at the gray dog.

“I want to surrender, I still have something to surrender, I have to surrender!”, his tears are coming out, and I don’t care about the gaze of the newcomers, and I can’t wait outside! Mickey’s death is a good testimony to this, and the risk outside is too great. If the other person feels that he knows something, or will reveal something to kill him, he really has no way to live.

The only way at this time is not to go out, the detention room can’t shut him for too long, but the prison can! He is not sure if he has to hide for a few years to let Mr. 350,000 forget his little character, but he must not go out in the short term.

Soon the Greyhound was taken away for trial. He surrendered several cases. His behavior and mentality also made the police officers puzzled. These people often bite their teeth and say that they are innocent. How come this guy is not enough to explain this? However, no matter how the case can be solved, it is “performance” for the police officers. Some people send the bonuses and credits to them in vain, and they have not launched them.

There is also a very interesting episode. The judge considers the gray dog ​​taking the initiative to surrender and actively explaining some of his criminal facts. He is willing to give him a lighter sentence. As a result, he not only rushed to the judge in the court. I also took off my underwear and threw my underwear to the judge. The original two-year sentence was directly added to five years. What’s more interesting is that this guy got the result not only without frustration, but also like a winning heartily…

On such a day, a heavy rain suddenly swept through Irian. When people sheltered from the rain in the bar next to the street, they accidentally discovered that a hearse drove slowly from the Dawn Park along the Dawn Avenue to the beach port. In the rainstorm, behind the hearse, there are more than 20 luxury cars of various colors, and the place where the luxury team passes is silent. Someone recognized the young people in the photo frame on the hearse, couldn’t help but sucked in a cold breath.

Little Fuller had a small number of people who knew about the accident. Although the old Fuller did not deliberately suppress the news, the news was still only spread among a few people. Until today, the guests in the bar on Dawn Avenue knew that Little Fuller had not changed his temper, but had passed away. Some people have a faint sorrow on their faces. Although Little Fuller is a jerk, he has not done much harm.

Even many people like him very much. He is a very optimistic guy. He is an indifferent attitude towards money, which makes him have many good friends.

The solemn and heavy team came slowly to the port during the rainstorm. Little Fuller once said that if one day he wants to leave this world, please don’t burn him or bury him. Let him sink into the seabed with his coffin, and he will fall into eternal sleep there. Old Fuller obeyed his past will, and he would personally send his beloved son to where he wanted to go.

A few days ago, the person who stayed in the hospital ran back to the villa and told him that Little Fuller had collapsed because of respiratory failure. The old Fuller, who had always been good, even fell directly on the ground. He couldn’t believe that his son had left himself. He clearly remembered that the doctor had returned from the rescue.

Sitting in the car holding his son’s photo frame, the old Fuller did not cry like his wife hovered between life and death. He twisted his neck stiffly and looked at Steward on the first officer. “Is the truck and driver found?”

Steward didn’t know how to answer this question. In fact, during this time he had already launched all the forces that could be used to search the truck across the city, even the sixth and seventh districts were not missed. But so far there is no clue. The truck is like falling from the sky, especially for hitting the Fuller. After the collision, it returns to the sky.

Steward’s silence made Old Fuller realize that his account has not been done right now. He asked gnashing teeth: “Do you think that I have no success, so even my words can be perfunctory?”, Steward quickly Shake his head, so he can’t bear it. “Since it’s not why there is no news at the moment? Spend money, spend more money, who can provide any useful information, starting with 500. If anyone can help us I found the truck and the driver at the time, I gave him a million!”

One million, one astronomical number, even Steward himself has a moment of temptation. No one feels wrong with such a messy move. As old Fuller said, he has no heirs. He can’t regenerate a son at this age. Even if he has such ambitions, his little brother will not allow him to do so. The money in his hands, the houses, the land will become the ownerless, so he does not care whether the price he opened is too high, he only cares if he can catch the murderer.

Seemingly thinking of something, the old Fuller suddenly asked: “I remember that he had hit a girl before he happened, right?”

Steward immediately replied, “Yes, Mr. Young Master drank a little wine when he came back from outside. He was stopped by a girl. The girl is dead. His family wants 5,000 pieces of compensation, but Young Master I only promised to give them two thousand pieces, and the money is still in the Young Master.”

Old Fuller fell into silence, watching the dock close at hand, he laughed, and the laughter was full of sadness and anger. “Check the couple and check them out. I want to know if they made it.” This car accident left my son to leave me. If so, bring them, if not bring them, they should accompany my son instead of continuing to live on this world!”

The old Fuller who has experienced the pain of losing his heart has been a little crazy, no matter who in his opinion is like a suspect, especially the couple. Actually murdering his child for thousands of dollars, it is simply unforgivable! They must die, whether they are or not, there are reasons now.

Stewart did not say anything, he could understand the change of the old Fuller’s mentality, such a tragedy happened to him, his need to be by rights needs to be vented through some means. To blame, blame the couple’s daughter. If there is no such thing, everything will be different. At least the little Fuller won’t change the car, and he won’t want to go anywhere else. Naturally, he won’t encounter the car accident.

In this way, what they are about to face is that they deserve it.

At night, the rainstorm that lasted for a day finally stopped, and the whole city was completely refreshed by the rain. Totti, who was already a little sleepy at home, set the alarm and took off his clothes and lay on the bed. He has been tired recently, but he feels very meaningful, and he is full of energy. Just between the confusion, he suddenly heard the sound of someone knocking at the door.

It was already nine o’clock, and most people had already entered the dream. He put on a dress and took a stick in his hand and walked over to the window and looked out. The night of black covered the line of sight, and he came to the door and asked, “Who is it? It is already very late, if there is anything, I will say it tomorrow.”

The answer to him was a very young and childish voice, “Totto grandfather, my parents were taken away!”

Totti knew the voice. He immediately opened the door and looked at the tears of a skinny guy outside the door. He looked at him helplessly. “Please save them, they are taken away!”

Old Totti suddenly exploded, and what he was sleepy was disappeared without a trace. He immediately took the child’s hand and moved toward the first area. He ran and asked, “Do you know who grabbed them?” “Children crying hard, shaking their heads vigorously, and old Totti’s brows clenched together. “When they grab your father mother, did you say anything?”

Child’s crying paused and quickly twitched and said, “Yes, yes, they said that my father mother killed their Young Master!”

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