Cosma Empire

Chapter 225

A scream smashed the silence of the late night in the fifth district, and the windows that were constantly lit by each and everyone revived the quiet fifth zone of the night.

People walked out of the house with their clothes and walked up the street, watching a girl lie in a bloody mooring, her companion was sitting on the side like a stupid, brief remark.

“what happened?”

Someone in the crowd couldn’t stand the curiosity of the first, and asked one.

The girl moved towards the direction of the voice, and the stiff muscles on her face changed very quickly, revealing a vivid sad expression. She cried out with a wow, her body trembled, and she looked helplessly. People around.

Totti, who came from afar, opened the crowd and walked over to the girl, putting his clothes on the girl. Although it was summer, the violent sea breeze made the street at midnight still a bit cold. He checked the girl’s clothes, found no injuries, and glanced at the girl who was no longer convulsed in the pool of blood. The brows were screwed up.

In the dim light, he saw a bloody tire print.

Car accident!

Totti’s mood has become heavy. There is no doubt that the two girls have suffered a car accident while returning home. What is even more worrying is that the other party has already run away. In fact, even if the other party does not run, they can’t take the other party. After all, the people who can drive the car will not be ordinary people, and naturally there will be no ordinary background. He sighed, the best solution for this kind of thing is to find each other, let the other party make a sum of money, how much compensation. As for wanting the other party to be more severely punished… difficult!

In fact, in the imperial law, there have been regulations on penalties for driving a car, but sometimes things are different and done differently. In the event of a car accident and the death of a person in accordance with the provisions of the Imperial Law, the owner must accept at least three years of imprisonment as a punishment in addition to paying a sum of money. The problem is that few car owners will actually go to jail, because most of the family members of the deceased have chosen to withdraw their complaints when they face a banknote that they cannot refuse.

Totti patted the girl’s shoulder and stood up. He looked at the crowd around him and his eyes swept across their faces. “Who saw the bastard driving?”

No one speaks, although people are very sympathetic to the girl who lost her life, but speaking at this time means that in the future it may be necessary to testify in court. It’s good to go to a rich man, either it’s too good for your own life, or it’s too good for your own life.

People closed their mouths in silence until a child stood up. He was only about seven or eight years old. His eyes were filled with a kind of justice called childlikeness. “I saw, a blue roadster… “The parents who rushed out of the crowd after he had not finished talking, slammed their mouths and dragged them back into the crowd.” Because an outsider causes his family to break, no one is so great.

No, there is one.

Totti looked at the crowd and looked at his little guy through the gap. He straightened his back and said in a powerful voice, “I saw, a blue cabriolet hit the child and fled. Here. What else have I seen? Who can remind me of this old guy, my memory is not as good as when I was young.” Totti really touched some people with this method, and gradually added some more. Details, including the half bottle of wine they found on the side of the road.

The fifth district is Irian’s largest living area, but there are only two police stations. People living in the fifth district do not like to deal with the police no matter what happens. The major event may go to court when the situation occurs, and the cost of the lawyer is more than the family budget, they can’t afford it. It’s not necessary to find a policeman for small things, because the police can’t handle the small things that are inconspicuous.

But today, Totti must call the police, relying on the elders in the neighborhood or the more prestigious people in the fifth district, can’t handle this.

The policeman on duty had just slept for a while and was awakened by a rush of knocking on the door. He slammed up and pressed his hand on the waist of the weapon, while observing the environment around him. After about three or five seconds, he squinted to the front of the police station and opened the door. He asked impatiently: “You can’t be quiet for a while in the middle of the night?”

In the next second, a cold chill came out of his buttocks, rushing up the top of his head along the spine, his body glimpsed and he got a goose bump. He felt his hair erect and his body became stiff. In front of him, in the dim moonlight, at least hundreds of people were crowded outside the police station. They were very quiet, no one made a small sound, so they stood and looked at him straight.

