Cosma Empire

Chapter 1249

In the evening, the family dine around the table, the wide table is full of moments, Mr. Cosma is very happy, the family has not been so busy for a long time.

In fact, he also wants his own children, but this old guy is unwilling to say it because of his “strict father” performance. His dignity and pride also do not allow him to become an ordinary old man.

He is really happy today, so he is going to say something.

The people sitting at the table were watching him. He showed the color of contemplation, then raised the glass in his hand, opened his mouth, and everyone began to concentrate.

This situation lasted for two or three seconds, and Mr. Cosma snorted, “Dinner.”

The restaurant was alive in an instant, people started to dine, and despite the slight shackles on Mr. Cosma’s face, today’s meals are still very rich.

At least one grilled beef rib and a grilled lamb rib, plus some chicken, duck and goose can be said to be very rich.

It鈥檚 far from the sea, and there鈥檚 no one in the town who鈥檚 willing to pay a lot of money for expensive seafood, so these things can鈥檛 be seen on the table, and most things can be found on this table. on.

Including the sky flying.

鈥淚t tastes good, mother’s cooking is getting better and better.鈥?Durin grabbed a beef rib and praised it.

In the city’s restaurants, such ingredients are often cut into very small pieces and then offered to all diners at very high prices.

But in the country, these things have always been made in the “fan” unit, people have become accustomed to grasping the pain of a whole beef rib bite.

This has little to do with money and no money. Even in the poorest times of the past decade, Purple Alfalfa Town and most farmers have several cows, some sheep, and perhaps some chickens, ducks and geese.

It seems that when the social economy is not developed, it will enjoy a better life in the country. This sentence is not entirely correct.

In the past, Durin was often able to eat delicious food. Occasionally, a cow was slaughtered in the town. Everyone can get some of it – using other things to exchange beef from the family of the slaughtering cow. This method was very popular in the past.

There are also stolen eggs, duck eggs and goose eggs, including some eggs.

Sometimes their brothers will go to the nearby river to get some shrimps. They don’t eat the fish. The people in the town don’t eat too much. The fish have too many thorns and are not suitable for the eating habits of the imperial people.

It is a crime to look at such “rich” recipes in the city. You know that for a long time, the poor people living in the city sometimes can’t afford the wheat, but in the countryside. Crops such as wheat kernels can basically be eaten in an unlimited amount.

So is it better to be in the country, but it is not. In the special circumstances of the special period, the self-sufficiency of the country can maintain a relatively full-fledged life, but they have no money.

When Mr. Cosma left the Purple Alfalfa Town from Durin, it was tens of dollars in cash. At that time, everyone was still very poor.

They can’t get more supplies by purchasing them to meet their consumption needs. At this point, people in the city are just the opposite.

The job allows them to get cash, they can consume according to their income situation and preferences, the colorful urban society and the dazzling shelves are the sights that the countryside can never see at that time!

Many rural people have spent a year or two of money in order to be able to go shopping in the city one day.

The people outside the golden cage never knew the crowdedness in the golden cage and the pain of losing their freedom. Their attention was completely placed on the cage made of gold.

Those who live in the golden cages never know how terrifying the outside world is, they only see freedom.

Fortunately, the society always progresses. After a long wait for the empire, it finally ushered in a new opportunity. It finally rises to the top of World and becomes the world’s leading power. This also makes the days of the city to the countryside better. .

Durin praised the delicious taste of roast beef ribs. Kinsale smiled at hehe. She wiped her mouth with a napkin. It seemed that she was back home in the country without worrying about the reporter outside the door. Her movements became rude. .

“Not good means, that’s what I did…” Kinsale ordered a lady cigarette. “I have to thank you for your compliment. This is the best gift I have received today.”

Durin shrugged, smiled and said to Mrs. Cosma, “You should be complimenting me, so I don’t need to find another way to praise you, ma’am.”

Mrs. Cosma smiled and distributed the meat on the plate to Mr. Little Cosma and Mr. Little Cosma. She glanced at Kinsale and looked at Durin. She said, 鈥淵ou are a good woman who is a housewife. The dishes she made are much better than what I did.”

