Cosma Empire

Chapter 1238

The steam locomotive slowly entered the station of Tenel City. The warehouse and the land terminal were not as busy as ever. A large group of coolies were shirtless in the big winter, and the leather goods were put on the leather. under.

Next to it, there is a large hook that is powered by steam, but it seems that the goods are not suitable for handling with machinery.

There was no reluctant expression on the faces of each of the each and everyone who were sweating. Now the treatment at the station has changed dramatically with the past.

To put it simply, the salary is higher, the benefits are better, and it is not so tired. There will be at least one day of rest every week. If there is too heavy cargo, Mr. Chris will use the hook to help them. discharge.

Speaking of Mr. Chris, Durin really saw the old man. He stood on one side of the warehouse and shouted loudly and directed the work order of the coolies.

Maybe it was someone who looked at himself behind him, or maybe just a moment of mental sensitivity. He looked back and stunned, then turned to respectfully face Durin, took off his hat, and succumbed to the ceremony.

Now, he needs to look up to Durin, although in almost nine years, Durin is just a little bit of cool work under his hand.

Durin smiled and nodded, then took his gaze and walked outside the station under the bodyguard’s path. Although he just nodded, it was enough to make Mr. Chris excited for many days.

Sitting up to meet their husband and wife’s car, Ophelia looked at the window with great curiosity. Tenel is located in the most southwest corner of the empire. From here, it takes a few days to go southwest to leave the border of the empire and enter an empire. Confederation in the small country on the side.

It used to be quite backward in the past, but it seems to be completely different now. The whole city is completely different from the past.

Dirty occasionally you can see that the horse manure has become quite clean, and the pedestrians have become very confident, unlike the people on the street who were expressionless or numb.

The shops on the roadside are all open, and they have not closed their doors because of the arrival of winter. They are prosperous.

In fact, speaking, it is still inseparable from the relationship of the International Financial and Trade Organization.

The car took 40 for more than a minute before arriving at a high-end residential community in the East District of Tenel. It used to be the Gothor chassis. His reputation in Tenel was enough to shock people at all levels, and he was more reliable than the police.

But unfortunately, he eventually committed suicide by sin. Now I look back and see the earliest tycoons and celebrities that Durin knows, including important government officials, who have more or less escaped because of Peter’s sake. Death is dead.

Those people were really crazy for a long time because of Peter’s sake, but in the end they fell on Peter’s body. It was like a reincarnation, and no one could escape.

The car finally stopped outside the villa where Mason now lives. This villa used to be a local tycoon. Then the tycoon was jailed for something that was inconvenient to disclose. Some of his property was taken away by the Imperial Bank. At the time of the auction, the rest is in the city hall.

It happened that Mason was not the mayor at the time, but the director of the police station. He intercepted the house as a kind of “evidence.”

After he was successfully elected as the mayor, the case was completely closed. He bought the unattended price at a very low price from the judicial auction jointly held by the City Hall and the Tenel City City Court at a very low price. The villa then moved in.

The car was just quite steady, Mason and his fiancée, the little secretary, greeted the room.

In fact, according to the rules, Mason is Durin’s big brother, regardless of any rights in the family is higher than Durin, he does not need to come out to meet Durin.

Sometimes there are things that are unclear, as long as they are not bad.

Durin got out of the car and Mason hugged a bit, then Mason began to introduce the girl around him, “You know her…”, this sentence is to Durin, Durin has seen this little secretary more than once, and even more I saw her helping Mason find something from under the table.

Durin gave him a punch, Mason laughed and introduced, “Amir…”, he looked at the little secretary. “You know him too, but you definitely don’t know the lady…”

Amir did not wait for Mason to introduce, smiled and said, “I certainly know, Miss Ophelia, president of the Angel Charity Foundation.”

Mason just remembered that Ophelia had such an identity and title. He patted his head. “A family celebrity, I suddenly found out that I forgot who I am…”

Emile took his arm and didn’t help him answer. Durin walked with him on the facade of the villa. Mason just had a very cold joke, and this joke Durin didn’t feel so interesting, so he didn’t Do not hold Mason.

