Chapter 82 Speak with data!

As soon as these words came out! The scene of the show, quietly.

All feminist cancers are silent in shock.

But the audience in front of the TV was boiling! “Boss Ye is the truth!”

“Those women’s rights cancers are really stupid, they are counted by the women’s rights teachers to death.”

“I think in the eyes of women’s rights teachers, women’s rights cancer is not a person, but a fat sheep that can squeeze its hair.”

“Hmm, I also think that the feminist teacher is collecting IQ tax from feminist cancer.”

“I suddenly found a food chain, the feminist teacher-feminist cancer-licking the dog!”

“Haha, dog licking is indeed the lowest level, refuse to be a dog licker, refuse to be a dog licker, refuse to be a dog licker!”

“Now I know that the total population gap between men and women is 30 million, so I’m afraid of being a hairy. How can I marry a wife and lick a hammer, and break up now!”

“As a team, I’m also breaking up now, it’s really tired.”

At the show, Ye Feng took a look at the mission! Mission: Counter feminist cancer! Exceeding standards: 52% of the severe feminist cancer has been transformed. As long as 48% is transformed, he can get a god-level treasure chest. ! Thinking of this, Ye Feng’s eyes once again looked at many severe feminist cancers: “You are just brainwashed, but I believe you are not stupid 650s”

“Think about the feminist teacher, is it to squeeze your wool”

“Think about it again, with your own conditions, you can really find the wishful man you imagined”

“Even if you can find it, can the Ruyi Langjun in your imagination like you?”

“The feminist teacher has made money.”

“But you guys have spent a lot of youth in vain.”

“Before you didn’t need maintenance, you were all young and beautiful girls.”

“Now, even though you put an expensive mask on your face, you still can’t stop your skin from getting old.”

“You guys think about it!”

“As you get older, does your blind date get better or worse”

As soon as these words came out, the severe women’s rights cancer became even more silent.

As Ye Feng said, if they are already in their 30s, can they not get married, can they not be anxious? The girlfriends and friends around them are usually discussing how the children are and how their husbands are, they feel like they are an alien.

They also want to change the status quo, saying they are looking for love, but in private, as long as someone introduces them, they will go on a blind date immediately.

But once is not as good as once, and once is not as good as one.

At first, it was a handsome guy who had a blind date with them.Although the family conditions are not perfect, they are all pretty good.

But with the passage of time, most of the blind dates are now due to bad families, and even divorced children with children, which is far from before.

They will think: Hmph, the old lady who had such good conditions at the beginning did not agree, how can it be cheaper. In this state, they are becoming more and more empty and empty, and the more they need the soothing of chicken soup.

So the feminist teacher delivered a bowl of chicken soup in a timely manner.

Tell them that time is good, don’t compromise at will, they will definitely do what they want in the future.

Even if they realize that everything is a dream woven by a feminist teacher, they still don’t want to wake up.

But Ye Feng is here! With his own power, they directly tore their dreams to pieces! Seeing that the situation can no longer be controlled, Qian Huihui suddenly stood up, Li

Said: “Teacher Ye, do you know that Xia Guo has a huge population outbreak”

Ye Feng sneered: “What kind of population outbreak?”

Qian Huihui sternly said: “From 198 on, China’s population has exploded!”

“At that time, the hospital also had a super, and it happened to be in time for family planning!”


“Many pregnant families will do super prenatal care. Once they are a girl, they will get rid of it!”

“Some backward rural areas are even more cruel and inhumane. When a girl is born, she drowns or even buries her alive!”

“So after 198, the population gap between men and women is huge!”

Speaking of which! Qian Huihui didn’t wait for Ye Feng’s reply, she turned her gaze to many women’s rights cancers, and said hoarsely: “The teacher is for your good, and I will never lie to you!”

“Think about it for yourself.”

“If there is little gap between Xia Guo’s married men and women, why are so many men single?”

“You can go to the countryside and have a look, all the men in the whole village are single!”

“So, the teacher didn’t lie to you!”

Hearing the words! Severe feminist cancer has been moved, and I feel that Qian Huihui is justified.

Ye Feng sneered, urging the enlightenment range and said: “The marriageable population is now 23-year-old.”

“People of this age were born in 81-9.”

“Look at the big screen!”

As Ye Feng’s voice fell, another report appeared on the big screen! 8-year population ratio: men: 1.

Billion! Women: 1.

100 million! Gap: 0.

Ten thousand! As soon as the data came out, Qian Huihui and Li Xuebin immediately became pale! They never thought that Ye Feng had done such a detailed work to deal with them, and even the tables were listed.

Facing the demographic table, all the sophistry is useless! Ye Feng looked at the many women’s rights cancers and sneered: “I see it.”

“Among the marriageable population, there are 4.16 million more boys than girls, and only 2 of the huge base of men.


“In other words, there are at most two and a half singles out of a hundred men!”

“But are there really two and a half singles?”

“You have to know, in 198-period, how many girls are black households”

“Official statistics, conservatively estimated at 1.12 million!”

“With these 1.12 million female illegal households, less than 2% of the married population are single men!”

“In other words, out of a hundred men, there are not even two single men!”


“You think this is over”

“Wrong, it’s a big mistake!”

“According to our Xia Guo tradition, the husband is older and the wife is younger.”

“Your women’s competitors are not only your peers, but also girls who are one year younger than you, three, three, five, or even eight years old.”

“Do you think you who are in their thirties compete with those girls who are in their twenties and early 20s”

“If you are a man, you would choose a girl in your twenties or early 20s, or an old woman in your thirties.”

: Readers, I’m so nervous, I don’t know what the results will be, please support!

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