Cosma Empire

Chapter 1209

The relationship between Ophelia and her mother is not particularly good. Anyone who is strong and arrogant will not be liked, even her own child.

On the contrary, the father who has been bedridden has been closer to Ophelia. It may be because the man’s body is not good for a long time at home, and she has more time to get along with her feelings.

So when Durin said that people have to pay for what they did wrong, Ophelia didn’t mention it again.

Durin is not going to Dilshina’s life, just let her temporarily lose some freedom, and can ensure her life in prison.

Although psychologically still a bit too much, Ophelia chose to stand on the side of Durin and no longer asked about it.

This is also a very normal performance. In the empire and even the whole world, everyone is focusing on the importance of repeating family and family, but in fact most people are quite selfish on the family.

This is not a minority phenomenon, it can be said that it is a common phenomenon.

When a child sets up his own family after leaving the family, he will live separately from his parents, even if the distance between the two sides is not far away, and the connection between them is very small.

I only occasionally want to greet during the holidays, and most of the time they are like strangers.

When family members blame those people for their reasons, they always say “I have my life”, “I also have my own child”, “I need to take care of my family”, “I have limited energy, Already tired.”

This phenomenon has become a unique family culture. Every family is the starting point, and new life will be born, grow, and go to society.

But this home is not their end, their end is the family they built themselves.

Now Ophelia no longer uses the surname Timamont. Although she is a member of the Timamont family, her surname has become Cosma.

In formal situations, when people call her in a more official tone, they use the term “Mrs. Cosma” instead of “Ms. Timamont”.

It is also destined that she will stand on the side of Durin, she has already left the starting point and is looking for the end.

Is this a very cruel thing?

Maybe, maybe not.

To say yes, because people who are hypocritical must stand on the commanding heights of morality to maintain their objective image in society. The necessary kindness and pity and attention to family and family will become the enthusiasm for people to dress up indifference.

Say no, it is because this may be an instinct for animals, leaving the old people out of the group to ensure the health and vitality of the group.

In short, Dilshina wants to impress Durin through Ophelia, letting him let go of his own tricks have failed, even if Ophelia wants to interfere, Durin will find a way to reject her.

Some things, even if Cosma raises an objection, Durin will not execute.

For a few days, Dilshina was looking for someone to find a relationship. Others were looking for someone to find a relationship. During the period, Felicia also called Durin and said that it was a few years ago that they said that Durin had time to go to her, she Will take Durin around.

I couldn’t think of it for a few years and now suddenly remembered that if Marcus didn’t say hello to him before, he even had the thought of putting Felicia into it.

These northern aristocrats are rich and oily, killing a hundred years of income that can be topped. The imperial royal family was also stupid.

The prince can rebel, the duke can rebel, can the marquis not be rebelled?

Of course, these are the things of the past. Just when Durin let these things quietly ferment, something unexpected happened.

Accurately, it does not take into account the courage of some people. Actually, under his eyelids, he continues to work on the gold mine resources in the Jaguar mountain range.

According to some people’s returns, there was a mechanical roar in the gold mine of Jaguar Mountain. A large amount of gold ore was transported from the inside of the mine through the orbital traction mine and loaded.

Someone bought one of the drivers. According to the driver, they planned to take the ore-filled car out of the mountain when they couldn’t see it at night.

The Jaguar mountain range did not belong to the state of Ambilo a year ago. It is almost one third to two-fifths, that is, 30%. The area around three to 40 belongs to another state.

Now it is entirely in the state of Ambilo, or Durin is vented by Marcus and Barr, and then the Jaguar mountain range is integrated into the state of Ambilo in the name of “easy to manage” and belongs to the management of Durin.

This means that there is not only one way to go in the mountains, and if those people are not afraid of trouble, they can completely leave the forest land where the mountains are relatively moderate.

If it wasn’t for Durin to stare at these people, he really found a chance for them.

If they go through the judicial process, they may be able to steal the time.

Savi took some people in the garban continent and was responsible for the voices of the five gathering places. The sale of gold for bullets was really a huge profit, and it was not safe to give it to others. Only a few of them were particularly reliable. He can be completely relieved.

