After unlocking the ability of time management, in addition to the ability itself, Kaede also noticed that more other changes have occurred, that is, the previous nine abilities of Unreal Clock. All have been enhanced to a certain degree.

The scale X seems to be a threshold, after crossing this threshold is another stage.

Before this.

He can only be regarded as a user of Unreal Clock, and after this, he has begun to truly control the ability of Unreal Clock, beginning to’control’ time!

Use and control are two concepts.

The simplest way to say that is that if there are other people who have the ability of time-based rules, they can also try to fight against Kaede before, because both are users of time-ability.

But from now on, this situation doesn’t exist anymore.

If there are other people who have time-based abilities appear in front of Kaede, Kaede can block the other side’s ability directly from the time level, ignoring its own power!

To put it differently, if the time capability is a certain kind of software, then the user is simply using the software, and the controller has penetrated into the software. It is the developer of the software and can A certain degree of manipulation of the software itself!

The ability to be embodied lies in all aspects.

For example, Kaede now has to use Time Acceleration’s ability, which is no longer restricted by the time domain. It can completely accelerate and reverse time as one pleases, ignoring the distance interval of space, and even Can easily accelerate the entire world.

Including various abilities such as time backtracking, there are no longer any restrictions. Time Freeze is also no longer limited to the scope of the realm of time, but can directly stop the entire world!


After adapting to the improvement of time ability, Kaede lightly exhaled. He raised his head and looked at the sky, with a little emotional gaze in his eyes.

Finally, I can go back!

After mastering the ability to scale X, he is no longer a user of time ability but a controller. From this moment on, Time Jump is no longer a completely passive ability, but has been able to With control, he can already ride the river of time upstream!

Now he can return to the world he once arrived, return to One Piece, One Punch Man and the original Naruto World, and even he can go back to the time and space before his transmigrated!

Leaving from Naruto World, after experiencing multiple worlds, now I have the power of far surpasses when I first left Naruto World. Kaede, as a life that still maintains a human heart, naturally has a desire to go back and see it. The thought of seeing.

Going back and seeing it means that he will stop, just to travel the world for a long time, and occasionally go back to remember the past.


In spite of this emotion, Kaede did not leave immediately, because the matter here is not over yet, and the matter here must be resolved first.

Controlling those few disturbing thoughts in my heart, Kaede carefreely smiled, muttering to herself: “There will be such thoughts, which means that my mind is becoming more and more immune to the influence of time, even so After a long time, I can鈥檛 strip my emotions.”

“Well…Next, let鈥檚 analyze the guy鈥檚 ability first.”

After unlocking the scale X After the ability, his clearly understood future power has become stronger, and he can see more and more distant futures. If he wants, he can now directly point to the essence, clearly understood the future, and explore the traces of the one magic.


He doesn’t need to do this.

Because the power of the clearly understood past has also been enhanced, he can see more and more distant pasts, his eyes can be traced back to the beginning of the birth of this World, and even the creator of this World The source of Kaos.

No more magic, he only needs to go outside and use a higher level of clear sight to get the knowledge he wants and analyze the power of Kaos.

Since it has been possible to do so, Kaede naturally will not do unnecessary waiting.

Nothing is heard.

His silhouette traveled through the space, appeared outside the world, and came to the front of the ruined palace of Kaos.

There, Kaos is still imprisoned by Time Freeze, while Lilith is floating beside him, waiting with her eyes closed like a sculpture.

Immediately when Kaede appeared, Lilith was aware of it.


She eyes opened looked towards Kaede, a pair of amber-like pupils flowed with a little luster, and she said in a daze: “This is…”

Even if Kaede recovers from Time Freeze, he can鈥檛 detect anything unusual about Kaede, but as Kaede鈥檚 daughter, who has a close relationship with Kaede, she feels completely from Kaede different things.

A more accurate statement is that she sensed two Kaede.

One is Kaede who appears in front of him, and the other exists within the realm created by Kaos. The two Kaede have almost no changes in her senses, as if they are the same person. But the difference is that although I felt that two Kaedes appeared, there was a strange feeling that these two Kaedes would never meet.


She has no problems with her senses.

Kaede used the ability time management he had just acquired. He exists here and at the same time in the fairy tail world.

This is not the ability of clone, because the Kaede on both sides actually exist on different time scales, both of which are Kaede himself, which is difficult to describe in words.

If you barely use crude and understandable language to describe, then this is probably the case鈥攖ime is divided into infinitely small sizes.

One second is divided into hundreds of billions of hundred billionths of a second, and among them, Kaede exists in the fairy tail world, and the next one One hundred millionth of a second, he stood outside the world, in front of the palace of Kaos.

Because the division is too small, it feels as if it exists at two points’simultaneously’. Two Kaedes appear, but in fact there is only one.

Of course.

This is just a concept that is barely easy for people to understand. In fact, the ability to scale X has surpassed the basic rules of time. It doesn’t exist’split’ to infinitely small, and the previous scale is on the side. The next dimension is the concept of another side, but it has surpassed itself.

“It’s my new ability, try it a little bit.”

Kaede looked Lilith smiled easily.

The new abilities are always to be tested.

For hard explanation, this ability is to divide time into infinitely small scales, allowing him to move continuously at two points on an extremely fine scale, but in his own senses it is Another concept.

Because he can manage this scale of time, it can happen’simultaneously’ in his senses, or it can happen sequentially.

Time doesn’t exist in front of him. There is only an’event’. Every infinitely small scale is an’event’, and he can arrange it freely.

“Father is become-stronger again.”

Lilith’s cute start to talk.

Although she did not understand for a while, it did not prevent her from realizing that Kaede had become stronger.

Kaede reached out and touched her little head, then turned to look at Kaos, who was imprisoned by Time Freeze next to him, and said casually: “It’s time.”

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