Just as he was about to close the door and ask for support, Totti, who was in the first place, took a step forward. “Mr. Police, we have to report the case. Just now there was a blue roadster that killed a child in a community. He also left a bottle of wine and some pieces of the car.”

The policeman was shocked and took the half bottle of wine from Totti. The expression on his face changed slightly. He immediately asked Totti to come in. “I think I need to contact the regional police station!” He said so to Mr. Totti.

The name of the wine label on the bottle is called “slut”. It is a very strong wine. The price of a bottle is between 45 and 50. This wine often only needs one cup, which is enough for the vast majority. The woman is excited by the confusion, so she has such a name. Although the name is not good, it is undeniable that this is definitely one of the top wines from the winery in Juan. It is not that the perpetrators must be Juan or a person who has a relationship with Juan. It is only through this bottle of wine that the perpetrators are very rich.

In the city of Irian, all the troubles associated with wealthy people are big troubles.

The Irian Regional Police Department quickly dispatched police to investigate the car accident and the sports car and driver that triggered the car accident. This is not a difficult case, because the entire Irian city has a blue cabriolet that is very few and very fast. They targeted the Ill’s prestigious real estate developer Fuller father and son. Last year, Old Fuller bought a blue roadster to give Little Fuller a birthday present, and now the car is parked in the repair shop, the front is almost completely ruined, and the bumper is missing a big chunk.

Little Fuller is lying on the sofa of the mechanic’s office, hu hu sleeps, and when he enters the office, he can smell a strong alcohol. A Captain frowns from the police station retired. This was not the best time to arrest and interrogate Little Fuller, so they informed Old Fuller.

Old Fuller is only 50 years old this year, probably because he was too embarrassed when he was young. In this society where every family has three or five children, he only has a small Fuller such a child when he knows that his child is killed. After a pedestrian, I didn’t show much concern. “Is my son injured?” He paused for a moment, his face was soothed. “It’s already very late today, ask that night. The family of the child who is still running on the road, how much they want. If there are too many, let them go to court to sue me and my child. If it is less, you will pay for it. I will arrange for the person to send it in two days. ”

After that, the old Fuller hangs up. When he turned around, he saw his wife standing in the robe and stood outside the door. His face looked worried. Old Fuller smiled and shook his head. “My son is very safe and has no injuries. Don’t worry, I will handle it well.” “”

Old Lady sighed in relief, returned to the luxurious bedroom with the old Fuller, and quickly fell into a deep sleep.

The police passed the old Fuller’s words directly to Totti, and Totti stood up in anger at the time, but soon he sat back in a decadent. As the police said, he could actually sue Fuller father and son, but he and the family of the deceased had no money. If you want to win in court, you must ask a reliable lawyer. At Irian, a lawyer with a good winning percentage, the starting price is 5,000, they can’t afford it.

In fact, like many car accidents, people die and die. It is better to ask for more money to improve the living environment of living people. It is also their last contribution.

When Totti brought the news back, the mother of the deceased fainted directly on the ground, and her husband lost all reactions like dementia.

They compromised.

There is no way to uncompromise, they can’t fight Fuller father and son, except that any other resistance is meaningless.

But what they can’t think of is that sometimes it doesn’t make sense to accept life.

Before the death of a neighbor’s husband, the factory owner compensated 6,000 pieces and reached 4,500 pieces. They also put forward the requirements in accordance with this standard, five thousand, not more than one point, and can not give one less. After all is a human life, measured by money is already very mean, so they hope that even if their daughter is dead, the price will not be too “deaf”.

What is even more furious is that Fuller father and son don’t plan to pay 5,000. They are only willing to take out two thousand.

In the words of Little Fuller, that is, “Your daughter is like my favorite car. It has to be three thousand pieces. Do you want five thousand pieces?”

“Only two thousand pieces, take it if you want it, don’t do it, just like you!”

“Fuller father and son is not someone like you who can blackmail, understand?”

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