Cosma Empire

Chapter 1287

At a time when life is at risk, the single thought is often how to continue to survive, which has nothing to do with consciousness, morality, positions, and so on, just one of the original instincts.

Even those fanatic terrorist groups, who had been trained more and could not erase their instincts, had long prayed before they chose to attack others through suicide.

When we saw them alive, they were dead, and the knowledge they saw was a corpse without a soul, and when they were chosen to attack the building or even kill terrifying weapons, they were confronted with that card.

Life and death, the difficult choice of eternity, and even more eloquently, are largely true when people begin to choose this issue, the power of initiative is not on their own.

On the top of the “Knight“ of the two Vyvy Knight Corps, the sweatbears on their cheeks are rolling, and their throats are slowing down, and they now face this option.

The cat in the quiet room can even hear the voice of the cat on the second floor of the window opposite the window, but it’s just outside the wall, and there’s no sound at this moment.

Both sides seem to be trapped in a particular situation, surrounded by the wall and kept silent.

A few minutes after the stalemate, it seems that the people on both sides of the wall have become very clear that the other side of the wall has known each other’s existence and that the corridor was blown up with a series of insurance blocks.

They use assault rifles, a whole new handgun series that was launched only this month, the latest product of the McCaws Military Engineering Group, and, more magically, the assault rifle and its gunmen, all of whom have Durin’s patents and interests.

The architects of the Cormax Group designed a colored bullet gun in Durin’s mind, based on Durin’s request and description, which opens the inspirational spring of the designer, who designed a new gun on the one hand, registered patents on the other, and it was not conceivable that the patent had been registered by Durin.

It is important that, in order to ensure that the parties do not spend considerable time and money on these patent officers and abandon this absolutely profitable project, the McCaws Military Engineering Group and Durin have had friendly consultations, culminating in agreement on the patent opinion, after many rounds of discussions and negotiations between the two sides.

Durin gave the McCaws Military Engineering Group the authorization that the weapons they produced would be sold to Durin by about 3 per cent, as to Durin’s non-payment of taxes, which was Durin’s own business.

This new handgun, named McCaws C1, was used by the McCaws Military Engineering Group to draw on the design concept of a colored bullet gun, to increase the capacity of the warehouse while slightly adding a bullet calibre, to increase the tracks and the pipes, and to use the design of a dual powder hatch.

It was able to dump one hundred and fifty rounds of bullets all over 12 seconds, using the highest speed to cause the most terrifying damage.

In order to ensure that there will be no significant changes in accuracy and control in the shooting process, an additional duplicate horizontal hold has been added to the growing gunpipe and, for the first time, a complete separation of warehouses, ammunition supplies and shapes, an independent, dismantlable warehouse and ammunition supply provides a very reliable continuity capability for this assault rifle.

The aim of such rifles is to resolve armed conflicts with a small range of proximity, more effective and reliable design, stronger mobility, greater dispersion and faster terrifying.

Shortly after the weapons conference, several orders were issued by the police station to the McCaws Military Engineering Group and a number of orders were made by the military, although internal sources suggest that the assault rifles used by the Army were redesigned in part of the structure, unlike the outside.

Durin’s men also received some assault rifles because of their cooperation with Durin.

People are curious about this assault rifle, and it is also deterred by its terrifying fire, which looks like a shrinking rifle, but in fact there is a significant difference between the two.


effective killing of McCaws C1 pistols is only embarrassing 45 metres, a theoretical and effective range of killing, and in the actual environment, the number of bullets after about 38 metres will be significantly reduced, as in the case of no attack on the part of the population, as in the case of hitting someone else, although uncomfortable, will not be injured.

However, this assault rifle also has the advantage of a rifle that is less sound, easier to carry and more hidden.

Of course, past pistols may have been just one shot by someone, and the assault rifle, if he goes, may have bad luck eggs become screens in three seconds, so such rifles have very strict insurance mechanisms.

When double insurance is opened, there will be clear metal shocks.

There was no exchange between the two sides, and as the small Captain waved his hand, eight of them lifted the trigger directly against the wall.


walls of this house are mostly timber structures, only to ensure that more rooms can be created for households, with the exception of all the walls around the building and the pillars of the room being built and cement, the rest of which are basically timber structures, including the floor.


assault rifle tightened the trigger, and every time the bullet was fired, it was a line like… piupiupiupiupiupiupiupiupiupiupiupiupiupiupiupiupipipipipipipipipiu!

When the first bullet drilled the walls and brought light into the dark room, two young Knight of the Vivian Knight Corps had begun to do their best to avoid bullets and, as far as possible, lay on the wall with their heads and asses.

one after another bullet flies around them, and occasionally bullets hit bricks or muds, or some other metals, waking up the flames, charming, and lethal in a light room.

But these bullets are too large to jump into the level of bullet storms, and injecting the bullets from all angles makes the two Knight warfare guards with professional training.

