Cosma Empire

Chapter 1251

Early the next morning, Ophelia climbed up from her bed on her forehead. She looked at Durin, who was sleeping aside, and pressed for a moment.

Inexplicably, she always felt that her head hurts a bit. This has never happened in the past, just like being sucked an axe on the head.

Her memory has been somewhat blurred for what happened last night, only remembering that she drank some wine, and then became a little quiet, and finally forgot everything.

Drinking is really not very good!

She looked at Durin, who was still asleep, quietly turning out of bed, here is the country, no more than the city, no separate bathroom, and even the common bathroom, some…terrifying.

Because it is scary to wash in that bathroom, the cold wind that occasionally blows in not only causes physical discomfort, but more importantly, it means that the broken bathroom is not sealed, it has gaps.

If there is a gap, it means that you can see things outside the bathroom at a certain angle. Of course, if you have someone outdoors, you can see the scenery inside the bathroom. This is too frightening.

And the slippery mossy ground and the decaying wood board are really terrible, she can imagine how terrifying it will be after the summer.

Those who like the dark and damp will be packed in every corner of the place. She listened to the village’s toilet and bathroom, and thought that even her ass had a goose bump.

Simply changing a suit, she took a casual look at Durin’s eyes, and was then attracted by Durin’s clothes on the hanger.

There was a holster in his clothes, and there was a pistol in the holster that was obviously quite different.

Girls rarely touch Durin’s personal item, which is a respect for other people’s personality and respect for their personality, but this time she is very curious, because this gun seems to have seen her somewhere.

She slightly opened the clothes that blocked the gun body, revealing the complete holster. The silver white pistol in the holster has a beautiful line different from other pistols.

The lines that should have been industrialized in a minimalist style have been rotated and twisted, but they do not affect the role of the gun itself. As for why she knows this, it is not difficult to guess.

Because Durin carries it with him, Durin is a very realistic person, although sometimes he will become very romantic, and he will basically not like anything that has no practical use.

This gun must be able to be used normally, so it will be carried around, it is as simple as that.

She looked at the gun, some heavy, and when she turned the holster, she was attracted by the blue jewel on the back of the gun.

The wide blue jewel of the thumb varies with the angle of observation. It seems that there is a path of brilliance flowing under the mirror of the gemstone. She has some surprises. This gem is quite beautiful, but it seems to be a little inlaid on the firearm….

It should be the style of the middle and middle of the Guarte dynasty. The lines in the process of “flowing” produced some aesthetics that were not in line with pragmatism. This is the obvious effect brought about by artistic changes.

Release the hand and re-hang the clothes, she quietly left the room and closed the door.

At the moment the door was closed, Durin opened his eyes and it seemed that the incident had fainted, and after that, it needed to be observed.

The days of life in Purple Alfalfa Town are always very slow, as if there are Worlds in two different forms.

In the outside world, every day has become a clever little naughty, inadvertently slipping away from his side, when the came back to his senses, time has passed for a long time.

But here, time slowed down again, from morning, morning, to noon, to afternoon, to evening, to evening, to the middle of the night, to the middle of the night, to late night…

Every time period is so vivid, the change between each time period can also make people clearly aware that everyone can watch the time of the gravel slowly passing through the fingers.

Being used to a fast-paced life, suddenly letting the pace of life slow down is indeed a kind of enjoyment and a kind of relaxation.

Durin sat in the easy chair at the door, next to a small stove, and the current temperature in Purple Alfalfa Town was only about ten degrees, which is actually much better than the North.

The north has already fallen by a dozen degrees, and the place near the snowfield has been minus three 40 degrees, which makes it impossible for people living in the south, including Durin, to imagine how the northerners lived and survived.

“Looking at the newspaper, Handes Medical Group has broken through the difficulties in the current surgery. They completed the first organ transplant…” Mason read the headline in the newspaper and his expression was exaggerated. Today they can put someone else’s stomach into another person’s stomach. Maybe it won’t take long before they can put our brains into someone else’s head.”

“Medical science is really too terrifying, or all things related to medicine are too terrifying!”

Handes Medical Group is one of the largest medical groups in the empire. Several medical groups have joined forces to control the medical and medical device manufacturing sectors of the entire empire. They are the industry that makes the most money without money.

On the trading boards of the three major banks, it is necessary to count the share prices of these medical groups as the highest batch, because everyone is very clear that in the long and short life of human beings, it is impossible not to get sick, as long as they are sick, eventually people The money earned by hard work was handed over to the medical group.

This is also the main reason why the medical group has grown to a terrifying scale, but there is no negative evaluation. After all, they have offended these private medical institutions and they have really refused medical applications for certain patients. After all, these medical institutions are Private and profitable for business purposes.

Whoever loves to serve, whoever serves it, no one can force them.

In these medical groups, they are also sub-fields, just like the Handes Medical Group, which focuses on surgery and organ transplantation.

In fact, this issue has always been discussed by people. Until last year, Handels Medical Group joined another medical group to get a brand new drug, Min Kang.

The biggest feature of this drug is that it can solve the rejection reaction well, and it has achieved remarkable results in most animals and a small number of volunteers who volunteer to participate in medical experiments.

