Cosma Empire

Vol 4 Chapter 1339: That's right, the conspiracy is smooth in my hands

The secrecy system is not a mechanism unique to modern times. It has existed from the moment human civilization was born, especially after the public ownership system evolved into the private ownership system.

From the most basic and harmless keeping secrets of the wealth we have, to keeping these money secrets, everyone has to lie a lot in life and keep or can't stand some secrets.

According to the New Party ’s relevant provisions on inter-party disciplinary review, only after fully confirming that the accused has not violated any rules and regulations, can only partially disclose the content of the report to the accused, and shall not involve the personal information and Investigate the details.

Before a member is confirmed to be truly innocent, he will be labeled with a suspicious label.

There is no doubt that after the Minister of Finance was reported, the Ministry of Internal Affairs did not consider this to be a malicious framed false report. However, the report was a report. Regardless of whether it appears to be falsely framed, the existence of the report file is real.

Without the signature of the relevant bureau members, the Minister of Finance is always suspicious, and he should not know the specific information he has been reported, or even know that he has been reported.

Whether this is a regulation or a death regulation, there is no alternative, so no matter what the Minister of the Interior thinks, he must shake his head.

"No, Vice-Chairman, I have not disclosed the contents of the report to anyone, including the Minister of Finance." He answered decisively that such things cannot be hesitated and cannot show his guilty conscience Hesitating, that would be fatal.

Du Lin nodded with satisfaction and looked at the Minister of Finance. He raised the documents in Yang ’s hand. "Minister of Finance, can you tell me what you have done in the past two weeks? ? "

The guy named by Du Lin wiped the sweat on his face. His handkerchief had already become wet with sweat. It was better to wipe the sweat than to distribute the sweat evenly over the entire face.

The slight tension and increased blood pressure made his face appear unhealthy ruddy, and some bloodshots were creeping up on the white of the eyes. He was embarrassed and didn't know what to say, not that he was so stupid that he couldn't even lie, but He believes that since Du Lin asked these questions, he must be ready to be counterattacked.

He didn't know if he would fabricate a lie at will, and whether he could see through it immediately, or how to spend today's unpleasant meeting, his mind was chaotic at this time.

"I ...", he opened his mouth, but couldn't say anything.

Du Lin didn't look at him in a hurry. He had done enough homework before planning to move these people. Most of the top officials in these departments were indeed nobles, but the nobles and nobles were not alike. Of course, we must distinguish between high and low.

From the baron at the lowest level to the prince at the highest level, the span there is no less than the gap between civilians and nobles.

These high-ranking people in the New Party now all originated from small and medium aristocrats. There was no big aristocrat like Magus, and there was no hereditary big aristocracy like Ordgar.

In other words, they were not really strong, and this was exactly the decision of Magus at the time, and Doolin could understand it.

If the top executives of finance, internal affairs, or some other important department are handed over to those who are not inferior to Magus in family and social status, Magus will certainly focus part of his energy on internal struggles.

These vital tasks are in the hands of those who can sit on a par with Magus. Why should they bow to the ears and obey Magus' orders and decisions like servants?

Therefore, those who have a real background of big aristocracy, such as Harry and Holmes, can not do high-level positions in the party, and was earlier released by Magus to compete with the old party.

As long as these people do not control the important parts of the New Party and use this to claim their own interests, Magus will never lose control of the New Party, and the New Party will always be a tool in his hands.

It is precisely because of this that Du Lin will not hesitate to punch the new party's senior management. These people are dogs that were trained by Magus, but it was not what Du Lin wanted. Now that Magus has left, they also Must leave.

This has nothing to do with whether they made mistakes. When they reach such a level and status, even if they make mistakes, it is basically not a problem as long as they are not principled mistakes.

Just like the things that these people used for power for personal gain in the Magus era before, can Magus know it? He certainly knows that these things are not enough to cause great harm to the New Party, and he does not want to find something else. People came to take over these people, and they didn't even lift them.

The good days of the past have come to an end, and Du Lin will definitely have to replace a large number of people after he took power. Some people speculate that his first direction of action should be the Secretariat, but these people have guessed wrong, he wants It's not the secretary, but the leadership under the entire non-presidency!

Even if these people do not make mistakes, they will not be able to stay in their current posts. This has nothing to do with right or wrong, it is a matter of position.

"I didn't do anything, Your Excellency the Vice President." The Minister of Finance stared at the huge pressure and answered Du Lin's question with a very vague answer.

Did not do anything, can also be read as "do not do anything too special" or "as usual", Du Lin shook his head, showing some disappointment on his face, he said softly, "You lie!"

Without waiting for the Finance Minister to explain, Du Lin said, "For the past two weeks, you have been busy processing this report about your violation of discipline."

"The Minister of the Interior said just now that he did not disclose the content of the report to you, so I want to find out who disclosed the content to you and inform you that the things you have done have been reported and let you go Remedy? "

Du Lin's punch went out and immediately interested other people participating in the meeting. The integration between the politicians was very interesting, whether it was in a learning attitude or a lively attitude, or What other psychology, they all started to focus.

