Cosma Empire

Vol 4 Chapter 1260: Substitution this time

Before the incident.

"We have discussed the construction period with the construction unit, and the main building will be fully completed and put into use no later than April." It is also an empire who is responsible for supervising and managing the construction project of the World Financial and Trade Organization Headquarters, because The Empire has the most money and the most power. Naturally, everything must obey the orders of the brother of the Empire. In this regard, other member states do not have much power.

Anyway, as long as they are not allowed to pay money, they do not care much about having less power. Moreover, the benefits gradually emerging from joining this organization have also made them understand something, which may not be clear enough, but the general direction has been found.

That is, following the footsteps of the Yaoxing Empire in this complex international relationship society, whoever slows down will eventually be gradually eliminated.

The biggest difference between the World Financial Trade Organization and some other social organizations is the rapid circular economy and trade cycle. All member countries have felt that since the establishment of this IFTO, some tight commodities and raw materials have suddenly become rich. With more orders, the import and export trade is growing at a terrible rate.

All this shows that the economic strength of a country is growing rapidly. This is a good thing. The factory will start when there is an order, and it will recruit workers. Once the workers have work, they will be able to stabilize their hukou.

After people have solved the problem of food and clothing, the extra money will flow back into the economic cycle of the whole society by stimulating consumption.

The root of everything is because of the promotion of the World Financial and Trade Organization. This is an amazing thing. A star empire known as the "superpower" by the international community can drive more than a dozen countries, large and small. Development, this terrible strength and potential, once again advertised for Yaoxing Empire.

Not every country has this kind of power. This is also the first time that the international community has faced the influence brought by a "superpower".

Under such circumstances, Magus's observational visit caused great attention to Xyleville and the Colt Empire. Because the latter bordered Xyleville, the Pharaoh sent the second prince to represent the royal family and the Colt Empire. Come and greet Magus.

From the moment of leaving the gangway to the ground, a grand tour of the former leader of the country kicked off. I have to say that the scenery of Cyrillic is really picturesque. Because of the geographical environment and climate, it is very clear here. four seasons.

This is not like the south or north of the empire. At least half of the year is in a relatively single season. Even if there are performances in other seasons, it is a flash, and it is gone in just a few days.

Here, every quarter is almost standard. It ’s like the Lord measured it with a ruler. When they arrive, it happens to be the busiest tourist season in Celiwell every year ... In fact, this small country is a tourist all year round. The peak season has never stopped.

In spring, people come to see the spring flowers in the mountains and mountains. In summer, people linger on the platinum sandy beach. In autumn, a large number of tourists flock in the fallen leaves and red maple leaves to quietly observe the depression and beauty in autumn. Strong conflict of heat.

There are some geothermal resources distributed in the underground of Xyrieville. It belongs to the core position near the core of the Celestial Doctrine. The geothermal resources are abundant, so many people come to Xyrieville in winter.

Enjoying hot springs of at least forty degrees in the outdoors at minus ten degrees to more than twenty degrees, this strong temperature contrast and contrast has created a world-famous tourist resort.

In addition to time reasons, Magus chose to visit Celleville in the winter. Secondly, he wanted to enjoy the hot springs here.

He often came here to play when he was young. At that time, he was still a big nobleman of the empire. He didn't have any power in his hands. Fun seemed to be his bounden duty.

Thirty-seven years have passed since he came here last time. This time, he has thought about it and missed some of the scenery here, but he was not able to come here to rest, Because he shouldered the burden of the entire empire and reform.

Until now, he finally had a chance to come here again.

The luxurious convoy sent Magus and his wife directly to Celleville's most famous spa resort, which has only twelve "rooms", or twelve hot spring villas.

Their operating method is not the same as other hotels. After buying a dense hot spring eye, they made maximum use of these resources and built twelve independent villas to ensure that each villa has an active hot spring. Eyes, and a sufficient amount of hot water.

The daily rent of villas at the foot of the mountain is up to 4,500 yuan per day, which is equivalent to 300 yuan. Among them, the most luxurious and best mountain hot spring villas, the daily rent is up to 30,000 cymbals, which is about 2,000 empire Xingyuan one day.

