Cosma Empire

Chapter 103: reason

Mason's smile is a little awkward. The main reason why he wants to become a sheriff is actually directly related to Du Lin. Du Lin successfully left the control of Mr. Kesma, gained freedom, and lived the life he wanted, which has a huge impact on the older children in the family!

Mason, as the eldest son, felt that he needed to do something instead of watching Du Lin and everything that might happen to him silently. The night of "Decaying Domination" has been torn by Du Lin, and he needs to continue to tear this mouth so that the sun can shine in. In fact, most children will think of stereotyped, serious, stubborn and dictatorial parents. It is one side of the evil camp. This is understandable. After all, people are born longing for freedom.

As a result, Mason bravely became the second family member to stand up against "tyranny". He considered himself the eldest son. This was his mission and his mission, but now he dare not say.

So he compiled a decent reason, explaining his yearning for the badge, his desire for police uniforms, and his dream of justice.

Dulin looked back and looked at Mr. Kesma. In the past, Du Lin didn't dare to look at Mr. Kesma so directly. In this family, there is no doubt that Mr. Kesma is the existence of the pyramid pylon. He is the king of one and only, but after some time in the society Suddenly, Dulin felt that in addition to the majesty maintained by Mr. Kesma, he was actually a very friendly guy, but he used the wrong way of expression. He stubbornly believes that his life experience and experience can be applied to everyone, but ignores that some people should not be subject to fate by nature, they are warriors who challenge the sky.

Mr. Toxma took a puff of cigarettes. The inferior tobacco tasted a bit harsh, and it was not as fragrant as cigarettes with filters in iron boxes.

Du Lin pulled out a roll of money from his pocket, but in fact there was not much, a thousand yuan. This amount of money is no longer a big deal now that production and sales are increasing. The eyes of Mr. Kesma and Mrs. Kesma were immediately attracted by the thick roll of money in Doulin's hands, and their brains were now blank.

They know the numbers. They know that the outermost note is a ten denomination banknote, so if the thick roll is a ten denomination banknote, how much? Three hundred? Or five hundred?

At this moment, the sound of metal friction from the car running from near to far stopped at the door of Mr. Kesma's house. The two young men took out two heavy boxes from the trunk, slowly mentioned the steps, and knocked on the door.

Mr. Xema's expression was very complicated. He gave a deep glance at Du Lin, and said that after I went to open the door, I got up and walked to the gate. Without even seeing it, I opened the gate. Two fifteen or six year olds shouted "hello" politely and dragged in the box.

Mr. Luxma glanced at the beautiful car and said sincerely: "It seems you are really getting rich, Doolin!"

In addition to some personal wine in the two cases, there are some clothes and small things. Every member of the family has them. Mr. Xema is a full box of cigarettes-about one foot long and half foot wide The high-foot iron box, which contains a box of one box of cigarettes, has a total of fifty boxes, which should be enough for Mr. Kesma to smoke for a while.

In addition, there is a small wooden box that looks very ordinary. Du Lin picked it up and hit Mason with his shoulder, then glanced at Mr. Kesma and walked to the second floor.

After the two men stunned for a while, they immediately followed.

After entering the sacred "Royal Palace" of Mr. Kesma, Du Lin closed the door, then put the small wooden box on the table, and opened it carefully. Mason and Mr. Kesma gathered around curiously. They didn't know what needed to be treated with such caution.

There are two small velvet pockets in the box. Du Lin took one out and dumped out the contents. It was a pistol. Some scratched pistols seem to have been used for some time, but fortunately the usual maintenance is quite good, the catalyst is replaced in a timely manner, and there is no leakage and corrosion.

After seeing the pistol, Mr. Kisma frowned slightly, and his expression became heavy. He lowered his voice, with a terrible and ferocious look on his face, as if he had discovered the children's wrongdoing in the past ten years. He reached out and took the pistol in Du Lin's hand, opened the fuse, and felt his face worse when he felt that the grip in his hand started to heat up.

In addition to the two pistols in the wooden box, there are four boxes of bullets-in fact, bullets can be made in many places. The simplest is to use a good steel braze to break it into sections ~ ~ As long as it can be inserted into the bomb feeder. Although this kind of bullet is simple, it has limited lethality and stagnation ability is not very strong, but the advantage is easy to make, so Du Lin only brought back four boxes.

In addition, there are two sealed metal boxes, which will make a sound of water when shaking, which is a catalyst for working with osmium crystals, and two pieces of osmium crystals that are cut for pistol use.

"Where did you come from?" Mr. Kesma dropped his pistol back into the box, and bit his eyes on Du Lin's eyes. "Don't tell me you picked it up, and you put these dangerous things Bring it back, what do you want to do? "

Du Lin did not conceal everything that happened, including some things he did not do well. If you lie to your family on such a big event, it is definitely not a good-faith lie, but a personality problem. His fifteen and ten narratives made Mr. Kesma and Mason unable to agree.

What happened in just three months is like ... a novel. When Du Lin finished talking, the room fell into silence, and after about ten minutes or so, Mr. Kesma asked with a complex look: "So what do you want to do when you come back this time?"

"Father, I respect and love you, and I love every sibling in the family, so I can't sit idly by and approach you without being indifferent, and I can't deceive you with lies. Everything is fine. No matter how careful I am, as long as those people are willing to spend time Come and look for them and they will surely find you. The two pistols are left to defend you. I will find a way to get some rifles. You need to be able to defend against danger. "

"In addition ...", Du Lin looked at Mason and said sincerely, "I hope to take Mason out of here!"

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