The bullets are flowing, the walls are constantly showing another pencil, the voices of different qualities in the room, and the walls of the right wall are quickly becoming big holes, fragmented, then crushed directly and scattered.

The light in the corridor went into the room, made it bright in the dark room, two Knight in the clothes were lying on the ground, and their pistols were thrown on the ground, and they couldn’t even shoot a bullet, and they were screened.

Captain walked into the room, and he pulled another pistol out of his arms, turned around and returned to calm.

No one else knows what’s going on here, except for a little bit of a family cleaning car that came here shortly.

No, the households on the third floor might know that the blood on the fourth floor fell down the sewer between the floor and that if anyone asked him if he knew what, he would probably have answered ignorance, and if that person continued to ask, he would have told that person that he had a nightmare and a bed.


fact, the small Captain intended to capture these two individuals alive, but Durin rejected his request that such specially trained opponents would be most likely to cause massive casualties when they were caught alive with their minds.

Durin told them from the beginning, not to live and to kill the bill.

Eric will soon provide some information of interest to him, and they can also touch a lot of things by harbouring these two individuals and their identity.

Intelligence has traditionally been a very detailed exercise, and it is also testing people’s way of thinking, and Durin has just mentioned a few points, and Tenel’s people already know what to do.

First, who concealed the identity of these people, and their identity was fake, but it was not easy for a fake identity to become a real thing, especially after tax changes, which meant that there must be something in their false lives that could be found.

Secondly, look at their social environment, Boss of their unit of work, and they often buy meat food matches, all checking them out, saying that some problems could be identified.

Maybe when they find out, Durin already knows who’s organizing these people and what’s going on.

Tenel City’s night will always be calm, just like two thousand bullets solved, and the city will not be disturbed. It is really disturbing that their mayor, Mr. Mason, when he comes home to see his father, smells like he just pulled out of the sewer the next day.

He had to know why someone was always investigating Tenel, investigating his father Cosma, so he listened to Durin’s suggestion to ask Mr. Cosma, and Mr. Cosma told him his past just like he was showing up, and then he regretted it.

“I shouldn’t have stepped on your horse, so what are we going to do now?” Some of the unsatisfactory Mason interfaces were ripped off by himself, and the tie was thrown on his side, and his hair, like a chicken’s nest, could blow his hair and die, “Why don’t we leave the country and hide?”

Durin just came back in the morning, and he had a shower, a conversation with Mason, and “I met a friend I’d like to meet with him a few days ago, when I asked him why I didn’t go abroad, at least the size of the world, where I might never find a place to hide.”

“Do you know how he answered me?” And this question makes Mason even more troubled, not waiting for him to calm down and think about it, and Durin asked himself, “He told me that the empire is safer than anywhere.”

“He’s smart, he’s right, and the empire’s safer than anywhere, and you ask me what to do…” Durin turned off the flower and spilled the towel, and Dove came up immediately to help him wipe the pearls on his body, wipe on his side, and he picked up a machine phone on his side of the windows, “It’s simple, climbing up, and when all those who want to harm you become your subordinate, it’s not a problem when you can take care of their destiny!”

Mason’s tight, frowns, “I know, I know what you mean, but do you think it’s easy? You’re just a governor now, and Mr. Cosma’s left us with the wealth that’s almost touching our ass. How long do you think you’re gonna be able to dominate their destiny? Ten, twenty years, or before we get killed?”

Durin laughed and said, “Seven years later, my brother, continue to do what you have to do, all of which are left to me, look after Tenel, look after Purple Alfalfa Town, look at Mr. Cosma, and that’s your job now.”

After hanging up the phone, Durin changed a new set of clothes, and Dove is here only three days a week, and the rest of the time is going to run her own little business at Dove’s laundry factory.

At a time when production technologies are not sufficiently advanced, the light industry is the hope of every regional government, and this intensive factory can bring about significant changes in society, more jobs, more average social income, better policing and more stable governance.

In fact, this is one of Durin’s businesses, and he invested a lot of money, so that Dove’s going to do this is a mutatis mutandis.


young girl who worked with him at the age of 17 could not be released, and that person who knew that some of Durin’s core secrets had created the idea of leaving, even if she was the closest to Durin, Durin would not allow clandestine leakage.

Marriage can’t get married, and it’s always something to do, so it won’t happen to her. She likes to watch the books and pop magazines of clothing designs for some time, together with factories that Western society needs to stabilize social and family relations, so a woman president will appear.

“Very good, but I feel it should be a little more serious.” In the face of the mirror, Durin gave his own opinion, and now he has this dress that Dove himself designed, and it is said that several sets of things were sent back to the annual fashion prize or something.

purple black’s underwater is easy to feel an exaggerating feeling, even more letting him think about Mrs. Vivian’s little Buddha, the son of a bitch and the pervert, who is said to like purple.

Dove noticed that Durin didn’t like the suit, took it off and took a set of asphalt azure clothes, which were sufficiently stable, but lacked tidal breath.

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