Their destination this time was this holiday villa on the top of Hot Spring Mountain.

After a short break, Magus first met with His Royal Highness the Second Prince of the Colt Empire in the afternoon and talked about some gold rush issues in the Eagle's Mouth area.

The second prince is different from the pharaoh's youngest son. He has already begun to contact and grasp a certain amount of empire power. The country's system is still very backward, similar to the pre-employment system. The central royal family is directly controlled by the pharaoh and has the empire. The richest and richest land.

In addition to these places, other places are controlled by other pharaohs. This system is more like a country where tribes eventually come together. Although it is a country, the tribes still retain the tribes in the system. One set, this is also the problem that the Colt Empire is currently facing.

The authority of the royal family is constantly being challenged, and the conflict between the class conflict and the ruler is on the verge of erupting. If it was not for the Yao Xing Empire, the Colt Empire was pulled and temporarily stabilized the class conflict in this country with a large number of orders. And social unrest, it is likely that the civil war has been ignited, or within a few years.

So for the powerful country across the sea, the Colt royal family is still very awesome, but also has some curiosity and some thoughts to learn.

They want to use the experience and methods of the reform of the Yaoxing Empire to push the Colt Empire to complete the change from decay to rebirth, but this promoter is no longer "others" but the royal family itself.

The gold rush in the Eagle's Mouth area has brought some small troubles to the Colt Empire for a while, because the gold digger's penetration and penetration of this area has become wider and wider, and sometimes it will directly enter the territory of the Colt Empire.

In a country rich in gold and precious stones, these things, which may not seem to the locals, have become synonymous with original sin.

Some people have commented on the ongoing gold rush, saying that every gold brick and gemstone transported from the western continent is contaminated with the blood of a large number of innocent people. It is ill-gotten wealth obtained through killing and plundering, but it ’s true Very fragrant.

The border areas are frequently harassed by some cross-border gold prospectors. Some local forces and pharaohs take this opportunity to begin to consolidate the army and expand the recruitment of soldiers. They also have good reasons for protecting their territory and wealth.

So the Colt royal wants to talk to Magus a little bit to see if there is a better way to solve these problems, or to restrict the scope of the gold digger's activities and avoid the formation of misunderstandings.

In this regard, Magus agreed with his mouth, and limitedly promised His Royal Highness that he would restrict the behavior of these gold prospectors as much as possible, but it was impossible to be absolute.

Because the gold diggers are not official soldiers of the empire, they are controlled by the Ministry of National Defense. They are just ordinary people. They have their own ideas and powers. The empire can only persuade them as much as possible. If someone really does not listen, there is no way.

His Royal Highness the emperor understood this very well, and then discussed some trade issues before leaving.

This is not the Colt Empire. He does not have the power to occupy Magus for more time. Next, the president of Selivir came to visit Magus in person, and the two sides discussed a lot of issues on bilateral development.

The President of Selivil believed that in the current international situation, as the world's largest superpower, Yaoxing Empire has the responsibility and obligation to lead the friendly neighbors to develop together, achieve overall progress, and set an example for the international community ...

The intermittent meeting lasted until the evening. Even at the evening dinner, they did not let go of the old man of Magus. The IFTO representatives of some member states stationed in Seleville appeared at the dinner, and on the following issues of international trade, and Magus exchanged some opinions.

In short, this journey is definitely not an easy one or ~ ~ but only Magus can do it. Changing others may not be as prestigious as him, but also understand the situation in various countries and empires.

Magus spent such entertainment for several days, and it wasn't until the fifth day that he had the opportunity to come and visit the construction site of the World Financial Trade Organization headquarters.

The person in charge of the scene accompanied him to explain the construction situation of the entire site and ensure that it can be put into use in the first half of the year.

Just after Magus took two turns to take some photos and asked reporters to take some photos to leave, a car suddenly passed by the road. Two men holding automatic rifles with masks and sunglasses met Magus and his party. People fired.

The incident happened too quickly and suddenly. Magus was sent to the hospital for treatment immediately after the incident. At present, his vital signs have stabilized, but he has not recovered.

As for when to wake up, that is a problem.

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