Cosma Empire

Chapter 1214

What can I do in one second?

You can breathe once, you can blink for a few times, you can… turn around and think about running away.

When the whistle platform appeared, people had already subconsciously wanted to leave. This weapon, which was mainly used to suppress riots in the occupied area, was created from the day of birth to maximize the effective killing of human beings.

Its destructive power to armor is minimal, but for humans without armor, it is a nightmare.

The small-mouth cannon bullet can easily tear the human body and a few unconstrained bunkers. Its biggest advantage is that it has a higher bomb load and a faster launch speed. It is purely a sickle for harvesting life.

In the past few years, there has been no major turmoil. Various extreme reorganization organizations have soared in the imperial economy. Most of the people in the society have been able to eat and wear warmly and have gradually disappeared. The whistle platform is rarely seen in front of people.

But in the early years, there were still some memories of the elderly, but they were able to clearly recall the turbulent years.

This 12-meter-long whistle platform can be seen every day on the street – ordinary people call them whistle robots or mobile posts on the street. It has eight long robotic arms that not only support the main part to move back and forth. It is also possible to use these robotic arms to make complex movements in aggressive mode.

They can easily pierce the building and move quickly with various terrains. In the city street fighting, this platform dominates the dominant position.

If there are no anti-armored heavy weapons, they are invincible in the face of pure manpower!

The moment when the ten whistle platform appeared, it meant that the moment the battle ended, the tilting cannon bullets took away a living life, and more than 300 security guards and mine guards gathered together for a moment. It was torn into thousands or even more pieces.

Some people in the driveway under the valley are starting to drive cars, and they want to evacuate the place like crazy, but the more urgent they are, the more difficult it is to leave from the narrow mountain roads, all blocked together.

When the monster-like machinery turned to them, the end was coming.

The small vehicles were “jumped” by the hits, and the trucks were shattered one by one in the sweep. No one could escape the robbery. This unequal battle was a one-sided slaughter.

The team Captain is close to Kira and the others. In order to avoid causing accidental injury, he escaped. At this time, his sun’s eyes are slightly agitated, his teeth are close, and his body is dripping with sweat. The same comes out of the steamer.

One mouth, the snoring of the teeth, made Kira laugh, and he walked over to Captain’s Captain, looked at him, and pulled out the pistol in his lower rib.

In this process, the team Captain has no courage to block, and can only look at Kira with a pleading look, hoping that the other party can let go of himself.

The moment when the cold metal muzzle hit the head of the head not only could not bring a trace of coolness, but his body trembled fiercely. He plucked up his courage to keep his jaw from shaking and pleading.

“Please, I have family, there are two children, they can’t lose me…”

Kira grinned and pointed to the bodies on the ground behind him. “So you let them leave their family? Go to hell and regret it!”

A gunshot, the bullet penetrated the head of the team Captain, the bullet smashed a blood line after penetrating his brain, and it was quickly blocked by the sticky tofu brain.

His body was soft on the ground for a moment, occasionally twitching.

Maybe he didn’t think that there would be such a day, hours, minutes, seconds, everything happened too fast, and he was completely overturned when he didn’t make any preparations.

The battle ended very quickly. At the same time as the whistle platform appeared, other vanguard team members had started cleaning from the surroundings, and all the living or dead were cleaned up.

In less than half an hour, the valley returned to calm again.

Ellis was responsible for the team leader. When he came down from the whistle platform, Kira was already lying on the stretcher. His face was white and the white was blue. He immediately ordered a cigarette and stuffed it into Kira’s mouth.

Kira looked at him inexplicably, and Ellis grabbed his shoulder, sole solemnly. “Keep it, you will get better soon.”

When Kira was about to say something, Ellis interrupted him. “Have a good rest, don’t talk, be patient.”

Looking at Kira’s somewhat distorted face, Ellis’s heart is bleeding. His relationship with Kira is actually better than others. It may be because two people are “stupid”, so they are more tempered.

Thinking of his friend may have to leave himself, saddened from the heart, he could not bear to see Kira’s distorted face before his death, reaching out to cover Kira’s eyes, and then … was opened by Kira.

“I can’t help myself on the horse…”

Ellis was surprised and asked Kira’s hand. “What else do you want to do, tell me, I will fulfill your wish.”

“I… want to pull…”

On the other side, it didn’t take long for Dillina to open the velvet quilt and hold up a lazy waist to wake up from sleep.

Many people can’t sleep when they are in trouble. She doesn’t have such a cheap problem. Her big brother is the former prime minister of the empire, and she is a member of the Timamont family, the first nobleman of the Empire.

More importantly, her daughter married Durin, and Durin is likely to become the second prime minister in the family except Marcus.

Even if she has some minor troubles now, she believes she can get through the storm, so this little trouble will not make her sleep well at night.

Simply combing it and choosing a suit for half an hour, she plans to talk to Durin today, maybe it would be a better choice to pull Durin into her business.

Maybe I can divide it even more, but after all, this is a plan that I didn’t have. Even if I only had 1% dividends, she felt that she had earned it. This plan was a success.

Just as she was going to pick a suitable hat for today’s outing, suddenly someone knocked at the door.

She lives in a high-end community of independent villas, because she will not live here for a long time, so she did not bring her own Steward team, she is the only person in the room.

After she opened the door with some curiosity, two men in black formal outfits with sunglasses showed their work documents.

“Ms. Dilshina, we are the agent of the Guard Investigation Bureau. You have been arrested after approval by the state court!”

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