Cosma Empire

Chapter 1285

Alcohol is a good thing, it can polio nerves, let brain cells die irreversibly, and look at many elderly idiots, most of which have habits of drinking everyday.

This thing, though harmful, is still obsessed with a lot of people, and it’s not a sad thing to wait for old, obscure life, or even to live in memories, at least in that memory, everyone is good, not senile.


Boss at the hotel, who had a red ear at this time, drank his head, removed his jacket from his shoulder under the furnace of alcohol, pointing to the murder that should not have been said.

It’s not a major event, it’s normal for people living in Tenel City to see dead people like catcat dogs who fell down the road, and in a few years, the big boys were formed, fighting between gangs, who didn’t kill blood flowing into a river, and cut their arms apart?

Sometimes the people on the side of the police station are not adequately handled, or the residents on the road themselves have taken the bucket out to clean up the blood from the ground and see a dead man look like a front jacket on a board for Boss, who runs a hotel business.

In his narrative, a dust sealed out the water again for several years.

“When it was not too hot, I forgot whether spring or winter was not too hot…” He drank another drink, young people around him soon fell on him, and his elated eyes on the glass were slight, and his desire to complain, and if he didn’t say anything, he doubted that he would go crazy.

“During that time, my hotel came with four guests, three men and one woman, and they were all together, but everyone opened a room alone.”

“You know, the old Tenel…” he was shaking his shoulders and laughing, “Like a shit tank, there’s nothing to get out of here, people climb up crazy and squeeze people, even…”


said that he stopped here, apparently thinking about what, and I could remember those people directly, and because they were strange, they could rent two or three rooms, prefer one for everyone, so I remember that they don’t need money. “

“They live for a lot of days, and I don’t think they’re like good people, and everyone’s sinking, and then they don’t know where to borrow a car and turn around.”

“And then the other night, the woman in the four people had an accident,” and the Boss in the liquor was remembering something, shaking his head for a long time, putting the thoroughly in the cup, sighed, “It’s tragic, there’s a lot of injuries in it, and the room has now been abandoned, and now turned into a storage room.”

Two young people look at each other, and one of them goes after him, “What about the killer? I don’t know what kind of person can do to women.”

Hotel Boss ate some meat, and put it on the rehearsal, “No catch, then it’s not clear.”

“There was something so big that the guests who lived in the hotel must have freaked out. Did they return to their homes, Boss? You’re a little lost.” That’s a very interesting question, and what you wanted to ask about is more detail.

Hotel Boss kicked underneath his feet and looked up again on the streets of the roadside water dragon, “I forgot.”

Two young people didn’t ask, started eating meat, started drinking, and two meat and a bottle of wine on the table were eliminated by three of them, two young people went back to sleep with their butts, and the hotel Boss took a zero buck, shaking the house, and let the child watch the store, and moved to a little bar near him.

The young people who were standing behind the curtains on the third floor recovered from the back of the hotel Boss from the alley, which had been instructed by their superiors to ambush, build appropriate social relations and temporarily refrain from investigating cases of the assassination of Colonel Anna.

Just last month, Imperial Capital suddenly sent a message requesting them to relaunch the investigation of Colonel Anna’s assassination, which was the register of the hotel.

According to the evidence gathered before them, it was difficult for Colonel Anna to win even a professionally trained man in his room the night he was assassinated.

The woman was characterized by brutality until she had died for years, and she had been terrorized by rumours about her, including the fact that she had dismantled one of her ribs as a dagger and stabbed a mission target.

It is such a very ruthless woman who died silently in this small hotel, and more alarmingly, she was investigating Blood Dawn’s clues, probably killed by members of Blood Dawn in this hotel.

After Mennon’s death, the empire completely lost the opportunity to know about the whereabouts of some of the main figures in Blood Dawn, and Mennon had not been able to say that the news had been killed by Durin – a rumor, not a letter, which had led to a moratorium on the follow-up plan.

The plan is being reactivated now, or because of the small disagreement between Durin and First Prince, whether Durin was involved in the Blood Dawn case, he grew up in Tenel.

He did not join Blood Dawn as clearly the best result, but if he joined, there was no need to worry that Durin would be the next Marcus, and that evidence could easily destroy him, whatever means he had, who was behind him.

