Chapter 30 Liu Zimo, crying bitterly

As soon as this is said!

The message area immediately formed two factions!

The girls wanted to leave a nice little brother.

The boys demanded to return their poisonous chicken soup anchor back!

to this end!

Boys and girls are quarreling with each other!

But there are always more boys in this show, so boys have the upper hand.

The girl was not convinced at that time, and took the recorded voice to listen to her girlfriends, and let them help her out.

The number of girls gradually increased, and the boys were defeated, so they went to invite the brothers, and wanted to keep the anchor of the poisonous chicken soup, but the brothers said they were very busy.

The boys had to change their minds and say that there are a lot of girls on this radio station, and you can pick up girls casually. Now, there are a large number of boys swarming in!

“We want the voice actor brother!”

“Yes, the seiyuu brother is the best!”

“The seiyuu brother has already made my ears pregnant!”

“Girls are so rough, we want conscientious chicken soup anchors!”

“I don’t drink poisonous chicken soup for a day, so I feel uncomfortable. Can a voice actor drink it?”

“Yes, ask girls to get rid of it, this is our straight guy’s show, we discovered it first!”

“Grass, don’t be shameless, obviously we girls discovered this show first!”

“Seiyuu anchor, I am your Aunt Zhao, I am very rich, if you don’t want to fight anymore, you can come to Auntie!”

“Old witch upstairs, you are not allowed to insult my little brother seiyuu, the little seiyuu is mine!”

“The little watch upstairs is smashed, the seiyuu brother is mine…”

Torn the scene!

Very intense!

I have to say that girls are more dominant in tearing.

Just like chasing stars, those girls are simply crazy, and the fighting power they show makes people feel terrified!

Watching the audience tear each other!

Liu Xiaowen, An Tongtong, and Zhao Nana all laughed and hurt.

Who would have thought that the two anchors turned out to be one person, hahaha!

What they didn’t expect was that the Ye Feng anchor was such a nasty and funny person.

Wu Xiaoer looked at Ye Feng with a complicated face, not knowing what she was thinking.

At this moment!

The voice over there suddenly rang: “The anchor is big, can you help me solve the problem?”

Ye Feng’s sound of nature sounded: “Well, what are you talking about?”

On the phone: “Hello anchor, my name is Liu Zimo!”

“There are indeed many scumbags in reality, but there are also many good girls, such as my girlfriend!”

“We met at the university, and we all agree with each other in three perspectives, and we gave them to each other for the first time!”

“After graduating from university, she didn’t think I had a low income. She rejected several people who were better than me and always chose to stay with me.”

“In the past few years, with her company, I have been working hard, and my work has improved a bit. Our age has reached the stage of talking about marriage!”


Having said this, Liu Zimo suddenly lost control of his emotions and choked up.

“When I went to propose marriage, her mother asked me to have a full house with a ceiling of 120 square meters!”

“A full-size car up to 200,000 yuan!”

“And three hundred thousand beauties!”

“But… I really don’t have the ability!”

“Our city is 20,000 yuan per square meter, 120 square meters of house, plus the renovation requires at least 2.6 million yuan!”

“Plus the bride price, the car and the banquet totaling 3.5 million are not enough!”


Speaking of which!

Liu Zimo’s emotions were completely out of control, and he was already crying bitterly:

“Even though I work hard, my annual salary is less than 100,000 yuan.”

“My father is ill in bed, and the family is supported by his mother alone, so life is very difficult.”

“I heard that I was going to propose a marriage, and my mother came to me, peeled the newspaper layer after layer, took out 30,000 yuan with her skinny hands, and said, “My son, mother is not capable, I can only help you here!]”

“Mother is farming at home and earns less than 10,000 a year. She has to live and take care of her father!”

“I know that the 30,000 yuan was deducted bit by bit from the gap between my mother’s teeth and my father’s medical expenses!”

“I didn’t ask for this money, my mother forced it!”

“Although I took the money, my heart hurts, it hurts…”

That’s it for Liu Zimo.

The message area has been quiet, and everyone is listening quietly.

Liu Zimo continued to choke and said, “Furthermore, my girlfriend and her house!”

“Although my mother-in-law tried her best to object, my girlfriend decided that it was not me who would not marry, and even run away from home!”

“For this reason, my father-in-law was admitted to the hospital out of anger, and my mother-in-law stood on the balcony and said that his girlfriend chose to follow me, so she jumped downstairs!”

“As a last resort… the girlfriend can only stay at home.”

“Now my girlfriend and I have one mind.”

“Father-in-law and mother-in-law have one mind, the house, the car, and the conditions of the bride price are not compromised!”


“I feel so incompetent. I can neither take care of my parents nor marry a wife!”

Speaking of which!

Liu Zimo was crying bitterly.

Other listeners also expressed their comfort in the message area.

Ye Feng’s heavenly voice sounded straight into Liu Zimo’s mind: “Actually…you are already very lucky and you have worked hard!”

“Lucky you, there is a good mother!”

“She took care of your sick father, so you can work hard without any worries!”

“Lucky you, there is a girlfriend who will never leave!”

“Although the parents-in-law threatened death, she still stood with you, and she bears no less than you in this relationship!”

“Listen to your voice, I’m only twenty-five or six years old, and it’s only two or three years after graduation!”

“It is enough hard work to achieve an annual salary of about 100,000 within two or three years of graduation!”

“You worked hard, and you are lucky!”

“Here, I want to give everyone a song, all the truth is in the singing!”

ps: Please give me a reward, hehehe!

Only one reward is 3000, happy!

Like women: This man is too showy! Please collect it: () Woman: This man is too nasty! .

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