Cosma Empire

Chapter 122

The shiny scorpion under the moonlight reveals the true meaning of the soil, Shane is very serious, he really wants to help Durin to tide over the difficulties, but he wants to uncover the old party of Tenel City. The side of corruption. He wants to go back to the center of the empire and wants to re-name people to himself. He is definitely not a deserter. But all of this has a premise. He must have the ability to get the results, and be able to impress the new party’s big man with authority.

Shane’s boss kicked him to Tenel City to support the old man in order to “screen”, but he was not willing, he wanted to go back and wanted to participate in the investigation of the Empire’s biggest conspiracy ever. Before he had no clue, drunk every day, in addition to careful precautions, in fact, in the bar or some entertainment venues, street collections to collect information on Tenel City. As the intelligence collection became more sophisticated, the more he felt, the Tener City was a place where he could go back.

The city is rotten!

Under the rule of the old party, everything was related to money, and the transaction between a merchant and a politician was so brilliant. Those big-faced big people don’t care about the life problems of the residents in the city. They only care about how much money they collected this month. How many of them are their own and how much need to be turned over!

Yes, turn it over.

As the chassis of the old party control, Tenel City’s main task is to “make blood” for the higher-level old parties. A large amount of black gold will flow into the state old party campaign office through various channels, and a branch as the old party competes for the governor in Cannes Province. More “participating funds” for more seats will continue to be turned over and remitted to the “Imperial Lion Club” where the old party is located in the capital. The club behind the club is the giants of the old party. In this way, they distribute black gold to various places for the blocking of the new party.

Once Tenel City’s blood vessel is broken, destroying Tenel City’s “hematopoietic” function, it will cause a domino phenomenon. Angry people and the media will report on the corruption of Cannes. The New Party will also take the opportunity to attack the old party’s power in Cannes. Once the old party loses blood input in Cannes Province, all plans need to be adjusted, and even some plans are Had to pause.

At that time, Shane became famous. As a pioneer of anti-corruption, he will be recognized by the leaders of the New Party and return to the core of the empire to continue investigations.

Thinking of this, Shane exclaimed his fists in excitement, and the only thing missing is Durin nodded.

He wants to open the old party’s cover in Tenel City, a person can’t do it, someone must cooperate with him, and now the best ally is the immediate Durin.

First he has money.

It may be very realistic and vulgar to say this. As a high-level agent of the great Imperial Guards Investigation Bureau, it seems that money should not appear in Shane’s heart except for the crime of crime in the hands of criminals. But the problem is that the word has appeared and it has been placed in a very important place.

Money is very important. In this era, you can look ugly, you can have nothing, but you must have money. As long as there is money, there is nothing you can’t get, whether it is status or prestige, even the sacred love of those philosophers and fanatical literary hobby people can be easily bought, but the price is high and low.

Buying some important informants needs money, buying some very special equipment needs money, even having money for eating and sleeping, how important is money?

Secondly, Durin has someone at hand and is a reliable person. Compared with other gangs, the purity of the fellowship has always been what Shane is looking for. The Guartian of the fellowship may have a rich dream, but on the way to pursue the dream, they strictly abide by the Guartian code of conduct. Few people will cross the line. Even today, Orlando’s rumors spread about Jon’s news, and no Guartian stood up for the money.

They are trustworthy, and this is also the most important.

There are money, some people, then the rest is left to be desperate. Shane has a desperate reason, because he has to return to the center and re-stand at Imperial Capital, and he is known as a deserter. Durin also has a desperate reason, because once Dufo is caught, he, fellow villagers and Guartian will be devastated.

With the same goals and similar situations, why not unite together and scream at this decadent World?

Durin’s eyes changed constantly. He pondered for a moment and said: “With the energy of the mayor, he will know who Jon is in a week. If you want to cooperate with me, then we must Supported this first week.”

Shane actually had a plan for this, he liked a smile yet not a smile of 哼snorted, followed by a fierce change. Durin’s eyes rolled back and the pistol was in his hand, aiming at the dark night that Shane had looked at. The next second, a snoring came, Durin’s eyes were pumping, and Shane snorted while laughing, and the ghost knew how much he had drunk this evening.

After spitting for a while, the two changed into a bench and sat down again. Shane rubbed his lips and smiled and said: “Orlando has never been assured of me. From the day I came, he has been watching people. I. Only after I have been unconscious, they will relax and monitor me.”, Shane sighed, the life after coming to Tenel is really very tired, every day is acting, every day is dead, only This way Orlando will not doubt him, he will not be wary of him.

The only thing to be thankful for is that in places where drunks gather, the news is often the fastest and most widely spread place. He can easily sniff from other drunken drunkards and women who have skills in the flesh business. To the news he wants to know. Of course, these messages are limited to the underlying news, and high-level news will be obtained from the State Bureau of Investigation.

It has been several years, and until now Orlando has not relaxed his surveillance, which makes him more and more careful about Orlando.

This is a sly, very cautious guy.

After listening to Shane’s narrative, Durin nodded expressed understanding that he knew that Orlando was cunning, but did not expect him to be cautious enough to be paranoid or mentally ill.

“How are you going to help me through this difficult time?” Durin handed Shane’s handkerchief to Durin on the floor, and the vomit on it made him unable to put it back. Slightly frowns talked about this topic, and this The topic is also the key to cooperation between the two parties.

Shane smiled in disbelief and asked: “What do you think is the most precious thing for people like Peter?”

Durin gave an answer without much thought. “Is life?”

Shane shook his head.

“Is the power and status in my hands?”

Shane shook his head again. He raised his hand to stop Durin from continuing to guess. The scorpion shone. “For these politicians, political life is their most important thing, and they are more important to their lives and their family. Above. Do you know the Delano Act?”

The Delano Act is a binding act against the nobility proposed by Prime Minister Delano, who has been dead for more than three hundred years. This bill restricts the power of the nobility and allows the imperial power to expand further. Until today, the Delano Act is still playing. Unmatched binding. To put it simply, Delano believes that “all groups that aim at selfish political interests are essentially illegal and violate the rights of the imperial royal family and all just aristocrats.” After the passage of this bill, all politics Sex groups must register and explain their political aspirations.

This is also one of the reasons for the birth of the imperial parliament, the predecessor of the upper and lower parliament.

So for politicians, they can die, their powers and rights can be violated, but their political life must not have any faults. Because even if they die, their political life will not be completely completed by the death of individual species. Political life will continue with their contributions in politics, let them continue to “live”!

“It’s actually very simple to avoid Peter’s attention for a while. There are two ways to do it.” Shane said that Durin couldn’t help but laugh when he said the two methods. He is now a lot easier, and secondly because When he cites examples, he also likes to use two examples to prove each other, which makes him feel that he and Shane should be the same person.

Shane was inexplicably laughed at by him. He glanced at him and continued: “One, Peter and Vivian are married and have no children. Peter has four lovers on the outside, and there are no children at the moment. This shows that Peter has a body. Question. I asked some friends to check. Peter had an accident when he was in the gendarmerie. When they suppressed the riots, they were kicked down by the people. One foot made him faint, maybe it was from that. After that, he lost his ability to give birth.”

“The continuation of political life has two methods. The first is that achievements like Norland have made great political achievements that can affect countless political figures in the future. The Second Type method is to make your political life on your own offspring. If you find that your body may have a small problem at this time, he may focus on how to turn ‘child’ into his own, but it may also strengthen him immediately. Jon, the mind of all the insiders.”

“The second method, check the accounts!”

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