With the idea of attempting not to be afraid of failure, the members of the organizations that were ambushed in Tenel City to foster social relations began to operate.

The idea of these two people is simple, and if the assassin of Colonel Anna was from outside, then somebody would have seen them at that time.

You know, the car was still luxury at that time, and no one in this small city could buy a car and drive.

Even if they didn’t drive, they would have seen them at that time in Tenel’s influx, including Boss at the hotel.

The Boss of the small hotel, who did not testify on the evidence gathered by Early Stage, stated that he had not seen anyone entering or leaving the hotel, that those who were likely to assassinate Colonel Anna, had been in the hotel before the incident, had not escaped since the assassination of Colonel Anna, but had returned to their rooms, and had been asked by the police to leave the premises.

Whether or not this is a viable reconnaissance direction, both young people intend to try, and today they have explored the motel Boss’s whistle, registered the home’s register, and kept it in the room where Colonel Anna was killed.

Look at the hotel Boss has gone to help poor girls who are not wearing clothes, and two young people opened the closed-door door with a dedicated key with their own lighting equipment – candles.

In a box filled with dust, work began tonight.

On the other hand, Boss from the hotel came to a regular bartender, where most of Tenel’s bars were bars without a licence to sell alcoholic drinks, all illegally operating, but the nature of the city was very special, and the police did not like to arrest them, and the contraband investigation bureau had been fully encouraged.

Both successive directors were arrested for malfeasance and job crimes, and the Bureau of Prohibitions Surveys was poorly evaluated and no one wanted them to do anything, and now Tenel’s contraband investigation office has become Cannes Province’s garden for waste drain.

It’s a garden, which is purely because, although it is filled with losers and waste in Cannes Province’s struggle, their law enforcement powers exist and, in order not to cause trouble to each other, large and small bars per month are “available” to the Bureau of Surveys of Prohibitions.

The cash paid from the extreme fruit, to some alcoholic drinks and even beef, the fact that agents who had not been able to move forward and abandon themselves began to live in the state of affairs has also created a special environment for Tenel City – the illegal bar.

In fact, there is another argument behind this, limited to those who swim into the grey strip, who often say that Tenel’s liquor comes almost from Durin’s hands, that no one can look into Durin, and that if bad luck is not wanted, it would be better not to touch these bars and those drinks.

It is

difficult to say that this is not the real cause of Tenel’s special environment, but there are few reasons.

The hotel Boss opened the door to the bar in the alley, and there was nothing to hide, everything was big, and there was a rainbow beacon tag for red heels and yellow glasses with a haircut pipe, which was particularly bright at night.

Boss at the bar is already a bit drunk, and he forced himself to control his body, a little bit less stable to go to the bar, and the bartender walked right away, “What do you want?”

He swallowed a spit, cracked his mouth, smiled, showed a big, uneven tooth, spreaded a disgusting smell, laid down on the table and wrapped up the past, “I’m selling a message.”

The bartender looked at him, “You know, some jokes are gonna get pretty bad.”

“What, you think I’m joking now?” The bar Boss is a bit angry, his voice is a little bigger, the people around him look at it, the bartender frowned, and he just smiles around the bar and walks in the back door.

Passengers around the bar are not interested in this, and trafficking information has been a source of life for some of them, ranging from one dollar to two, to hundreds of thousands of intelligence, which form a low-lying information network in Tenel, some of which are economically valuable, and will be transported elsewhere.

It’s also the lazy and leisure people’s favorite job, and don’t need to spend it all the time, just looking everywhere for him/she drinks, talking about it, and selling hundreds of thousands of dollars at any time.

Boss suddenly felt a little cold in the back, it was a refrigeration, there were some beef legs and hams in it, and there were some other meat.

I don’t know how long it took to grow ashes on the ice, and there’s some red blood on it, the cold air that makes him breathe out of his nose, and his drunken intentions are sober.

The heart hesitated to leave, but bite the teeth, keep moving, until it passes through the refrigeration, and goes into a warm room.

A guy with an old antidote mask sits in a very ugly chair, and he has an old table before him, and this freak looks up at the bar Boss, and through that closed glass, both of them touched in the air, and the hotel Boss turned his eyes off.

