Cosma Empire

Chapter 1235

On the third morning, Magellan had breakfast with his broker. Both of them were alone and didn’t drag their homes. The salute was very simple.

The reason why Magellan is single is to want to hold the thigh, and he used to be a frontline actor. It has great potential and development prospects. Premature marriage is not good for his work. It has only been in love for so many years, but marriage is completely absent. of.

As for his broker, it is almost the same. The busy work makes him have no time to think about personal matters. In addition, he is deeply acquainted with the fact that the more glamorous things are behind him, the more ugly and dirty he is.

This made him unable to find a girlfriend to marry in this circle. He could not bear the emotional crisis that may have occurred in the past, now, and in the future.

Both of them are thinking about waiting for “stability” and then getting married, but compared to Magellan’s unrealistic stability, his broker is clearly more aware of the reality – waiting for the A-level broker to sign.

But now it doesn’t make sense to say that, the two are standing at the dock waiting for the boat. This is the biggest benefit of Irian, and the traffic is convenient.

Whether it’s a steam locomotive or a sea-going wheel, you can go straight from here and arrive at any known corner of World.

“What do you bring?”, Magellan had only a very simple travel bag with several sets of winter clothes and spring clothes, and nothing else.

Waiting for Sally Vere to settle down, he will go directly to buy some daily necessities, although his market is very bad for a while, but this is only for the same level of actors.

Compared to ordinary people, his income is still a height that needs to be tilted to the head.

These years have accumulated a lot of money, and there is no such thing as food and clothing in Sallyville. If it is not the clothes he likes in his bag, he does not even intend to bring things in the past.

The broker patted his own large suitcase and sent a peng peng. “There are movies you have filmed these years, operas and some advertisements. I think we will always use them when we get there…”

Magellan patted the broker’s arm and said nothing. This is what a good broker should do. He needs to think carefully about the artist he runs, not let the artist remind the broker what to do. .

Their flight is 8:15 in the morning. It takes about five days to get to Sallyville. Five days later, it is a new beginning, a new life. Both of them have a yearning for new life and a past. Reluctant and nostalgia.

The luxury passenger liners in the distance have already appeared on the sea level, and they are about to leave soon. At this time, Magellan suddenly heard someone calling his name behind him.

Turning back is an instinctive reaction, like a person walking on the street without psychological precautions, someone shouting his name, even if he does not look back, he will subconsciously stop.

Magellan was not trained, his reaction was very real, he thought it was a fan who recognized himself, and this situation is very common in Irian.

As the only and most developed film city in the empire, film workers and fans can be seen everywhere.

He smiled and turned back, and even the muscle memory of his hand was ready to sign, but then he felt the whole face suddenly slammed hot, and then the intense pain came, so that he could not help but continue to use Sleeve the face with a sleeve.

The horrible roar of the broker came from the ear, and the screams around him made Magellan more and more scared. The sirens from the distance and the burning of the face, Magellan fainted in the great fear.

When he woke up, he subconsciously wanted the eyes to open his eyes, but found that he could not open his eyes smoothly. In an instant, an inexpressible fear once again occupied his inner world.

There was some movement in the ear. He opened his mouth to ask for something, but he could not even say a word.

His tongue, his mouth, is like never being over his body, he can’t even feel his face!

In this darkness, a pair of hands clasped his palm tightly, he could feel the pain of his hand being shackled, but also brought him a sense of security that could not be described in words.

“Don’t worry, you are in the hospital, I am next to you.”

It was the voice of the broker, and Magellan was excited. He wanted to know what happened, why he was in the hospital, why he couldn’t open his eyes, and he couldn’t even speak.

Just then the door in the room opened and there was a new footstep, but did not come in. The broker patted the back of his hand and said in his ear, “The doctor is looking for me. I am going over, you must not tamper with it. ……”

After that, regardless of Magellan’s retention, he broke free of his palm and went out.

The door of the room was gently closed, and the broker and the doctor walked into the doctor’s duty office. After the two sat down, the doctor sighed.

He took off his mask and put it on the table. He didn’t look up at the broker. “The current situation is very bad. The attacker used a chemical that was very corrosive. Mr. Magellan’s eyes were burned in the first time, recovered. May be infinitely close to zero.”

“In addition, during his struggle, the skin and muscles of his face were burnt and burned, his tongue was severely burned, and he might lose his language skills.”

“In addition, his hands and arms…”

The broker’s brain is blank, the doctor’s expression is very clear, no doubt, Magellan is finished!

This is not to say that he is dead, but to say that his future, all ideals and pursuits, are completely destroyed under this attack.

The disfigured face, blind eyes, loss of language ability and even eating food need to eat liquid food. Can such an person become an actor, an actor with a certain status and weight in the international arena?

Of course not, his career is over, just when they are ready to start a new life.

The doctor did not stop at all in the next words, his brain creaking, his temples bulging, and serious tinnitus.

He looked at the doctor’s concerned eyes, suddenly took a deep breath, got up and moved towards the door, he wanted to figure out what it was all about.

Why, people are so cruel, use such terrifying means to destroy a person’s body, destroy a person’s spiritual pillar, completely destroy a good young people.

The attacker did not leave after attacking Magellan. Instead, he chose to wait for the police to arrive in the same place. He was quickly arrested for “self-sufficiency.”