The Minister of Finance looked at Du Lin and looked at it for a while. At this time he had calmed down a bit, took a deep breath, raised his head to meet Du Lin's eyes, and said loudly, "No one revealed these things to me. I don't know what happened, I just made up for the mistakes I made, out of my inner anxiety. "

"His Excellency Vice-Chairmen, Ministers, members of the conference, God has said that remorse and making up for mistakes made in the past will not leave the stain of error on us forever. I did this purely because I was stupid I want to make up for this regretful behavior. May I ask, do I not have the right to correct my previous mistakes? "

He had calmed down a little bit in the previous silence, and realized that Du Lin's muzzle was not facing him anymore, and the muzzle was not aimed at him, making him feel like he was coming back, as long as he bit on both sides. Death did not disclose the content of the report, Du Lin's plan will fail.

This time they were not prepared to be very passive, and the next time they talked about these issues, they would be well prepared to deal with Doolin's offensive.

Other bystanders were more or less confused, and everyone was at this level. How could Du Lin still make such a mistake?

He took out these things and stated his goals without communicating with the other bureaus. If he did not get the support of other bureau members, he also shocked the Ministry of the Interior. If he wants to do so next time, he will definitely face Failure.

Unless ... he doesn't want to take down the Ministry of the Interior. So far, all he has done is to deter the high level and establish his authority?

But if you think of it this way, it's a little bit wrong. Is the effect of doing so ... too ordinary?

No matter what other people think, the Minister of Finance and the Minister of Internal Affairs of the parties also calmed down, no matter what Du Lin said today, they will not immediately shake their status and interests.

The first row of high-level executives also pierced through their eyes and communicated through the facial expressions, and soon their expressions became calm again.

Regardless of what exactly Doulin intends to do, drag on until the end of this meeting.

The counterattack of the Minister of Finance is in place. If he is killed, there is no good way for Du Lin to pry open his shell from this aspect, but Du Lin is always Du Lin, his brain circuit and others will never be It's the same.

He shrugged his shoulders, casually dropped the files on the table, leaned back against the back of the chair, took a sip of the coffee that had cooled slightly while holding a tea cup, and said with a frown, "I asked The purpose of this incident is not to oppose anyone and become an enemy, but I need to know some real content to be able to help you. "

When he talked about "helping", some people in the first row unsurprisingly showed a kind of irony. They knew that Doolin was lying, and Doolin would not deny it.

Just when these people thought that Du Lin was going to let the matter end like this, he spoke again.

"Maybe you are not clear. The reporter who listed this document has disappeared. His family and friends have reported to the police. Before he disappeared, he left a file and a letter with his friends. He told His friend, if he disappears suddenly, ask his friend to call the police and explain that his disappearance must be related to what is said in the envelope. "

"Now the police station and the investigative bureau have opened a case for investigation, because the politicians are involved, so the Imperial National Security Council also intervened ...", Du Lin's face showed some disgusting smiles, "I have always been kind Want to figure out these problems and help some of you, but obviously you do n’t appreciate it, so naturally I will not do these annoying things again. "

As soon as his voice fell, the door of the staircase conference room was pushed open. Seven suspected officials, dressed in formal attire and wearing sunglasses, were rushed into the presence of the Minister of Finance, and their identity was subsequently obtained. verification.

"Hello, I'm a senior agent of the Imperial Bureau of Investigation. We suspect that you are involved in a premeditated murder. The Imperial Court has arrested you. Please take a trip with us ...", the senior agent took it from his waist. A pair of silver handcuffs stunned everyone else in the stair room.

There is no doubt that this must have been planned by Director Du Lin or even himself. Everyone knows that he has great differences and conflicts with these senior managers in the party. In the past year or so, everyone has clearly understood at this point.

But they never thought that Du Lin would use such a method to achieve his purpose, and still so decisive!

It is true that according to the laws and regulations of the empire, no agency can file a case to investigate incumbent officials with specific positions, but the party cadres are not official officials.

He can be said to be a senior politician in the political circle and a high-ranking New Party party cadre, but he is not an official official of the Empire, so it is naturally used to protect incumbent officials and prevent terrorist politics. Will not work for him.

He stared blankly at the arrest warrant in front of him, at the names of the two judges who signed the deposit, at those around him, his ears buzzing.

His face quickly deteriorated, glaring at Du Lin, "You can't do this!" This sentence was filled with hate and monstrous anger, but Du Lin just shook his head and smiled silently.

The top chiefs of the other departments in the first row stood up and tried to intercede. At this time, a young man who came to arrest the Minister of Finance suddenly pulled out his gun, pointed at them, and said loudly, "Sir, I suspect they are trying to violently resist the law and prevent us from exercising our power. Should we fight back? "

不少 A lot of laughter appeared in the time ladder meeting room ~ ~ No doubt if the onlookers were still thinking whether this was Dulin's handwriting, then don't think about it now, it must be Dulin Designed.

The effect of this sentence is too sloppy and useful. Those people who had planned to pull a relationship with each other also did not look good and stood awkwardly, neither moving nor moving.

A small detective shot and killed them, at most because they lost their jobs because of a misjudgment, but they really died. The entire New Party and the entire empire's political circles can come up with such a surprise. There is only one unreasonable person.

That guy is sitting in the middle of this room!

That's durin!

They dare not bet on whether this young man really dared to shoot, or on whether Dulin really intends to shoot them all.

Just now they also thought that Du Lin had made a very stupid plan, so now they have nothing to say. The facts have proved more than once that Du Lin is the father when playing tricks.


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