Chapter 2 How can you laugh? (Seeking collection/flowers/evaluation!)

Zhang Xiaoni was startled!

I heard that Ye Feng is an approachable person with a mouthful of chicken soup.

What’s the matter, you frustrate yourself as soon as you meet? Do you know that you want to replace him?


People under the eaves have to bow their heads.

Later, I will study with Ye Feng for a while, and I can’t offend Ye Feng too much, so he smiles, “I am happy from the heart.”

Ye Feng sneered: “You won’t be able to laugh anymore soon!”

Zhang Xiaoni: “?????!!!”

what happened?

Does this guy have dynamite?

What about being approachable and amiable?

Zhang Xiaoni’s conceit is not easy to provoke, and she immediately prepares to explode and breathe fragrance on the spot!


Ye Feng turned away and left…

Seeing Ye Feng’s back, Zhang Xiaoni’s face flushed red, and she felt like she couldn’t shoot after watching the island action movie!

Leaving Zhang Xiaoni, Ye Feng smiled at the 10 emotional points he had just gained: Isn’t it fragrant?

“Emotional value from Liu Xiaowen, +1!”

“From Zhang Aijuan…”


When Ye Feng walked to his post, he found that many people looked at him with two words in their eyes: There is a kind!

“Xiao Liu, why are you looking at me like this?” Ye Feng asked.

Liu Xiaowen glanced around and said quietly: “The comment you made to Zhang Peipi last night has been circulated in the company. Everyone sighed and thought you were very kind!”

Ye Feng: “…”

They broadcast in the station:

The boss is the biggest!

The director is next!

Anchor again!

Operators like Liu Xiaowen are the second most.

Usually the director is not in charge, Zhang Jianquan is in charge.

Zhang Jianquan is good at reporting private revenges and deducting bonuses, so it is very unpopular. It is nicknamed Zhang Papi!

But because Zhang Jianquan and the director of the station are good brothers who have grown up together since childhood, the director of the station still asked Zhang Jianquan to be the director despite the public resentment.

“Xiaoye, come here for you.”

Ye Feng was recalling Zhang Jianquan’s history, and suddenly a slightly dissatisfied voice came from his ear.

Turning around, isn’t it just Zhang Jianquan?

Finish calling!

Zhang Jianquan went back to the office.

Ye Feng smiled and followed up to the office.

Zhang Jianquan first gave Ye Feng an offense: “Xiao Ye, do you have any opinions on me?”

Ye Feng: “No.”

Zhang Jianquan frowned: “Since there is no objection, why did you reply to me like that last night?”

Ye Feng said neither overbearing nor overbearing: “Your son is really not like you. I am not kind enough to ask you to check it out and save someone else to raise his son?”

Upon hearing this, Zhang Jianquan became anxious on the spot!

I am the director, and my intention is to let Ye Feng come over and admit his mistake.

Who would have thought… Ye Feng is so strong that he provokes their husband and wife relationship face to face, saying that his son is not his own!

Can he bear his violent temper?

Just when Zhang Jianquan was about to go crazy, Ye Feng suddenly said: “Director Zhang, if there is nothing else, I will host the show first, and I will bring a new person!” 16 Reading

Bring a new person?

These four words just came out.

Zhang Jianquan calmed down immediately.

He still needs this young man at the moment, he can’t tear his face!

Once the face is torn, the young man picks up and leaves on the spot, what should I do?

Thinking of this, Zhang Jianquan put on a smiling face, put his hand on Ye Feng’s shoulder, and said earnestly: “Xiao Ye, I know you have resentment!”

“You must have listened to some people’s rumors that Zhang Xiaoni is going to take your place.”

“I guarantee by my personality, this is absolutely nothing, you presided so well, you must continue to preside!”

“Also, when the director comes back, I will discuss with the director to give you a salary increase…”

Director Zhang has been talking about it for a long time, and the central idea has three meanings:

One: I’m not malicious to you

Two: Take Zhang Xiaoni well

Three: Will give you a salary increase

The time has come to ten o’clock, and the broadcast has begun.

Liu Xiaowen knocked on the door and said cautiously: “Director Zhang, the show has already started.”

Zhang Jianquan said impatiently: “I didn’t see it, I’m working with Xiaoye, and let Zhang Xiaoni get on top first.”


Liu Xiaowen promised to leave quickly.

It wasn’t until 10:25, about to enter the interactive session, that Zhang Jianquan looked at the time: “Xiao Ye, the time to chat with you is not too short, you can go back to host the show.”

Ye Feng said lightly: “Yes!”

Zhang Jianquan’s tone was very casual, and Fang Buddha was saying something trivial: “By the way, Zhang Xiaoni just came here to let her exercise more, she will host the session later, and you will come to the interactive session!”

A cold light flashed through Ye Feng Mou Zhong!

Zhang Jianquan is already tearing down his stage.

It is estimated that it will not be long before Zhang Xiaoni will be able to completely replace him.

The system has to rely on emotional value to feed, he will never allow Zhang Xiaoni to shake his position!

But in order not to tear his face, Ye Feng still said lightly: “Yes!”


Ye Feng returned to the show room!

The host session has come to an end.

Zhang Xiaoni obviously did a lot of work, and the soul chicken soup spouted from her mouth.

Seeing Ye Feng coming, Zhang Xiaoni took a provocative look at Ye Feng and continued her host:

“It’s about to enter the fan interaction session.”

“Before this, I must take a few minutes of interaction time to answer the previous fan’s question: [Is a smile useful?]”

“it’s here!”

“I tell everyone clearly: smiles are useful!”

“Life is a mirror. Only when you smile at the mirror will the mirror smile at you.”

“Smile is more responsible for life, for life, and for the future.”

“Smiling is like sunshine on the flowers and trees, it can make your life better!”

“The question was a female fan, let me tell you another famous saying: Girls who love to laugh, luck is never too bad!”

Speaking of which!

Zhang Xiaoni looked at Ye Feng provocatively: “Anchor Ye, girls who love to laugh are always lucky, are you right?”

Ye Feng nodded and shook his head again.

Zhang Xiaoni: “Anchor Ye, what do you mean?”

Ye Feng said lightly: “Girls who love to laugh are always lucky, but I don’t know how ugly you are, how can you laugh?”

Like women: This man is too showy! Please collect it: () Woman: This man is too nasty! .

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