“The content of the information, not much detail, and then your offer, if I’m interested, we can continue talking, and if I’m not interested, you can leave the door next door, and then you’ll be in another alley.”

“Fair…”, the bartender Boss has some wonderful words that might be frightened, “I don’t know if you know me, and I’m Boss of that little hotel next to you, you know, that there was a murder there before, and someone recently started to be interested in that case, and I think it should be a sale of some money.”

The guy in charge of dealing with intelligence laughed a few times, “Why do you think this information is worth it? If I were you, I wouldn’t waste so much time on this matter, you could leave, of course, if you had better news next time, you might come to me.”

The bar Boss didn’t leave, but stood in the original, “$300, no, no, no, $1,000, this news is $1,000!”

The guy with the mask was stuck, and he didn’t laugh at the overestimates one’s capabilities of Boss’s bar, and he didn’t drive this drunk stupid beep out, but asked a very critical question, “Why do you think it’s worth a thousand bucks?”

This is the capacity of every human being who buys and sells information, who are unlikely to ensure that they have the most fair and correct assessment of the value of each information, and in fact the price of most of the information comes from the cutting behaviour of both sides, and when Boss directly shoutes a thousand dollars, the masks realize that there must be a place where they have not noticed, so the hotel Boss dared to shout a thousand bucks of price.

Hotel Boss licked his lips and then conquered the mask man in just two seconds, allowing him to take a thousand dollars in the hands of the hotel Boss in good faith.

Boss at the hotel, that’s what it says — “The Chief of Police was called Mason, Mayon Cosma!”

In fact, this is a very obvious high-price message, so masked man didn’t think that he needed too much to deal with, and that it was not possible to take good care of all aspects.

But he reacted very quickly, and the hotel Boss told Director Mason Cosma that the mask man came to mind.

There were also cases before the secret investigation, which coincided with the fact that Mason was the chief of the police, and it was likely that Mason himself, and even Durin, had been implicated in the case.

Now Mason is the mayor of Tenel, Durin is the governor of Ambilo, and if this news is true, his guess is true, and a thousand bucks can say he made a big deal.

All he needs to do is call people who don’t want to tell Mason or Durin about it, and then he’ll walk around Tenel, and everyone knows that this is the city of the Cosma family!

Later, Mason came back from outside, and Tenel’s special geographical location had been its cave in the past, but it became its advantage in this era of international trade.


cost of land transportation has gradually been higher than the cost of maritime transport, and, with the refinement of the power hatch technology used by shipping, including the replacement of catalysts, the crystal required to drive large cargo tanks, although not decreasing, is increasing.

Land transport should, on a rational basis, begin to take a landslide, but in landlocked areas where water transport resources are scarce, it is still subject to landing.

In this regard, Tenel is not scarce with resources, and several transnational railways pass Tenel City, which has also allowed Tenel City to flourish rapidly at visible speed.

A large number of foreign enterprises set up offices in Tenel’s house and then expanded to become companies, some of them even intended to establish regional headquarters in the Empire, who came to accelerate economic development in Tenel City and, of course, Mason was a very lucky guy.


rapid economic growth of cities can be felt immediately by every person living here, with only a dozen dollars paid a month ago, and now at least 70 dollars per month, that is, change, real change.

The population at the bottom will not be well aware of the problem of economic construction at the national level, but they only know how many times the salaries they now receive are in the past, and all this has happened after Mason took office, so Mason is a qualified mayor and respected mayor.

Plus his surname, and his bloodline, in this city he is a well-deserved star.

Take off his coat and spread strong wine on the couch. In fact, Mason is a good man, and at least he won’t stay as late as any other man, no matter how much he deserves, he’ll come back to bed every night, no matter how late he is.

The wife gave him a bitter soda soup, which was said to be a Turkish law, cooked together with a burning coffee bean plus ten times the bitter corn pet, a deep brown glass of water that would make drunk people feel better.

Mason drank something, not as good as he was at first, he was still drunk and moved, just like he was going to sleep.

At this point, the phone bell in the lobby rings, the drunk Mason has to answer the phone himself, just less than five seconds after he got the call and said, “It’s me.” The whole man sat straight, and he started spreading a lot of sweatbeard and wiped it out.

It’s just a moment. It’s a shock, it’s cold, it’s awake!

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