Cosma Empire

Chapter 1262

In the morning, the next morning, the news that Marcus was attacked was finally spread. The working Dolly heard the news and the receiver slipped directly from her hand.

She woke up and took the receiver quickly. After apologizing for her rude behavior, she hung up the phone and watched the report written on the desktop for half a long time.

Marcus is like a mentor to her life, pulling her out of the hustle and bustle of World, entering Transcendent’s World, and enjoying the power of power.

He is a great person, a person who is admired, worshipped, and feared. For Dolly, Marcus plays a role not only for her boss, but her tutor is so simple, she is admired. People, secret lovers, worshippers, followers…

Slowly raised her hands to cover her face, her shoulders shaking for a while, she wiped the tears on her face, rubbed her eyes and ensured that the tears in her eyes were squeezed out, and the emotional collapse came quickly. It is also very fast.

She took out the cosmetic bag and made up a little dress, re-covered the makeup that was wet with tears, and then lifted the phone.

She needs more news. Even she thinks that Marcus is the founder, leader, soul figure and the greatest leader of the New Party. The New Party should pay close attention to this matter and send people to Sallyville to ensure the safety of Marcus. .

Dolly, as the vice chairman of the New Party Committee, the “big man” in the party’s fourth place, is best for her to visit Marcus.

The hand that can carry the phone is when she is ready to start dialing, just like what is mysterious power to take the body out, inexplicably can not bear the weight of the earpiece, and put the receiver back.

Some things, initiative, and passive acceptance, are totally different. They cannot be urgent or urgent.

The influence of this matter far exceeded people’s imagination. On the morning of the same day, there were a huge number of demonstrations across the country, asking Sally to hand over the murderer, demanding that the Empire severely punish Sally, and even some people shouted out. Sally, the slogan of blood debts.

The Sally’s embassy in the Empire was surrounded by the angry proletariat and the low-class class. From time to time, some people took bricks to the embassy, ​​and the glass of the entire embassy was smashed.

If there is not an imperial warning zone to intervene and mobilize military personnel to protect these people, I am afraid that angry people have already rushed into the embassy to kill the Sallyville people inside.

Marcus has great and significant significance for the entire empire. Although many people support the old party, or are not very concerned about politics, they know that they can have today’s life and cannot leave Marcus’s leadership.

It was Marcus who led everyone from post-war reconstruction to today’s full take-off, but the imperial hero was actually attacked. Can this be tolerated?

Even in the west, there have been dinners… No, it’s a Labour Party parade.

Any opposition party and new party will not let go of any hot spot. Marcus is attacked as a terrifying thing, but the new party leaders are happy. They are motivated to organize the members of the Labor Party to take this event. For a reason to hold a series of activities, including the capitalist’s bottom line in some areas to test some hostile positions – a day of silence for the injury of the great Marcus leader of the Empire, this day does not go to work.

This excuse…not really a thing, but it is very useful. Capitalists in some regions have said that they will not accept the blackmail of the Labor Party. However, some capitalists think that it is not unacceptable to stop work, and of course some capitalists are After contributing a portion of the political contributions and promised some job indicators, the Labor Party canceled these activities of silence.

In the west, the development of the Labor Party has once again received tremendous resistance. The cowboys and farmers are eating fried chicken and drinking wine. The club’s manager is trembling in fear, and a cowboy puts empty wood. The plate was stuffed into his arms. “Give me one more. I am very sad about your fried chicken these days. It’s so delicious!”

The club manager looked at the arm with his big thigh. After a simple comparison, he decided to give up the reason with these barbaric western crickets. He was a civilized World man. After these people calmed down, he talked to them again.

This unlimited amount of fried chicken and fruit wine unlimited tasting ended in less than two hours, because the fried chicken was gone, the wine was gone, and the cowboys and farmers who heard the news also patted the belly. Leaving, leaving only the club manager who stood in the field and looked at the mess, constantly wiping the glasses in his hands, has not left.

I… really too difficult.

People in various parts of the empire protested this matter in different ways. The cabinet also severely rebuked the gunmen and conspirators who were so mad, and claimed that they would never compromise or misunderstand the trap of the villain.

For Durin, the gap between today and yesterday may be that the weather is warmer.

Marcus’s attack is not a bad thing, nor can it be said to be a good thing.

Durin has clearly noticed that the biggest force within the New Party that hinders his rapid rise is the power of Marcus.

The old man gave him the opportunity to help him stabilize his position on the political stage. He was grateful to Marcus, but when Marcus became his resistance, he was excluded from the gratitude, only unwilling and angry.

In fact, sometimes this kind of emotion often appears in the children. When their claims are rejected by the adults, they will produce this kind of emotion, and the adults and Marcus use the same reason, saying the same content, so that The same tone.

“In short, I am doing this for you. It doesn’t matter if you don’t understand things. You just have to obey…”

This is a disgusting feeling. Whether it is a child or a present, what humans most desire as a smart animal is the freedom to assert their own rights, but they cannot get a claim for various reasons.

Some philosophers say that modern society is a distorted society, nature cannot be released, everyone lives in a cage, and it is not wrong.

When you don’t have the ability to change something, you can only follow the flow.

