Chapter 36 Feel like flying (seeking evaluation/flowers/reward!)

Be your own licking dog if you lose?

Hearing these words, Wu Xiaoer was very excited.

She keenly discovered that she gradually had a feeling for Ye Feng, and if she continued to consume it like this, she would probably like Ye Feng, a dog man.

Therefore, she can’t wait for the task to be completed earlier!

Wu Xiaoer looked solemnly, and said solemnly: “A word is sure!”

Ye Feng smiled evilly and stopped talking!

Seeing Ye Feng’s evil smile, Wu Xiaoer’s heart became nervous. Is this dog man really sure?

Thirty seconds…

Forty seconds…

Fifty seconds…

Sixty seconds…

It’s over in one minute.

But Ye Feng still didn’t mean to start the car.

Wu Xiaoer couldn’t help but eagerly said: “One minute has arrived, why haven’t you set off yet?”

Ye Feng smiled evilly again: “Wait another minute, or when the game is over, you should say that I bullied you!”


“Hu blow the atmosphere!”

“If you don’t brag, you will die?”

Wu Xiao’er whitened Ye Feng with a glance, not having a good air.

She has now praised her decision just now, and she has already determined that Ye Feng is a bragging person, and if she really likes this kind of person, it will be bloody!

Ten seconds…

Thirty seconds…

Fifty seconds…

“Boom boom boom…”

Just fifty seconds later, someone knocked on their car window.

Ye Feng lowered the car window, and outside the window was a beautiful girl with a fashionable dress.

At this moment, the girl had a scornful expression, and said sarcastically: “Wu Xiao’er, does the turtle you invited don’t even know how to start the car?”

Wu Xiaoer’s face was black, and she said with a cold voice: “Liu Qingqing, you should take care of yourself first!”

Liu Qingqing turned his gaze to Ye Feng again and provocatively said: “Tortoise, it’s been two minutes, and you haven’t even started the car. Would you like my sister to teach you how to start the car?”

Ye Feng smiled and said seriously: “In order not to let you say that I bullied Ding Shaolong, I decided to wait another minute!”

Hear the words!

Liu Qingqing was taken aback first, and immediately burst into laughter. The tears of laughter were left behind, and the young men and women next to him also roared with laughter!

“Ha ha!”

“I have seen someone who pretends to be so forceful, I have never seen such a pretend!”

“Who does this guy think he is, and he wants to make Ding Shao, really looking for death!”

“I thought Shao Ding was crazy before, and it could take me 30 seconds, but compared with this turtle, Shao Ding is so humble!”

“This guy is definitely the most madman of the year, there is no one!”

“I don’t know what’s going on with Wu Xiaoer, is she blind, and brought such a stuff into our party.”

“Wu Xiao’er is also true, all kinds of cats and dogs are brought here.”

“Is there such a possibility, Wu Xiaoer thinks that our party is too monotonous, and find a turtle for us to have fun?”

“Haha, it’s possible!”

Liu Qingqing turned her gaze to Wu Xiao’er, and said with a mockery: “Wu Xiao’er, are you very hard-working and bring the turtles to us for fun?”

At this moment! Twelve Literature Network

Wu Xiaoer’s face is terribly dark!

Although everyone insulted Ye Feng, she called Ye Feng, which made her feel that she was insulted too!

“Don’t leave yet?” Wu Xiaoer asked Ye Feng.

Ye Feng still has that calm expression: “There are still ten seconds!”







The last three seconds!

An extremely domineering, sharp, and surging momentum rose from Ye Feng!


Ferrari burst out with a low roar of the beast, as if it was roaring at those who mock Ye Feng!

Suddenly, Liu Qingqing and other young men and women were taken aback!




With the arrival of the last second!

Ferrari is like an arrow from the string, shooting it straight out.

Because the speed is too fast, the flame ejected from the exhaust pipe is more than one meter long, like a ferocious fire dragon.

Ferrari shot out.

And what was in front of them was not a straight road, but a sharp bend of ninety degrees.

There is a cliff next to the sharp bend. Once the speed is too fast or the steering wheel is not turned in time, the car will fall into the cliff.

The speed that Ferrari is showing at the moment is definitely above 300 kilometers per hour!

This speed!

In any case, it is impossible to pass a 90-degree curve!

The young men and women onlookers even anticipated the scene of Ferrari rushing down the cliff, and some timid girls even covered their eyes in fear.


Ferrari, in a hurry, reached the curve, turned in a direction like lightning, and entered the next intersection.

Because the speed is too fast, black smoke is emitted from the friction between the tire and the ground, and the suspension system even emits a string of sparks!




A group of young men and women, looking at Ferrari in the distance, were dumbfounded, dumbfounded, dumbfounded…

“This… is too awesome!”

“This is more than awesome, it’s a living car god!”

“This local turtle is not a local turtle, but a hidden boss!”

“No wonder people said they would let Ding Shao for three minutes. I thought I was bragging about bronze, but I didn’t expect to be a domineering king.”

“Just by passing a corner just now, I dare say that Shao Ding’s car skills are compared with this one. It’s just a scum, a scum in the scum!”

“Those car gods and car kings have always been monopolized by foreigners. I didn’t expect Xia Guo to have such a talented talent, but why haven’t we heard of him before?”

“Don’t bb anymore, get my night vision goggles!”

“I also want a night vision device. I want to see if this big guy can surpass Ding Shao if he leaves three minutes late…”

Like women: This man is too showy! Please collect it: () Woman: This man is too nasty! .

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