Kinsale, a living saying, was a little embarrassed. The rare blush was red. Durin asked strangely. “I don’t know if you will smoke now.”

Kinsale sighed, throwing out the cigarette that just took two cigarettes out of the window, “The character needs it, and you know, sometimes… just like that.”

Durin nodded didn’t talk. He didn’t dislike anything about smoking. Except that the smell in the room was not very good, the cigarettes here were not as harmful as the cigarettes in his dreams.

In addition to wasting money, it is not able to interfere more with smokers, and it is said that many tobacco companies are also studying a new type of cigarette that smells more fragrant and is more suitable for indoor smoking.

When Durin turned back, it was just that Ophelia was struggling with the beef ribs that clearly exceeded the length of the plate. The knife and fork in the hand was not suitable for cutting the beef on the beef ribs, which made her not eat the mouth until now.

In addition to Ophelia, Amir is the same, the two women are eating with the civilized people, unlike the owners of this house, eating more casual.

The meat on the beef ribs is very slippery and very strong because it has a membrane. It is not so easy to cut, which makes them sweat.

Durin picked it up directly, and put the fleshy place on her mouth, encouraged to say, “Open your mouth, then bite it down, you will find that the ones you used to eat are not as delicious as you think!”

Because the beef ribs are baked in one piece, more gravy is locked in the beef, and the slightly shrinking meat pieces are slid in the middle along the ribs, and the bone sticks are exposed on both sides, from between the meat and the bones. In the gap, there is a constant flow of gravy, which gives off a strong fragrance.

Ophelia greeted Durin’s gaze, and the two looked at each other for a second or two, then she resolutely opened her mouth and bit it on the flesh.

This is something she has never done before, especially when eating.

There are a lot of exquisite requirements and requirements for aristocratic meals. For example, the simplest ones can’t make the sound of collision between tableware. When you open the mouth, you can’t expose the food and teeth in the mouth. You can’t talk during the chewing. You can’t Talk to people around you when you haven’t cleaned your mouth and lips…

Such rules are so many that many people don’t have long hair on their heads, but this is only the daily routine of the nobility. From the day they are sensible, they must abide by these rules.

Between the punishment of the whip and the skin shovel, they will soon be able to grasp what they should do.

Ophelia’s eyes were rounded up when the white ones were cut into the meat with a hint of shiny teeth. There was a kind of silly and clear like a clear comprehension.

Her bite was very fast, and she lifted the right hand and pressed it up against the lower jaw.

On the one hand, it is to catch the debris when biting, but also to catch the delicious gravy.

She chewed for a while before swallowing the food in her mouth, then licking her lips and looking at Durin incredibly. “I have never eaten such a delicious barbecue. Does it use magic?”

When the teeth cut open the diaphragm, the delicious gravy and the infiltrated sauce permeate during the process of cutting and squeezing the meat pieces, completely detonating the taste buds.

The outermost beef has some strength and chewyness, but after removing the layer, the beef below becomes delicious and soft, much better than you think.

Especially the feeling that the big bite of meat bites in the mouth is a kind of satisfaction that has never been realized… satisfaction! !

Durin put the ribs in her hands. “It’s more fun to be yourself, and you can try other dishes. On our table, you don’t need to stick to the rigid dogma. We are free.”

He didn’t know where to poke the nerves of Mr. Cosma. Mr. Cosma suddenly shouted in the cup and said, “Cheers for freedom!”

As the oldest and most authoritative male family on the table, the main responsible person, under his initiative, everyone can only agree, the high-lifted cups, and the smell of alcohol that began to spread, so that the atmosphere has become more heated.

The atmosphere is very magical. The magic is that it can make people inexplicably into a certain mood and unable to extricate themselves.

Ophelia, who has never been so impudent, has been constantly on the rise, and she has even begun to take the initiative to drink with others.

There may be some problems with this kind of behavior in the city, but this is the country, and it is surrounded by people. The atmosphere is good and can’t be better. Even Mr. Cosma has a smile on his face.

It was at this time that Ophelia suddenly felt something hidden under the table. Alcohol had paralyzed her reaction. She slammed it hard and then slammed the contents of her hand on the table.

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