Of the 100 volunteers involved in organ transplantation, 82 survived healthily, and only four of the 18 deaths died of rejection. Others were due to surgery problems and some Other unexpected problems such as non-rejective deaths such as acute organ failure.

Initially, this has been a great success. After a year and a half of further research and development, a new generation of Minkang and a more mature organ transplant process can ensure a one-year survival rate of more than 70%.

With such a very good number, Henderes Medical Group began to officially push this business to the front and the whole world.

The sensation caused by this news is not representative of Mason’s simple expression. When Hudson Medical Group released the news yesterday, their stock price soared by 10% before the close, and the decimals were not counted.

Such a terrible increase is enough for a medical group with a market value of 1 billion to be both hopeful and fearful. More terrifying is that at this same time, Handes Medical Group received some unwillingness to be named from all over the world, but Donations from well-meaning people who have been accurately certified.

From tens of thousands to tens of thousands to millions or even tens of millions, the entire Henderson Medical Group’s top management has been dizzy by a series of good news.

More terrifying is that there is a list of contraband trades in the Underground World – organ!

In fact, since yesterday, the first research center directly under the headquarters of Handes Medical Group has received 17 patients with special status. These people all have the same problem, and some organs are depleting or necrotic.

Their lives are not long, but they are very rich. Before they were desperate, money is not omnipotent, because spending more money can not buy more time and health.

But now, they suddenly understand, because money is omnipotent, not only can you enjoy the best things in this world with money, but also buy life for yourself, buy health, and buy more time.

And don’t discuss where the source of transplanted organs comes from. In short, this news is enough to make many people and many things become different.

As for transplanting the brain, it is only a good wish. In another world with more developed technology, this ambitious goal has not yet been fulfilled. How can this goal be achieved in this relatively backward World.

Mr. Cosma has a lot of newspapers at home, some of which are local newspapers in Cannes Province. Because Mason is the mayor of Tenel City, he is really concerned about these things.

Other newspapers are newspapers in the state of Ambilo, as well as some more comprehensive and “status” newspapers, such as the Empire Daily.

These newspapers have greatly enriched Mr. Cosma’s life. He always has time in the sun, sitting on the Great Millstone in the central square of the town where people gather. He read some of the sounds that can be heard in most towns. And Durin’s news.

Of course, he just appreciates himself, definitely not showing off, he will not admit it.

The brothers were reading the newspaper and watching Mason suddenly walked over to Durin and placed one of the newspapers in front of him. He looked up and glanced slightly, frowning slightly.

There is a picture in the newspaper. Without anyone else, he can recognize the person in the picture through black and white and some vague graphics, Merlin.

The report said that Merlin was a young woman in the middle of the night. The two stayed in a resort hotel in a resort city in the south, and the two talents came out at noon the next day.

This woman is obviously not Sully.

Merlin has also become a newcomer to the Empire business because of the soaring momentum of the technology development company. In addition to the current sales of scary polymer fabrics and some small appliances, there are a large number of patents.

Even several military industrial groups are negotiating with the technology development company, intending to apply for a one-time authorization for several chemical patent formulations.

Ritz Street’s authoritative evaluation company believes that the technology development company will break through the 100 million Star Coin mark in the next decade, and Merlin has become a “big man” who is happy to make friends.

Perhaps it is because the merits of fame are famous, famous, rich, and some aspects of his personality have begun to become more prominent.

This is not the first time Merlin has privately visited other women. Even Sully knows some things, but she is sensible not to argue for it, but to choose to ignore it.

Sully’s indulgence and other reasons, Merlin, who had been peeking at the widow’s bath since he was a child, had already swam in the flowers, but this time it was exposed, because these reporters in the South have not yet felt the real deterrent of Durin. Force, dare to report these things.

“He is much more exciting than we have been, and can take a girlfriend to go to the South for a holiday…”, Mason’s words are all envious, nothing is more comfortable than the sun on the warm beach in the winter. And there are beautiful women around.

He did not think that this was a wrong act, but he felt that men should be like this.

I have to say that whether it is Guartian or Ogdinian, it seems that there is the same sentiment in this respect, which may be the reason why the feminist movement is in full swing.

Durin regained his gaze from the newspaper, shrugged. “But it’s not good. He’s not too young. Some things can’t be stopped, and they can’t be so obvious.”

When she chose Sully as the marriage partner of Merlin, it was because this girl of money worship paid more attention to wealth and status than any other. As long as Durin had the right, as long as Merlin could be a little family business, the woman would not have any problems. .

For many girls who worship gold, in order to keep their husbands to give their lives, husbands give their wealth, husbands give their status, they have nothing to do.

Even some people who are trying to find their own names have used some people’s hobby for special games, looking for some girls who are married to get married, and let them do something hard to say.

After the end of the use, they can be sent to them with a break-up fee, but he can get extremely rare resources, more wealth status, and the opportunity to climb up.

So what Merlin is doing now is actually more dangerous than anything else that is more excessive!

Because of the consequences of his actions, it will touch Sully’s sensitive nerves, giving her a sense of danger that she may be replaced by a younger and more beautiful currency pool anytime and anywhere.

It’s time to talk to Merlin, can’t let him get it this way, something will happen!

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