Chapter 10 Ugly broke the sky

this moment!

The audience was stunned!

too ugly?

What kind of reason is this?

He thought about countless reasons.

for example:

Physically disabled!

Have a congenital disease!

Always fucking girlfriends!

Some people even thought about the grievances of the rich, but they didn’t think about ugliness or not!

After all, this world is very serious. Such a humorous person is simply a national treasure. Can you ignore the value of the face?

The graceful female voice was reluctant, and continued to ask: “Dare to ask Mr. anchor, how ugly are you?”

Ye Feng faintly said: “The kind of weeping ghosts and gods!”

The elegant girl said: “Can you describe it in detail?”

Ye Feng thought for a while, and now compiles: “When I was born, my dad was like Li Jing saw Ne Zha, he planned to cut me off!”

“He didn’t believe that he was killed. His handsome genes would give birth to a monster child like me. To prove his innocence, his mother took his father to the hospital for a paternity test.”

“The laboratory doctor just glanced at me, and immediately became autistic, and said with tears: His world is colorful. After seeing my facial features, his world becomes black and white!”

“The doctor said to my parents after shedding tears: Go back, this is not your child, nor is anyone’s child. Human beings can’t give birth to such an ugly child.”

“A trainee nurse didn’t believe in evil, so he glanced at me and collapsed in horror!”

“I cried, and the trainee nurse was directly scared into schizophrenia and was admitted to a mental hospital!”

“I didn’t dare to go to school when I was eighteen!”

“It’s not because I didn’t go to school, but I didn’t dare to go again after an hour in kindergarten.”

“The kindergarten children were scared and cried when they saw me. The children in the whole yard were calling their mothers for help.”

“The kindergarten teacher and dean were scared by me to get close.”

“Before this, Lu Yu had an appointment with me. The beauty of the anti-camera looked at me and was scared to urinate eight times. Since then, the root cause of frequent urination has been laid down!”

“The reporter in charge of the interview was abruptly scared and left a psychological shadow, and has had nightmares every day from now on!”

“Anyone who has watched the interview has had nightmares for six months in a row. They dare not approach the TV for six months, for fear that I will get out of the TV and scare them to death!”

“In order to prevent me from causing harm to the people of the world, the United Nations has built a hiding place for me on the top of Huashan Mountain.”

“Every year the gangsters from Hengshan School, Huashan School, Peach Blossom Island, Beggar Gang, and Sun Moon Sect will fight on the top of Huashan Mountain and compete for the handle of the world.”

“But since I settled on the top of Huashan Mountain, I scared the gangsters Guo Jing and Huang Rong to death, and also scared Yang Guo and Xiaolongnv to death, and also scared Linghuchong and Yue Lingshan to death. No one came to Huashan to discuss the sword.”

“For this reason, Xia Guo officially awarded me the Good Citizen Award, saying that I have maintained public order with a ugly force!”

“I live on the top of Huashan Mountain and feel the real peace. If you give me a copy of “Sword of Qinglian”, I can just sit down and cultivate immortals.”

“I think I’m handsome as an immortal cultivator, so I shouted to the sky: I’m so handsome!”

“The voice of [Sky] came from the sky immediately: No, you are ugly!”

“I was dissatisfied at the time, and shouted [If you don’t have the right to investigate, you have no right to speak, heaven, you stretch your head and look at me]!”

“I saw Cang Tian’s head sticking out from the clouds, and I was directly scared to death by my appearance!”

“After this, Zhang Jiao rebelled with the slogan: Cang Tian is dead, Huang Tian should stand up.” Wen Bi Zhai novels

“Hey, it’s true. It’s a sin, a sin, to scare the heavens to death by accident and cause chaos in the world!”

Speaking of last!

Ye Feng also sighed deeply.

This tone is full of vicissitudes, melancholy and loneliness!





The whole scene fell into unprecedented silence.

At this moment, it is not the needle drop that can be heard, but the sound of my heartbeat can be heard.

More than 30,000 people who listened to the radio, whether they were men or women, old people or children, were all stunned, the boss with an open mouth!

before this!

The audience just thought that the anchor would describe his facial features distorted, his eyes crooked and his mouth slanted…

Who would have thought that a “ugly” word could trigger so many stories!

God, is this anchor the devil?

After a brief silence!

The message area ushered in a fiery explosion!

“My dear, I counted it!”

“Just now the anchor described himself as ugly, using more than 800 words!”

“More than 800 words, I finished speaking in one breath, thinking that I would cry when I wrote 300 words back then.”

“You say that, it’s really eight hundred words, this… it’s really awesome, it’s a really awesome deity!”

“Hello, host, my knees have been washed, where are you kneeling?”

“The anchor is big, I like your kind of person who doesn’t have the ability to pretend to be a complete set!”

“Warning upstairs, pay attention to your words, why is my husband incapable? He has captured my heart!”

“That is, I just made a decision just now that non-anchors will not marry in this life!”

“The anchor is over for you. Your mother asked you to marry me, and your dad agreed, so she asked when you would marry me?”

“A coquettish bastard upstairs, get out, there will always be one who will come first, I am the big wife of the anchor, and you are all younger sisters!”


Everyone, cute, welcome to leave a message!

If you have any suggestions, I will make time to reply to you!

This book will definitely be written down, don’t worry, if this book makes you laugh, give me the evaluation ticket and flowers, love you!

In addition: thanks to the five old irons who rewarded!

Tang Qing!

Good luck lucky!

Peng Yuyan!


I heard that the longer the name, the better it is, such as this name!

Like women: This man is too showy! Please collect it: () Woman: This man is too nasty! .

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