Mason looked at Durin with some distress, and then laughed. After entering the villa, the temperature increased a lot. The thermal cycle effectively improved the space temperature inside the villa building structure, at least close to twenty. Around seven or eight degrees, both Durin and Ophelia took off their heavy coats.

Two men sat together and chatted, and two women sat together and chatted.

“A year has passed, as a politician, is there any special feeling?”, Durin took the tongs and picked the firewood burning in the fireplace. This fireplace is more of a decoration.

Many Mars were flying, and Mason took a sip of iced wine and thought for a moment. “There are more things in the tube, and the power in the hands is greater. Everyone has become habitually wearing masks, including I am myself.”

This is the deepest feeling he has had in the past year. In the past, he was only a police chief. Because of the support of Durin behind him, he never considered how to do this stupid question if he had spent the money.

He often treats guests, invites guests to dinner, takes everyone out to play, and also holds birthday parties on the birthday of police officers.

The director who is so generous and rich, and who is willing to spend money is very much loved by everyone. If every police officer encounters some trouble and does not know how to solve it, they will find Mason and then explain their problems.

At that time, everyone was sincere, at least sincere, passionate, and without barriers.

Since he became the mayor, these things have disappeared. No one has ever confided to him about his troubles. No one told him who is going to have a birthday. Even he wants to invite everyone to eat. Whether it is a former colleague or a person in the city hall, he is sincere and fearful to deal with him cautiously.

He can feel that those people are willing to say nothing in one night, and they are not willing to make a mistake because they say more.

Gradually, he finally understood that power and power are different, status and status are different. People are afraid of his power and status and therefore wear masks, and he also needs to wear masks to face these people.

If you want to say that there is a special change in life, it may be… He looked back at Amir and smiled twice. “I am a mayor who has felt very troublesome and tired. Then what about you? You will feel it. Tired? I think your position will make people crazy!”

“More officials, more departments, more power disputes, interest disputes, problems and contradictions within the government, social problems and contradictions, too much, I now think about the head is about to blow up. !”

He slaps his head, sighed, “This is really not an interesting job!”

Durin seems to agree with the point. In fact, he does not think so. The power of power seems to him to be a tool in his hand and a necessary ladder for his pursuit of the ultimate goal.

Power will only make it easier for him to move toward the goal of his reservation, and will never let him feel tired and feel tired.

If there is such a situation, then only one problem can be explained. Mason is not the material of this line.

In fact, this is true. This can’t blame Mason because he doesn’t have the talent in this area.

The child of a country farmer has not received any elite education, and sometimes he does not know some unfamiliar words. Before that, he even managed to run a small business, so that he suddenly managed to manage a city. It is true that some strong people are hard.

Fortunately, there will always be people who will help him manage the city. He is more like a traditional official, as long as he manages the top executives who are responsible for himself.

This kind of management has its advantages and disadvantages. The downside is that if the following people are colluding together and bullying, Mason may not find anything wrong with his death.

But if you can control these people, you can greatly reduce his workload and make government work more efficient.

Some news about the “Cosma family” has begun to spread in the last two years. The sisters of the Cosma family have emerged in all walks of life. Some people think that this will be one of the most powerful families in the empire in the next 100 years.

Marcus strongly supported Durin, and Durin’s own ability, combined with the legacy of Marcus’s legacy, was enough to bring him infinitely close to the first person of the empire.

At the same time, he and Ophelia’s child will inherit the best of the two families. From the moment of birth, the child is destined to become the role of dancing World, unless he is a fool in his life.

The Cosma family will affect all aspects of the Empire for more than a hundred years, and some speculators are starting to plan to bet on the Cosma family.

Durin still can’t see any clues. He is too fierce and too assertive. Even speculators don’t like people like Durin, because the process of getting along with Durin is not very pleasant.

On the contrary, several other brothers and sisters have already had signs. They are more suitable than Durin for investors and speculators to bet on the “Cosma family”.

For example, Kinsale’s broker company, the predators in the film industry, invest in her broker company without paying back. It is not Kinsale, it is Durin.

This also includes the current chiefs of the Tenel City Hall, who helped Mason manage the city not for Mason, but for Durin!

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