Cosma Empire

Chapter 1222

The places where people can’t see are full of bloody smells. The Underground World in many parts of the empire has once again experienced an inexplicable shuffle. Some up-and-coming forces have suddenly been uprooted, and many newcomers have begun to flood into the industry.

In fact, ordinary people are not very clear about what is happening around them, and they don’t even feel that their life is different from the past. Some people even think that all aspects of the whole society have been very good recently.

All regions are vigorously arresting gangs, a large number of gangs have been arrested and brought to justice, and occasionally there will be gang gangs in some areas, but those things are too far away from the ordinary people’s World.

Far away, they can only hear from their friends’ mouths or the voices of some social activists. In the near future, there were a few people who had a hard fight. For these things, they also stayed close to “listening to people.”

Heavy punches… No, it shouldn’t be said that it’s a heavy punch. It’s just a normal operation. Some people finally stopped. They retracted into their caves and kept watching and accumulating power.

They did not give up, just waiting.

They may be scared for a while, but that doesn’t mean they will never breed the terrifying thoughts, as long as they can see the opportunity, they will jump out like before.

Everything on this world is always prepared for those who are prepared. It is good to not rob, but it is good.

If you want to make a difference in this world in this society, then stared wide-eyed is staring, as long as you find the opportunity, even if your head is broken, you must grab it!

The storm of public opinion brought about by the battles in the Jaguar mountain range is still fermenting. There have been some signs in the society. In any case, Durin cannot reasonably explain his purpose and truth in establishing a private armed force.

And it also produced some so-called evidence, listing some cases that were not there, guiding the public opinion and the people who did not know the truth moved towards the direction designed by those with ulterior motives.

Regarding this matter, the Ambilo State Government deliberately held a press conference to explain the matter.

But this is a very regrettable press conference. The social commentator with many years of media work experience pointed out in the article of the Imperial Daily newspaper that the news conference of Ambilo State Government lacks sincerity, and the news officer has most questions. The vagueness of expression used many uncertain words to answer every reporter’s questions, such as “possible”, “if”, “hypothesis” and so on.

The attitude shown by the press officer actually shows that the state government of Amilo and the governor Durin lack sufficient enthusiasm in this matter and lack sufficient evidence to prove that his rhetoric is correct. This gives everyone more More space for imagination.

For a time, the discussion about Durin has once again become the trend of public opinion, so that some media can not help but exclaim, the man he came, he came with the news.

When the major media were rushing to report the news, Durin kept his daily routine.

“Next, from your proposal, I selected a few very interesting projects and took them out…” He asked the new secretary to send a copy of the plan to all the mayors who participated in the meeting. As well as the members.

Dove found a new secretary because he needed to do his best to get the Dove’s work to remove the secretary of the governor.

This little guy…said that the little guy is actually one year younger than Durin, the Imperial Royal Academy graduated, the middle class family made a sound, and the ancestors had a prominent aristocratic identity, and then gradually fell.

This time I found a lot of relationships and got this opportunity. I took the way of the sisters of the Hill family and was assigned to work with Durin.

There is no such exchange in the human society. Durin is too lazy to ask the little girl how much she and her family have paid for this job. As long as she works seriously and has a correct attitude, he does not want to take care of other things.

The top of the stack of proposals sent to the participants was the reconstruction of the Jaguar mountain camp. The meeting also included some old friends of Durin who helped him establish the eighth district and several other topics. The engineering enterprise of the park.

Because of the birth of the concept park and the hot business, a small company that was struggling between survival and death came over and embarked on a path of growth.

Now the company not only helps others design architectural theme parks, but also has some copyrights in their hands, and has made several theme parks, which is a fire.

Their main job now is not in the country, but in other countries.

The cultural aggression cannot be too blunt. It is the most correct choice to export culture in a way that helps others build the economy. They built the theme parks belonging to the imperial culture everywhere, and they are the greatest credit to the empire.

This time I heard that Durin had a new business to hand over to them, and several company veterans of the board of directors personally came to the meeting to show the importance of the new Durin project.

After a few flips of some of these proposals, Durin knocked on the table, and the eyes and attention in the conference room focused on Durin.

He leaned slightly and his finger clicked on the plan in front of him. “We will first talk about the first proposal. I have read this plan several times. The idea is very clear and the idea is quite good, so I I decided to do it as the main job in the first half of next year.”

“The establishment of the Jaguar Mountain Gold Rush Camp is related to a series of development issues. This is definitely not a project in one or two cities. In addition to the two selling points of Western World and Western Heroes, we will build a Western Gold Rush. New project with the theme…”

This meeting will be opened almost three hours, and finally decided on a big project and five small projects, around the gold digger as the core content, to create a new development point.

The empire politics includes the capital field. At present, it is not optimistic about pure tourism as a point of economic growth. The reason is very simple. Most people think that once a scenic spot has been visited, people will not go to the second time.

This is a very common cognition, and it is also a problem.

As a tourist city, Irian can ensure that the annual economic growth is not focused on tourism, but in the 8th and 9th districts.

People just want to go there to chase stars, by the way, Irian travels.

Other cities, such as the city of Otis, say that Otis is a tourist city, but in fact most of the people who go there are going to the casino.

So how does the western region maintain a long-lasting appeal to visitors across the World?

That is a novel change.

The ever-increasing number of projects and attractions bring different freshness and anticipation to visitors, which is the real direction of tourism development.

If you want to guard the wilderness of the west, do you wait for tourists to send money from all over the world?

Ok, the sky is still not bright, you can sleep for a while.

At the end of the meeting, the little secretary went to Durin’s ear and whispered to him that there was a phone call waiting for him…

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