Chapter 95 Gifts for Licking Dogs (please comment/flowers!)

Ten bottles of wine! One million! The bartender’s eyes were scornful, and Su Ying, who was already drunk, trembled abruptly, and didn’t move anymore.

Ye Feng was furious: “Who are you looking down on, bring twenty bottles over!”

Seeing that Ye Feng was not joking, the bartender said, “Okay!”

Just a moment! Twenty bottles came, Ye Feng drank two bottles, the taste was really good, and the remaining 18 bottles were all packed.

Then Ye Feng helped Su Ying, who was drunk, came to the front desk and shouted in Su Ying’s ear: “Little old girl, it’s checked out!”

Just now they tasted the wine, which attracted the attention of many people.

In addition, Ye Feng drank the wine tyrant Su Ying, which attracted more people’s attention.

But when the people who eat melon saw Ye Feng asking Su Ying to pay, they were shocked: “F*ck!”

“This is a scumbag, let the woman pay the bill.”

“The scumbag just said he took ten of the most expensive bottles. I thought the scumbag was rich, really.”

“The scum man is awesome, I also want to be a scum man, and I want to teach online!”

“Haha, I think it’s retribution!”

“Su Ying, who is hanging a licking dog, usually spends the money for licking the dog.”

“It’s all right now, the scumbag licks the dog, the scumbag pits the scumbag, the food chain, haha!”

Drunk! Everyone knows it.

Even though he is drunk, he still has a trace of reason.

Su Ying’s current reason is that I’m drunk anyway, this is a 2.5 million, 5,050 drink money, my old lady won’t pay a penny.

You can wake up a person who is sleeping, but you can’t wake up a person who pretends to be asleep, let alone a person who pretends to be drunk. Well, I’m not drunk! After shouting a few times, Su Ying did not reply.

Ye Feng sighed, “Hey, since you are drunk and can’t pay, I can only pay.”


Su Ying, who was already drunk, gave a soft hum.

Then, a surprising scene happened, Ye Feng put his hand into Su Ying’s pocket and flicked out the bank card.

The drunk Su Ying was furious at the time, but on another thought, she is not drunk now, why can’t she act rashly, even if Ye Feng took the card, there is no password, haha! Ye Feng said, “Swipe the card!”

Cashier girl: “Sir, please enter your password!”







Ye Feng entered the six-digit password, and the drunk Su Ying sneered: pretend, just pretend, anyway, you don’t know the code! “The card is successful, the payment is 2.53 million yuan!”

Hearing this voice! Su Ying exploded at the time! In an instant, she became sober immediately! In the three years since graduating from university, she has sold more than three million.

This is a good one, and it went out for 2.53 million yuan at once. Doesn’t this mean that it was sold for three years! Also! It is said that you have a good drink, what is going on with you, Su Ying pretends to be I woke up unsteadily, and asked: “You have used my card to swipe 2.5 million, 5050, your conscience will not hurt?”

Ye Feng nodded and smiled, “No, I think making money 1.

It’s hard, but it’s great to spend other people’s money.”

Su Ying: “”

What kind of ghost logic is this? There is indeed the first half of the sentence

So it makes sense, but what is going on in the second half of this sentence is so cool to spend other people’s money, is it not money for other people’s money! Don’t worry about it! Anyway, the camera is still:.

As long as you play with Ye Feng tonight, you can earn at least two million.

As for the five hundred and thirty thousand, it was regarded as her gift to Ye Feng, a dog man.

Pay the bill! Ye Feng helped Su Ying go out.

Except for the bar, Ye Feng waved his hand, called a taxi to stop and closed the door and was ready to leave.

Su Ying became sober all at once, and said in disbelief: “You have to go”

Ye Feng took it for granted: “Yes!”

Su Ying was on fire at the time: “Aren’t you sleeping with me?”

Ye Feng shook his head like a rattle: “Didn’t you tell me this afternoon that you are here to harm me? What if I sleep with you if I get killed.”

Su Ying: “!”

f*ck! So shameless, your face is thicker than the corner of the city wall, the old lady said at noon that he would harm you, and you made the old lady pretend to like you.

What’s more, after spending two and a half years of my old mother’s savings, my old mother is planning to use five hundred and thirty thousand as a capital, so why don’t you say that you can’t sleep or sleep! Who can give the old mother two million Ye Feng indifferently: ” If it’s okay, I’ll leave first!”

Su Ying was furious, grabbed the car door, opened her teeth and danced her claws, and said hysterically: “If you don’t sleep my mother, don’t leave today, my mother will fight with you!”

The taxi driver was a middle-aged uncle, and he was taken aback for a moment and said: “You young people really know how to play now, and the women are so active.”

Ye Feng vowed: “Man, if you don’t sleep, you won’t sleep. You can go!”

Seeing Ye Feng so unfeeling, so shameless, Su Ying was directly angry, and reached in and grabbed Ye Feng: “You can’t go, you must sleep with me today, you must sleep with me”


“Am I so unwelcome?”

“Would you rather ask others to sleep with you than look at me more”

At this moment, a familiar, choked voice came from behind Su Ying.

Without looking back, Su Yingying continued to pull Ye Feng 337! The taxi uncle also felt that they had too much trouble, so he let Ye Feng down.

Get off the car! Ye Feng saw a thin figure.

This figure was startled when he saw Ye Feng, but immediately became: embarrassed, inferior, and angry and hated again! Ye Feng said in amazement: “Zhao Yang”

He never expected that he would be here and see the dog-licking man in [Poetry and Faraway]: Zhao Yang! Both names of Su Ying and Aying carry a word for Ying, shouldn’t they be alone? Su Ying was the scum girl who ate spicy strips that day, the scum girl who was three years later! This time! The scene wants to be hot! Su Ying ignores Zhao Yang at all, and she is still pestering Ye Feng.

Ye Feng pointed to Su Ying and asked, “Zhao Yang, do you want to go to her?”

Zhao Yang was startled, a complicated expression appeared on his face, and then gritted his teeth: “Yes!”

Ye Feng took a step back abruptly, and the drunk Su Ying immediately fell to the ground, struggling to get up.

“She is already drunk.”

“Now that the stamina of wine is coming up, she will only get drunk.”

“So Zhao Yang, your chance is here, take her to the hotel if you want to.”

Ye Feng said to Zhao Yang.

: A new day has begun again, I wish every reader good luck today!

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