Cosma Empire

Chapter 101

“What are you doing? Let go!”, Mason pressed his hand at the waist with his hand, and pressed the policeman’s cap on his head to squeeze in the raging crowd. Occasionally, someone was holding the turn with ill will. He was stunned at him, and he couldn’t tell who it was. Never underestimate the savage and difficult of the countrymen. The simple and honest farmer in the eyes of the nobility only exists in the artist’s bizarre paintings. The countryside is definitely not a paradise.

Finally, I squeezed my chest and squeezed into the crowd. In the panic, even the hat was lost. He looked back and took a few caps from a little girl’s hand. I still don’t forget to say a thank you.

The people at the Cosma family are very polite, and this is stubbornly stubborn with the eyes of the children… It is not very stubborn, but it is related to the stereotyped Mr. Cosma. It is said that people are social animals. The one that affects a person will never be something happening to oneself, but from the discussion and eyes of the society. When people linked Mr. Cosma to the Cosma family, Mr. Cosma began to pay attention to politeness.

It’s not that he was not polite before, but he was a bit rude compared to those in the city who had masks. Since then, the rude Mr. Cosma has disappeared, replaced by a polite Mr. Cosma, who did not care if the family group sometimes caused by that boundary stone, he did.

Everyone’s life will have an example, you will think that he is omnipotent, you think he is what you want to become in the future, in the Cosma family, Mr. Cosma held this special position. He also influenced other people in the Cosma family and made them polite.

The little girl smiled red and smiled, revealing a slightly yellowish tooth, and the pock on the bridge of the nose was like the starry sky when the black clouds cracked the gap – countless little stars.

Mason immediately regained his gaze and turned around. After wearing the police cap, he took a pistol at the waist and opened the last few people and walked into the center of the crowd.

He has suffered in the past two months, and it is definitely not a comfortable thing to be a sheriff in a place like the country. The first job he wore on the badge was to find a lost cow for a big man who was stronger than him. Here, cattle do not bear the hard work of arable land. The cheapest and most common way for people to get fat is to look for fat from cattle. So the cow is almost the same as another World pig, and the task is enough to be sent to the slaughterhouse when it is strong enough to be fat.

A cow is lost, and it is a heavy blow to a family. As the only sheriff of Purple Alfalfa Town, Mason can only take on this task. In the end, he found a cow with mud on his body in a quagmire that was about to dry up. Its legs were broken, probably because it fell into the quagmire because of the emptying. Mason used all his strength and took two days to send the cow back to the town. Then he looked at the two brothers who were as strong as bears, and picked up the cows one after the other before they came back to his Senses.

After that, there were some trivial things. For example, the chickens didn’t know why they didn’t crow. The residents who had been treated by “time-keeping” asked Mason to let the “cock” who didn’t want to speak continue to speak. For example, the geese of the family suddenly stopped laying eggs, as if the end of the world was the same, and people began to panic. The only person in the town who seemed to be able to ask for help was Mason.

Another old guy is drinking all day, every time he wakes up to prepare for the next drowsiness.

If it weren’t for the stench in the chest, and you want to prove that you can be a great policeman in your dreams, Mason may have given up.

Although he was wasted on these trivial things for so much time, it is undeniable that he did take a successful step. At least some people treated him as a sheriff and supported him.

When he opened the crowd, he saw a brand new car. He could also see his reflection from a smooth body like a layer of water. He licked his collar and put some sly hats on his face. He went to the guy who was facing him and dressed in a white suit.

“Hello, I am the sheriff in the town, you don’t know that it is not allowed to stop here…”, Mason’s voice came to an abrupt end, his eyes were getting bigger and bigger, until the last corner of his eyes hurts. Back to his senses, “My God, Durin, how did you become like this?”, he finally had the courage to reach out and touch it on the slippery car like the skin of the town’s owner’s daughter. This is your car? Are you rich?”

Just as Mason was surprised at the change of Durin at this time, Durin was also stared wide-eyed when he turned around. He suddenly felt that his mind was a little chaotic. When Mr. Cosma was so open-minded, he would agree to Mason as a security officer?

“What time?” Durin took a cigarette from his pocket and handed it to Mason. Mason looked at the cigarette with a filter in his hand and hesitated and put it in his jacket pocket. He knows that the price of such a filter-tipped cigarette will not be cheaper. In such a country, sometimes the “power” of such a cigarette often exceeds the badge of his chest.

Durin snorted, then ordered one for himself, and then took the cigarette box that had just been taken directly on Mason’s chest. “Let’s go back and see, although I don’t want to admit it, but I can’t help but admit it. I think a bit.” That old stubborn.”

Mason hesitated for a moment. Finally, he grabbed Durin’s shoulder and patted it hard. “Father will be happy!”, he said that he was a little embarrassed and looked at those who were still watching the bustle, even trying to touch the car shell. Guy, panting with rage is helpless. He can’t really do something about these people, so they don’t care if Mason is a sheriff.

Durin patted the arm on the shoulder and gently pressed it, looking towards two young people.

The crowd was not a burden in Durin’s eyes. Two young people who followed him to protect him from the cloth pocket on the car took out a very strong coin and smashed it directly into the crowd. The farmers who were too crowded and tried to squeeze in to see what happened, the big men, the young men and women, bent their waists in the scream of surprise.

At this moment, in the center of the town, Durin is like a respected king, accepting pilgrimage from all directions!

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