It is Kira who manages the vanguard now, so Kira soon appeared in Durin’s office.

Kira, the bastard, will behave normally except at work. Most of the time, he is very lazy. He wears a few hundred sets of clothes, and he has a few dollars for a set of clothes. The roots of the grass, fluffy to the hair like a bird’s nest, said that he is a tramp and everyone believes.

This has a lot to do with the habits of the past. In the place of Purple Alfalfa Town, there is absolutely no good person to come.

He shouted a boss and sat on the sofa, picked up an orange and rubbed it in his hand. Even the skin was peeled and stuffed into his mouth. The bite of the juice overflowed and some fell on his clothes. On, “This sweet, what place to buy?”

Dufo Lehehe picked up an apple and elegantly peeled the skin, looking at Kira with a look of mental retardation. The two fell in love for a long time, a lazy, casual, delicate, messy gathering, It can only be said that Durin is too attractive and anyone can put it together.

Durin glared at him, and there was nothing to change his mind. Don’t look at his arbitrariness in life. It is said that several cowgirls want to conquer him.

“Give you a task…”, Durin said a Keio, Kira’s eyes have undergone a slight change, “I heard that those who do not follow the rules are going to take the goods in the dark, you bring People stop, the Jaguar Mountains are almost all of the original mountain range that has not been developed. It is dangerous at night, to help them!”

Kira nodded heavily, then grabbed the three remaining oranges in the fruit basket and put them into a pocket worth hundreds of pieces just to embellish and decorate the lines of the clothes, and got up and pushed the door away.

Dufo is not afraid of his own unhappiness and ridicule. He and Kira have no contradiction, but they feel that each other is not in line with their own personality.

Especially Kira, he often took Dufo at Otis and promised to send two girls to give him this handle, saying that Dufo talks like fart, and stinks for a while, and now he doesn’t even see a hair. Still single.

Dufo thinks that the bastard is too lazy. He used to hide in the shade of the trees when he was too busy to rest for a while.

It is difficult to get them to shake hands and live in peace.

At dusk, Kira, who had changed her suit, wore a “fishing rod” from Dufo’s mouth and took a small team from a trail into the mountain range of Jaguar Hill.

From the foot of the mountain to the gold mine, there are about two days or so. If you speed up, you can reach the Golden Valley of Jaguar Mountain at night until tomorrow night.

People at the Golden Valley at this time did not know that their behavior had been discovered by Durin, and there were some problems within the Ambilo State Mining Company.

After several high-level meetings, the imperialist central bank is ready to take a step. This time they intend to recognize the plant, but Dilshina must ensure that there is no problem with the literal capital of their contract, that is, 20 million funds.

As for the other millions of losses that overflowed, they recognized them and counted their investment failure.

It’s not a smart thing to clash with him on Durin’s site. The policy-making power he holds is enough to make the imperial central bank very passive, plus his wealth in the imperial central bank, his influence, The imperialist central bank thinks it is stupid to have a direct conflict with Durin.

Even if he wants to fall out with Durin, he can’t put the battlefield on his own land in Ambilo. He wants to pull him out and everyone can wage war with him in a relatively fair situation.

However, the two consoles did not want the imperialist central bank to withdraw immediately. Once the imperialist central bank exited, it directly sentenced them to “death penalty”. In addition to the huge losses, they also had to deal with the consortium’s high-level questions. Inquiry.

If you fail to do so, you will not only lose your job, lose your wealth, but you may be even worse.

Moreover, there is no clear phenomenon so far that they have to lose, and there may be room for manoeuvre to persist.

Under the ignorance of the representatives of the imperialist central bank, the representatives of the two sides of the consortium directly ordered the mining area to continue to work, change the cart into a small car, leave the Jaguar mountain range from the other side, and directly enter another state.

As long as they can drag the time for a long time, they may not be able to return to the book, or even a small profit is possible.

According to the current amount of mining, it only takes fifty days, they can almost stop the loss, and that is more to earn.

Another benefit of doing this is to bring the imperial central bank back to the chariot.

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