Yes, he called the police before the attack, so the police came very timely and this was a surrender.

He did not wear an ankle during his detention, but also because he surrendered his impressions.

The policeman did not see the attacker at the police station. He was temporarily detained in a local prison and would not receive anyone other than a lawyer before the trial.

The broker found the police officer who handled the case. The police officer showed him the file. For the moment, the only touch of the broker was to laugh, laugh loudly, and laugh at the whole World.

In the man’s transcript, he attacked Magellan entirely because Magellan killed his favorite star – of course, in the movie starring Magellan, he killed the villain as the protagonist. Very normal thing.

But the idol that the attacker admired played a villain in the movie and was killed by Magellan’s role, and since then, the actor has said that his health is not good, which makes the attacker think All this is the sin of Magellan.

On the morning of the incident, when he went out for morning exercises, he saw Magellan, who was waiting for the ship at the dock. So he had to retaliate against this despicable young people. In the absence of any plans and premeditated circumstances, a passionate crime was born. .

After reading the file, the policeman’s face looked at the broker in a complicated way, and then whispered him a worse news.

The attacker suffers from severe depression, mania and paranoia, and his surrender and passionate crimes. It is very likely that the attacker will not go to any prison but be sent to a mental hospital by a judge. go with.

In other words, the attacker will soon be able to escape legal sanctions because psychiatric hospitals only accept sick patients, and they are not welcome to patients who are not sick.

This is a conspiracy. There is no doubt that the broker knows that someone must want to get rid of Magellan, but who?


No, it shouldn’t be Durin. Although Magellan and Durin don’t deal with it, everyone knows that Durin is a governor and has a high status and prestige in the empire. If such a person does not work, he will not use this. Way to punish Magellan.

He even believed that if Durin started, Durin would kill him directly and throw him into the sea, which is the style of Durin.

Maybe, if you want to know what happened, you must figure out what happened to Magellan at the Griffin Uncle party.

What makes Griffin’s Uncle want to block Magellan, a small person who can’t be small, and only find out the real murderer.

The attack on Magellan caused some waves in Irian. After all, it is the largest film work base of the empire. Among the pedestrians everywhere on the street, at least three of every ten people are film workers.

Regardless of whether Magellan is important to them, whether there is feelings and friendship between them, the consumption of victims to reflect their great sentiments has always been a common means of social diversity.

The former filmmakers who wanted to block Magellan and refused to cooperate with him stood up for the first time to support Magellan. Griffin’s Uncle even donated a thousand dollars to help Magellan pay for the hospital’s treatment.

To this end, many people praised Griffin Uncle’s character, and Griffin’s Uncle believes that the more important a person plays in society, then he should assume more social responsibilities.

He took a photo of Durin’s horses across the air, claiming that Mr. Durin’s speeches and quotations inspired his sense of social responsibility and made him find the right direction on the road to life.

The entire Irian and even the southern part of the empire are consuming victims. Everyone is trying their best to get some benefits for themselves, but in fact no one has any relationship with Magellan at this time.

Binocular permanent blindness, because the burn can not clear the expression of their own meaning, eat some liquid food every day with a straw, the entire World is in the dark.

His parents also rushed to Irian and accepted the fact.

Because this incident triggered a great social conference theory, the Irian District Court directly omitted some procedures, and the prosecutor prosecuted the attackers.

Under the media’s extensive reports, on the day of the trial, other things that people never imagined, the attackers suddenly became victims, and the public opinion of the whole society lost the ability to organize language on this day. .

The attacker was abused when he was a child, and he was in a dark and desperate living environment for a long time, which led to his personality becoming sensitive and extreme, and caused a series of tragedies in the future.

In short, the attacker is definitely not using a simple “murderer” to summarize his life and his behavior.

The public opinion of the society began to turn in the direction after a short period of aphasia. From the abuses encountered by the attackers in the same year, we began to reflect on some problems in the process of social development and discussed them. People gradually forgot that the victims who really need people to care are still lying. In the hospital bed.

In mid-December, the sea off Irian’s sea began to freeze, and the weather was cold and horrible. On the 17th, the long-lost sun showed a smile from the gloomy sky.

Although the cold wind is still cold, the sun is not so warm on people, but people still walked into the street from the room.

With the eighth and ninth districts, Irian’s winter break became a thing of the past.

In such a rare day of sun shone brightly, a patient leaped from the window of the ward on the eighth floor of the inpatient department of the hospital, ending his 22-year-old life.

This day is just his birthday.


Durin put down his work, he licked his nose, and after the winter, the situation in Ambilo State increased. After several court debates, he won the victory.

The 1,600 70 90,000 and some scattered banknotes on the Ambilo State Mining Company account were fined by the state government. One part of the money was used for the construction of the Jaguar Mountain camp, and the rest was used for gold miners. Project expenses.

The reconstruction and reinforcement of the waste mining area is also a large expenditure.

The money plus the state government’s financial allocation, a total of 22 million, is to meet the current current project’s approximate expenditure, will be divided into four phases of periodic allocation to the engineering team.

He took the newspaper from Dufo’s hand and had a photo of Magellan jumping off the building. He casually looked at the article in the newspaper and threw the newspaper into the trash and started working again.

After about a minute or so, he suddenly said, “Check who is moving.”

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