Cosma Empire

Chapter 1241

“Mr. Durin…”, the current operator of the Tenel Grand Theatre, Mr. Zach from the southern oil head noodles soon appeared in Durin’s cubicle.

His hair was covered with a lot of wax, and the hair looked like it had just been fished out of the water.

There was a pair of glasses on the face of the clean end, which made him look like a horse face with a lot of looks, not so conspicuous.

The gray-colored light-colored plaid dress is popular in the South, but it is worthless to wear in Tenel, because the people here can’t appreciate the style that only the poor people will buy and wear in the past few years.

He was originally playing adventure games with several girls. When the countless soldiers were about to go deep into the dangerous crypts to kill the evil devil, they made a phone call and let the girl drop it. I bought the clothes and drove to the Tenel Grand Theatre.

Without the imagination of failing to appreciate somebody’s kindness, Durin’s reputation is not only in Tenel, but also along the entire South and East Coast.

Someone once described Durin and his career—“As long as there are two more money in the pockets of the residents of the city, they still need to drink some alcohol to numb themselves to deal with this terrifying World, and Durin’s people will Send the wine to their hands and take away their little money.”

Durin’s private wine sales network covered two-thirds of the Empire’s major cities and towns, and countless private wines came out of the cellar in a very short period of time through these terrifying channels, and then into the mouths of the drunks.

Even Durin didn’t know himself, how famous he was outside.

Zach knows Durin because he used to run unlicensed bars in the North. It was the first pot of gold he earned, and he quickly made a fortune.

Sometimes the reality is really interesting, because all that can make money is something you can’t do in other populations.

After earning money by selling private wine, Zach began to experiment with transformation. He studied the track of Durin, not just him. There are many people in the entire empire who are studying how Durin has grown from scratch.

They are not willing to admit that Durin is terrific, but they have been studying everything that Durin has experienced in an attempt to find some success that can be replicated and then use it on their own.

Some people can’t see the highlights, but some people find something they can do, such as Zach.

The word whitewashing originally originated from the money laundering industry. Black money whitewashing is almost the biggest dream of all illegal fund holders. Sometimes it is not a money to be able to spend it, or to spend money is also a big risk.

Especially now, the Imperial Taxation Administration has repeatedly reformed, and the old party has vigorously supported the tax system after taking office. It has established a very terrifying system and implementation standards, and the money laundering industry has become more prosperous.

Zach exchanged a liquor license with money he had earned through illegal means, and then began his happy life. As for whether other things happened during the transaction, it was not important, and no one cares.

With money, Zach realized that it was difficult for him to be in the South. The capitalists in the South were more aggressive and aggressive than the capitalists in other regions. They were the first to connect with World, and the region with the earliest capital sprouting and no interference from the nobility.

The capitalists here are like the sharks described in the words and novels. As long as they smell a little bit of blood, they will swarm and be bold and not afraid of risk.

From this time some of them invested in the Ambilo State Mining Company and saw that as long as the return is large enough, even if it is a scam, they dare to try to jump in and step on it.

In this environment, it is difficult for Zach to be a very clean person, because a big capitalist can let him roll over. For a more comfortable life and make money, he sold everything in the South, with a liquor license. I went to the small town of Tenel and operated this big theater.

It is said that it is a small town in Bentham. In fact, it has already begun to take shape. With the increasing foreign trade, the special geographical position of Tenel City has begun to emerge.

It has the advantage of not available in other regions, whether it is the scheduling of materials or the scheduling of capacity is easy to achieve here, more and more companies have begun to settle in Tenel.

Now they may just have an office with only three or five employees here, but everyone believes that with time and trade changes, Tenel will become very prosperous.

Zach took this mentality and thoughts, invested in advance, and came to Tenel City.

He thought that this was just a small city. There was no capitalist who had seen the big world. He was the biggest tiger in the mountain, and he set off a layer of clouds.

First bought the Tenel Grand Theatre, and then bought several houses around the Grand Theatre. It is said that he also set up a security company.

Just as Mr. Zach thought he would be the biggest tiger in Tenel City, he found a country police chief who had never been seen by him, and the emperor of Underground World was a surname.

Then… he is jealous.

In the process of Mason’s coming to power, Mr. Zach gave Mason a lot of help. Southerners have an innate ability to campaign and campaign.

At this moment, he finally sighed in relief, feeling lucky for his own care.

He is like a child who faces the most rigorous and terrifying, the most unreasonable director of the school. He is somewhat comfortable and looks forward to standing outside the compartment, bowing his head, bending over, incomparably humble.

There is no way to be humble, because Durin is one of the most Legendary figures in the history of the Empire. Even if he is still young, everything in the future is not fixed. He has become one of the most Legendary figures in contemporary times.

This is not someone’s statement, but a recognition, from the farmer’s child to the prince’s first family’s son-in-law, to the mighty king of the west. If Durin is not Legendary, it is insulting everyone’s IQ and humiliating those. Known as the Legendary.

Durin glanced at Zach. Someone said something in Dufo’s ear. Dufo turned his head and said something about Zach in Durin’s ear.

He was surprised after listening to it. I didn’t expect this to be a loyal “consumer”. I had some smiles on my face. He was nodded. It was a return. “I just came out and turned around. I didn’t expect to disturb Mr. Zach.” It’s very rude. Would you like to come in and sit down and have a drink?”

