Cosma Empire

Chapter 1245

Ophelia and Amir honestly keep up with the pace of the former men, whether they are the daughter of a big aristocrat or the secretary of the ordinary mayor’s office, now they are members of the Cosma family, even the surnames are already in their marriage. A moment has been changed.

That’s right, the name of the personal information on Ophelia’s Social Security number is now “Ophelia. A lot of it is omitted, the author himself has forgotten Cosma”, which is simple and easy to understand, especially the last surname.

The girl is a little scared, because Mr. Cosma’s appearance makes her a little uneasy and frightened, which is not like a good contact.

The team passed through the town and parked on the other side of the open space. In fact, there is a large open space below the statue that can provide parking, but Mr. Cosma thinks that the car should not be parked there. It feels like showing off.

Then he was pleased to watch the fleet of nine luxury cars slowly passing through the town and the center of the town at a speed of less than ten miles per hour, and stopped on the other side of the open space. The reason why it was so slow was mainly to avoid Hit someone else.

I can see that Mr. Cosma has a benevolent and charitable!

The entire group While walking inward, Mr. Cosma introduced the changes that have taken place in the town over the past few years, mainly after the construction of the road.

For example, there are several fur purchasers in the town. Purple Alfalfa Town has more wild animals because it is located on the edge of the country’s territory and all around there are more uninhabited areas.

In addition to a variety of small herbivores, coyotes are one of the main wild animals that often appear around the town.

Purple Alfalfa Town is not as a country as the western country can legally or illegally own guns, but the residents of the town will make traps or use bows and arrows or even a stick to slash and hunt for anything. This kind of hunting method will get the prey fur. The integrity of it is also more popular with fur merchants.

In the past when the economy was not good, the fur trade became the most important source of income for every household.

After all, regardless of whether the economy is good or not, the rich are always rich, and they don’t care whether others can afford to eat. When they consume, they will never restrain themselves.

Now the economy is much better, the rich are more, and the furs are selling better. For more high-quality fur trades, these dealers have special operating dens in the town, no, it is a recycling station.

In addition to this smooth road, it is also the fastest and safest road to nearby towns and villages to Tenel City.

Many other places will first arrive at Purple Alfalfa Town and then take the “Road to Purple Alfalfa Town” to Tenel City.

The flow of people means that there is a commercial foundation. These people may have some desire to consume while waiting for public transportation, such as buying a newspaper or something, and more.

There is a small circle of commercial atmosphere in a place not far from the gate of the town. It may be that the junior merchants who have just sprouted the idea of ​​making money have built some benches and shades to protect the rain. The existence of these things can It is very effective to attract more passengers who are waiting for vehicles to rest here, which also increases the chances of selling goods.

In short, the entire Purple Alfalfa Town has undergone varying degrees of change. In particular, the business circle that has emerged around this road has made some obvious gaps in the past peaceful and peaceful Purple Alfalfa Town.

The northeast direction of the town is closer to the new road, and it seems to be more prosperous. At the same time, the locals, whether they are for the sake of face or for other things, have repaired their houses and painted new paint.

The southwest corner of the town looks a bit shabby, and many houses remain the same as they were a few years ago, and the popularity is very low.

This situation will continue and intensify, and the area closest to the road will become the most prosperous and most valuable place in Purple Alfalfa Town. The inhabitants here are invisibly equal to a large fortune – land appreciation Potential wealth.

On the other side of the residents, because of the lack of commercial atmosphere around the crowd, the flow of people, the popularity is low, they can not get the additional benefits of land price increase.

Some people began to become rich, some people are the same as before, and the gap between the rich and the poor will be rapidly multiplied in the process many times, eventually leading to a series of social effects.

This is also the process that every era, every region must go through, the carnival of some people, and the sorrow of some people, but this is life, that is, progress.

Getting closer and closer to home, Ophelia walked closer to Durin and grabbed his arm and tightened it. Durin described to her what Mr. Cosma’s house looked like, and she recognized the house not far away.

On the steps of the house, there was a little woman who looked not very beautiful, but very tasteful. Two and a half children stood by her side.

Inexplicably, Ophelia slammed into the heart, and the two women’s eyes crossed behind each other after Mr. Cosma’s eyes.

A calm and quiet, a stubborn and tenacious, Ophelia is very nervous, but also a little afraid, because she wants to meet the woman, what should she say as an opening statement, wait for her to reach out or reach out first?

A lot of things got into trouble and made her brain faint. Before she married Durin, she knew that Durin had such a woman and there were two children.

This is not an excessive thing in the nobility. Many nobles will have their own illegitimate children. The excuse of being romantic has been used up, but it is really easy to use and people have been using it.

She always tells herself that the woman is not terrifying, she makes people investigate everything Alisa has, her identity background, her parents, her relationship in society, a normal to no longer ordinary girl, no qualifications with Timamont Family girls compete.

But she is nervous because the two children that Durin saw were not many.

If there is anything else in this world that is not validated, not sure if it can shake Durin’s heart, then only “child”!

Lin took a picture of her back and revealed a big smile. “No need to be nervous, Alisa is not at all fierce, not even eating people. She is actually very good at getting along.”

Amir, who walked behind, looked at Mason a little strangely, and Mason Hehe smiled twice.

Instead, Mr. Cosma, who was walking in front, suddenly stopped and pointed to a big goose that passed by the road, “Scum!”

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