Cosma Empire

Chapter 106

Durin said his request after organizing the language. Mr. Cosma did not immediately agree to it. Instead, he looked at Durin with curiosity, just like the first time he saw Durin, a “stranger.” About half a minute, Mr. Cosma asked curiously: “Have you been studying recently? How do you know this?”

Durin stunned. He didn’t really think that Mr. Cosma’s thinking jumped so strangely. He didn’t care about his requirements that he had already violated imperial law. Instead, he asked him if he had a book. He soon came back to his senses, nodded, “Yes, father, I will read books when I have time. I learned to read and write in the city, and I also met a lawyer who was sore to the bottom of the foot, he After leaving Tenel to go to the capital, I threw down some unwanted things and handed them over to me!”

When Kevin left, he did not carry professional books that were not worthy. For a lawyer who has already signed one of the largest law firms in the empire, he will solve any reasonable demand for his lawyers, let alone give He offers a full set of hardcover legal books – in fact, many of these exquisite legal books like works of art are not seen by law firm lawyers, but by “seeing” those who come to consult.

These books are like the indispensable decorations of law firms. The more luxurious and beautiful, the more symbolic the inexplicable strength. So Kevin left these things, leaving with some pretty good clothes and some memorable things. Before he left, he gave Durin something he didn’t need, and he had to read these books once he had time.

In Kevin’s original words, to succeed in this society, you first need to do “reasonable breaking of the law”, and secondly, “reasonable avoidance”. Only by doing these two things will you have the opportunity to lead to heaven. The ladder is not because the unremarkable pebbles are out of balance and fall down from the clouds.

In Kevin’s words, Durin listened very seriously and kept it in mind, because he felt the shackles of the omnipresent theocracy and imperial law through the relationship with Kevin. The restrictions bound everyone, but there were also some people. It is easy to open these shackles and do some illegal things in a reasonable way.

This is great, isn’t it?

Holding the sacred code in one hand and holding the weapon in the other hand…

Therefore, during this time, Durin will look at some as long as he has time, and this time his thoughts are also derived from the records in the “Star Empire Special Laws”, and then according to Kevin’s words, reasonable holes are drilled. . He even sent a telegram to Kevin, who was already in the capital to get rich, and Kevin replied with only two words – “No problem.” In fact, this is not the author’s primary school mathematics did not learn well, nor did it drink too much eyes. In the writing format of Star Empire, there is no problem. The word has only two syllables. Of course, it can be interpreted as “can”. The word is gone.

Looking at Durin nodded, acknowledging that there was a reading during this time, Mr. Cosma’s mouth slightly picked a slight arc and quickly converges back. He squinted his head slightly, and the palm of one hand pressed on the table, his fingers gently and rhythmically lit the table, making a squeaking sound.

After a while, he was solemnly nodded. “The old drunk is actually good with me, and there are a lot of Guartian in the town. It must be such a hard work ‘only’ that we Guartian can afford.”, Mr. Cosma It’s very talkative, and his speech speed is getting faster. “And I don’t think the money needs to be taken out at once, let the kids act as volunteers, and then you will subsidize…”

Durin didn’t really think that Mr. Cosma, who hadn’t left the town since Mason was born, actually had such an idea, which really made him somewhat completely unprepared. Perhaps it was the horror and incredulity in Durin’s eyes. Mr. Cosma’s stereotyped face finally had a smug smile. He raised his eyebrows and pressed his hand on the $50 bill and stood up.

The vigorous hands were covered with wrinkles and calluses, but at this time the hands seemed to have a magical power that could not be said. He put 5,000 pieces so casually into his pocket, went to Durin’s side and patted him on the shoulder. “You this bastard, still tender!”

Durin can only be nodded, he is confused, in fact, what Mr. Cosma said is what he intends to say next, but he was preempted by Mr. Cosma. He can’t use his own money to be a town, to train seven elite military guards with good military abilities for the empire. He will send some people who are worth sending in as “committed players”, that is, you will take care of you. “Responsible players” who drink but do not have a salary.

At the same time, they subsidized a large amount of their compensation in private, and bought people’s hearts, so that in the end, Durin felt that if the old drunk was not obedient, he would find someone to replace him and completely grasp the “military power” of Purple Alfalfa Town in his own hands. But he just doesn’t understand, how did Mr. Cosma think of this?

He looked at the back of Mr. Cosma and disappeared at the end of the stairs leading to the second floor. He immediately went to find Mrs. Cosma.

“Mother, what did Father do?” At this time, Mrs. Cosma was taking care of Lilith, the little guy was taking a shower, and saw Durin sneak in some shy retracted buckets, only revealing a head. Long hair floats on the water, and if you change a light and environment, Durin may have escaped.

Mrs. Cosma did not return, and said with a smile: “What else can he do? He was a farmer when I knew him. But I have to say that he was a great guy at the time. The level of doing farm work is better than others. A lot higher, or I won’t marry him!”

Mrs. Cosma’s answer made Durin even more confused. Is this the so-called agility? Fortunately, he did not continue to entangle the problem, but moved the direction to Mason’s body, he wants to buy an official for Mason.

The regional police station has a high degree of independence. Basically, everything is decided by the director of the regional police station. If you want to get the director of a branch office, you must get through the border of Orlando. Fortunately, he has already been hooked, and this time Durin will send him money and send him to his satisfaction.

Of course, Durin is also very clear, Orlando may not be daylight robbery, he will even do the money to help Durin get this thing, but if you want money, Orlando said it is not.

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