This is a polite disapproval, which means that if you don’t have anything to do, you can get out early, but Durin still ignores the weight and status of these people in the small place of Tenel.

Zach was like a lucky Goddess kicking his head and glory into the cubicle, sitting on the far side.

However, he is very acquainted. He does not know who to toast and does not speak. He is sitting in the corner and holding a wine glass. When he does not speak, it seems that this person does not exist.

Durin Their gradual attraction by the performance on the stage, Zach may not be a good thing, but his means are good.

In the past, the Tenel Grand Theatre has almost become a service-demanding place for advanced recruits. The program of the Eight-Year Classic has not been seen by anyone. When Zach’s hand is immediately returned to life, he can only say that he is still very capable.

A variety of changes and trends have made people’s impressions of some traditional opera dramas completely new. The monthly change of program list is very good for people to keep curiosity and expectation for new programs, plus the business mode at night, not fire. It is the strangest thing.

“The female singer sang very well, that is…” Ophelia sneaked a sneak peek at Durin. “It’s a little bit worn.”

In fact, it is not the female singer who wears less. This winter is even cold in the thermal cycle theater.

The singers on the stage, accompanied by dance, it seems that they are wearing a poor Boss is very simple to wear, in fact, those who are mistaken for people to think that there is no cover, are meat-colored warm fabric.

Under the contrasting lights and colors, few people have discovered this, and it is really rare to wear them.

Zach immediately turned his head and stood in the manager who said two words. In less than a minute, when the singer sang the first part of the song, suddenly a staff member let her put on a coat.

Although some are inexplicable, considering the reputation of Boss and some rumors of hearsay, the singer still puts on the clothes very honestly, and it is not a bad thing for her.

Durin looked at Zach, who had almost no sense of existence, and the latter smiled a little. He smiled and remembered it in his heart.

There are some people in the society who are always resentment qi. They are always complaining loudly. Why is Goddess destiny not for themselves? Why do people have the opportunity to lie on their faces every day, but God does not even look at themselves.

In fact, this is not the fate of Goddess and the god of the Lord of Heaven, but lies in himself.

Even the nestlings that have just hatched in the nest know that they can thrive after vying for food. Why don’t some people even understand this?

Those big aristocrats are born with the resources and wealth that the ordinary family can’t get for decades, and the power. Do they still have such advantages and are not still robbing?

The lower the origin, the more ordinary, the more you have to fight, to grab, or sooner or later, a life wave of the era will be killed on the beach!

Durin relied on this enthusiasm to find a way. In the eyes of others, he is the lover of Goddess of destiny. It is the Messiah that the first king and the gods love, but who knows that if he does not fight, he will not give up. I am going to fight for a future, maybe now he is just a farmer who is daydreaming.

Opportunities are not falling from the sky, they are won by themselves.

Mr. Zach, there is such an innate talent.

After the singer sang the song, the audience ordered two more. Her task for this evening is over. These singers have their own work every day. Half an hour of performance time, one minute less.

That is to say, if there is a little less, there will be no one to care about.

The singer just left the stage and walked back to the dressing room from the side door to prepare for the day to finish the makeup. The manager took her to the second floor and made her somewhat inexplicable.

Since the beginning of the operation of the Tenel Grand Theatre, Mr. Zach has completely cut off the “order” service, which makes all the actors very grateful, so the girl did not think about anything, only that it may be a more important guest.

On the second floor, she and the manager stood outside the cubicle. Zach suddenly laughed and placed the wine glass on the table. This action attracted the attention of Durin and others.

He lightly smiled and said, “I just noticed that the lady seemed to like the song that the singer just sang…”

Ophelia nodded. “Her voice is very good, the song is very good, I have not heard it before.”

The smile on Zak’s face is more joyful. “In fact, her own voice is more distinctive than what you heard through the loudspeaker. I made a decision to let her sing for you, you see…”, He looked toward the Durin, and Durin looked at the girl and then nodded.

This action made Zach sighed in relief, he waved his hand, and the manager immediately led the dressed female singer to appear in the compartment.

The second floor of the Grand Theatre was originally an auditorium, but only the noble guests, and also divided into one compartment, Zach took a little change after taking over, so that the privacy of these compartments is better.

However, it is impossible to completely prevent others from discovering any of them. In a short time, there will be some sounds in other compartments on the second floor. Although they have not come, they are very curious who is here, actually Please come up with the female singer.

Regardless of the riots outside, the female singer did not even look at the manager and Boss, this is the first time she sang for someone in the cubicle, which has never been seen before.

From the expression on Boss and the manager’s face, she gradually realized that this was definitely not a joke, and she could not help but seriously.

When she saw the young girl sitting on the sofa, her heart began to wave, she quickly stabilized her emotions, began to sing with a smile, and even Durin felt that the sound was particularly good.

It’s not like the singers of the bad streets have a big difference, sometimes it’s hard to tell which singer the sound comes from through the megaphone and the horn.

But as soon as the female singer spoke, she had a feeling of intoxication, like a pot of wine with a long-lasting fragrance, spleen and spleen, surrounded by silk.

The high sound recognition is unforgettable when you listen. This is different from the ordinary sound, not the glamorous goods outside.

After a period of time, when the last syllable fell, Durin sighed, Ophelia excitedly clenched.

Girls know more about how to appreciate art than Durin. This is definitely not to depreciate Durin. If Durin is to describe these sounds and their beauty, he may have such sighs as “Majova” and “Biu Buddha”.

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