Marcus has always been unsupportive of Durin’s idea of ​​completing the Level 3 jump as soon as possible. He thinks that Durin will finish this session. After the next session, the whole person will mature and understand this world. It is the best time to go on stage.

But he ignored one thing, that is, according to his own ideas, Durin would have to be able to win the position after fifteen years, and Durin would agree for such a long time.

He did not consider this question, but only symbolically consulted Durin’s opinion, and then conveyed a message in various ways, “You have to do what I said.”

He may not say such a red fruit, but he means this, and he is not allowed to violate it. Even if Durin resists, it seems to him to be an unwilling and unstoppable struggle.

If Marcus doesn’t do anything, it will be difficult for Durin to complete his plan. Marcus’s influence on the new party is too strong. Even if he resigns and unloads his job, he can still influence all the decisions of the New Party Committee.

Standing by the window and looking at the bustling streets outside the window, Durin smoked and thought about things. If someone could put his ear on his chest, he could hear that his heartbeat was not only powerful, but also very fast.

This is a difficult decision to make. It is not a difficult thing to leave Marcus in Sally forever. It only needs a bullet, a bomb or something more unusual.

It is really common to know that various accidents have occurred in this year. Even if it is a foolproof warship, sometimes it will touch the reef and eventually disappear into the sea, but now there is only one problem, that is, tickets.

Marcus had a ticket to the “top club” in his hands. That was the real ruling class of the empire. Without Marcus’s referral, Durin could hardly fit into that circle, and even the door couldn’t get in.

You said that you are the ruler, but other rulers do not recognize it, which will make people very embarrassed.

And the political legacy left by Marcus will soon be divided up by these people, and the new party may be replaced by other parties, such as the recent imperialist party.

But nothing was done, and some were not reconciled… When he thought of Marcus’s restraint on him, he was hesitant and struggled.

In exchange for obeying a promise of fifteen years later, I still fight for it, gambling and waiting for seven years to turn around, he must make a decision today, time will not and the others.

On the other hand, Marcus just woke up from a coma, which has nothing to do with his injuries. It is purely because of his age, his physical function is declining, and the efficacy of anesthetics is difficult to resist.

When an eyes opened, he saw his wife smiling and handing a teacup for himself. He squeezed a smile, but pushed the cup to the other side and said in a hoarse voice, “Get me the phone first!”

At the first moment of the attack, Marcus thought of a lot of things. What he was most worried about was that some people planned to use their own attacks to make a fuss and stir up the political situation in the empire.

Once the politicians inside the empire begin to roll each other, this will affect the future of the empire!

Star Empire has been able to get out of the post-war shadow and create miracles so quickly in the past 30 years, in fact, it is closely related to the harmony between the internal high-level.

No matter how the people below fight, they will not shake the foundation of a country, and will not change the rise of a country. What is truly terrifying is that high-level officials also participate in such political struggles. That is the easiest way to destroy a country’s roots. The most direct and effective method.

Why did Star Empire change the day and the moon, because the struggles at the top level have become hot, and the contradiction between the aristocratic group and the royal family cannot be resolved, so that it is necessary to divide the war by means of war. Marcus overthrew a series of things after the feudal dynasty.

The current empire seems to be very strong and rapid, but once it has gone through the old roads, it will collapse like an empire.

So for Marcus who just woke up, the first thing is to call Barr and let him spread the news. Not only is he alive, but he is still very good!

The phone finally got through the two transfers, and when Barr’s familiar voice sounded, Marcus smiled. “Old Partner, it’s me.”

Barr took a while and laughed and said with a smile. “This is the best voice I have heard this year. I have sent people over, come back as soon as possible, and it is not safe!”

Many times people are willing to put Barr on the side of Marcus for comparison. He is often considered to be inferior to Marcus in all aspects. Regardless of the policy agenda, the ruling experience, the means and even the personal charm are not as good as Marcus. In front of Marcus, Barr is almost nothing. .

However, this comparison is unfair, because the two of them do not need to compare, everyone is unique and unmatched, and people and people are better than others to die.

The contrast between such cases is not authoritative and has little value, but it would be fairly fair to put everyone together and compare them.

Barr, who is not very good in people’s eyes, has become one of the top few people!

He is just not as good as Marcus, and that’s it, because that person is too much, and it is such a person for hundreds of years.

Compared with other people, he may not be worse than others, and even most people can’t compare with him.

In a word, he made clear the current situation. Marcus came back because the news that Marcus had nothing to do, the killer might arrange a second attack, and this attack will definitely be more terrifying, one accidentally true. will die.

For Marcus’s safety, Barr felt that picking him up immediately was the safest and most reliable way.

After all, in the empire, it is impossible to want to hold the military office and want to hold on to the Security Council. It is impossible to arrest the Empire Knights by investigating the investigation of the Rose Knights.

If they can’t see the target even if they can’t see the target, they will be killed on the spot. If necessary, they will leave a live-mouth interrogation behind the scenes. This is their daily work for the three major intelligence agencies.

Marcus thought about it, and promised that the adventure would have more benefits, but sometimes the risk is not worth it. He doesn’t have to use his own life to gamble on an uncertain outcome. It is better to withdraw the country early and then start. Pack up these people.

With Marcus’s nodded, Barr then arranged for the man to greet Marcus, and in less than ten minutes there were military people around the hospital.

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